Town of hamden departments. Applications must be received by 4:30 p.
Town of hamden departments 6 million dollars from the State of Connecticut to build a new firestation to replace existing Firestation 2. 34,805 36,000 91,000 25,968 91,000 100,000 Moved to Police Department - Hamden primarily utilizes the to showcase the Town of Hamden as both a . Information and resources for All Town of Hamden Departments. The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will hold a hybrid regular meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 5:30PM. Physical Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Meetings will be held at 7:00p. (Building, Electrical and Plumbing Codes, Construction performed without required permits) Fire Marshal (203) 407-3182. Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. The following is a listing of the departments of Hamden's Municipal Government from M-Z. The mission of the Hamden Fire Commission is to assist the Fire Department in ensuring that the citizens of the Town have the best possible fire service. The onboarding, separation, upgrading, reclassification, termination, and retirement of Town employees. This card is valid from September 2024 – August 2025. Town of Hamden Traffic Calming Prioritization Framework. These projects were identified based on the prioritization framework and complete streets policy. s. ft. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the Hamden Police Department is authorized to accept and expend additional grant funds up to $35,000 from the State of Connecticut Department Dec 2, 2024 · 1. Fax: 203-287-7101. The Town of Hamden website uses a web-based system which allows individual departments to maintain and update individual web pages. com or mailed to 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518, 30 days before 2017 to 2023 Library American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees 1303 - 115 Collective Bargaining Agreement Final (PDF) TOWN OF HAMDEN DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT. Apply by March 24. Phone: 203-287-7000 | Directory. If you are unsure as to whom you need to contact with regard to a specific question or concern, please phone the Constituent Services Center at 203-287-7000 to speak with a staff member. Each department has an individual Department Head, responsible for the oversight of their department. Email the Technology Dept. The meeting took place in person in the Police Commission Conference Room, Hamden Police Department, 2900 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT, 06518 and online via Zoom. Inland Wetlands Commission 2025 Meeting Schedule . policeapp. 23 Oct 16, 2024 · Town of Hamden Planning Department Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 October 10, 2024 AGENDA: The INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION, Town of Hamden, will hold an Electronic Special Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 7:00 p. Applications must be received by 4:30 p. Bids, RFPs, RFQs All Bids, RFPs and RFQs are available on the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services. Fax: (203) 287-7075 . Hamden Public Library. department of justice (this item was removed) 11. on the close date to be eligible for TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT POLICE COMMISSION : Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Tel: 203287-7070 Fax: (203) 287- 7075 Mayor Garrett’s Proposed 2025-2026 Budget Presentation to the Legislative Council The mission of the Hamden Fire Commission is to assist the Fire Department in ensuring that the citizens of the Town have the best possible fire service. Phone: 203-287-7021. 42 The Traffic Department operates and maintains 80 signalized intersections in town. December 13, 2024 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes The Traffic Department operates and maintains 80 signalized intersections in town. The Police Department has continued with their community Policing Initiative which resulted a total count of 437 foot patrol within the community. Town of Hamden . The Department of Economic & Neighborhood Development in Hamden, CT strives to be responsive to the business Neighborhood’s needs, provide initiatives & support. The Traffic Department also constructs or reconstructs new signal systems as conditions warrant. 120' 40' 40' 20' 15% 20% 35' R-3 20,000 sq. Sealed proposals (1 original and Three 3 copies and 1 electronic copy) will be received at the Apr 13, 2021 · Hamden, CT. order authorizing the town of hamden to accept and expend the 2024 edward byrne memorial justice assistance grant from the u. Officers are assisted with Columbus House warming shelters on Shelton Avenue, Hamden, CT. The Traffic Department maintains an estimated 9,000 traffic control signs, and an estimated 2,000 street name signs. The position of a Hamden Police Officer involves the Mar 3, 2021 · The Town of Hamden received $24,140,338 in Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Funds authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and administered through the U. Visit the Hamden Public Library website. The interviews will be conducted at the Police Commission Conference Room, Hamden Police Department, 2900 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT, 06518. Apply for positions with the Town of Hamden via the Jobs Module. Home. The Commission consists of seven commissioners who assemble monthly with the Recreation Director for an in-depth progress report on the status of recreational sites and complaints. Emergency Phone: 911 Information and resources for Town Departments M-Z. If you have questions regarding your permit application, contact the Building Department at 203 TOWN OF HAMDEN DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT. Discuss upcoming projects with the Engineering and Traffic Departments Town of Hamden. COMMERCIAL INFO RECENTLY UPDATED The department provides a range of services to both the Town and the Board of education to assure efficient functioning and compliance with established procurement procedures. The Town of Hamden is currently accepting applications for the position of full-time Certified Police Officer. Department of Treasury to address local needs generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Garrett’s Proposed 2025-2026 Budget Presentation to the Legislative Council Distribution of payroll checks for the Town side of government; Information technology planning and upgrading; Keeping and supervision of all accounts; Purchase of goods and services needed by the Town; Risk Management; Other duties as the Town Council may by ordinance so require; Town of Hamden Employee Retirement Application and Information The Planning and Zoning Department has a large number of responsibilities, ranging from helping the public to enforcing regulations. com or mailed to 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518, 30 days before The Planning and Zoning Department has a large number of responsibilities, ranging from helping the public to enforcing regulations. The Hamden Board of Education is an incredibly dedicated group of Hamden citizens who care deeply about public education in our town, and work tirelessly on efforts that will help our schools to be exemplary in every way. 2750 Dixwell Oct 1, 2024 · What Does Hamden Public Works Department do? Town of Hamden. Below is the schedule of Hamden Inland Wetlands Commission Meetings for the 2025 calendar year. Police Department Hamden, CT residents can apply for and manage permits, licenses, and inspections online with OpenGov. Please refer to the information below, including "Required Inspections", prior to submitting an application. Phone: 203-407-5880. Monday Nights, 6:30pm - 9:30pm (Hamden Middle School Gym) A "drop-in" and play volleyball program for adults over 18 years of age! You can pre-pay $50. on the Town‘s Zoom teleconferencing Physical Address: Hamden Government C enter 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. * Use this form to contact members of the Finance team with needs and concerns. via Zoom meeting. The Civil Service Commission will review and certify six the Eligibility List in(6) month intervals, to a maximum of two (2) years, with prior notice and approval from the Department Head. Website Sign In Oct 30, 2024 · Town of Hamden Planning Department Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 October 30, 2024 AGENDA: The INLAND WETLANDS COMMISSION, Town of Hamden, will hold an Electronic Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 7:00 p. com/Entry-Level-Hamden-CT-Police-Officer- Jobs/4889/ In addition, the Mayor collects information from the State of Connecticut to determine Hamden's likely share of available state grants. 2750 Dixwell Avenue May 20, 2021 · 2623 Dixwell Avenue, Town Green District Hamden Middle School Expansion Town of Hamden School Building Committee, Applicant 2. Jan 21, 2025 · TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT Economic Development Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The Economic Development Commission, for the Town of Hamden, held a Regular Meeting on January 14, 2025, at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Projects Revaluation Resource Center updated regularly, check back often. Departments. Police Department Bicycle Patrol Routes Tel: TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT POLICE COMMISSION AGENDA : Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06518 (203) 287-4015 TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT POLICE COMMISSION : MEETING AGENDA Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Tel: 203287-7070 Fax: (203) 287- 7075 Agenda: The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 5:30 PM. 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden In accordance with the MS4 Stormwater General Permit effective July 1, 2017, the Town of Hamden has complied with registration requirements of the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance Water Permitting and Enforcement Division at the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Fire Department. The Commission oversees the administration of Department policies and, when necessary, takes disciplinary action on behalf of our residents. 200' 50' 50' 30' 15% 20% 3 5' R-2 40,000 sq. Link: Engineering Department Page The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will held a hybrid special meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 6:00PM. The Hamden Fire Department is seeking sealed competitive bids for Turnout Gear Extractor Washer and Drying Cabinet. Town of Hamden. The Fire Department works to save lives and protect property through prevention, preparedness, education and response. . The meeting will take place in person in the Police Commission Conference Room, Hamden Police Department, 2900 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT, 06518 and online via the following Zoom coordinates: Join Zoom Meeting Aug 9, 2017 · TOWN OF HAMDEN PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT LOT REQUIREMENTS1 As of August 17, 2017 Zone Area2 Lot Width Front Yard3 Rear Yard Side Yard Building Coverage Lot (Impervious Surface) Coverage Building Height R-1 80,000 sq. In addition, the Commission is also responsible for developing a comprehensive plan for the delivery of these human services. NOTICE OF WEIGHT RESTRICTION ON TODD ST. Jan 29, 2025 · 024 police department estim rev adjstmts est rev revenue revenue coll 2401 police extra duty revenue 10324 2401 police ext -2,500,000 0 -2,500,000 -1,442,537. com TOWN OF HAMDEN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VARIANCE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Below please find a checklist of all the required application materials to be submitted to the Planning Office. States, Governor of the State of Connecticut or Hamden Mayor, or any other declaration of the Hamden Mayor, fees at the Transfer Station may be suspended by the Mayor. Our events to name a few are baseball games, cornhole tournament, parade, 5k run/walk, square dance, food trucks and vendors, history tours, history interpreters, history books, commemorative merchandise and much, much, more. Public Hearing 1. The Town of Hamden has been awarded $8. CONNECTICUT . TOWN OF HAMDEN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Mark Austin, PE, PWE, FNSPE Tel: (203) 287-7040 Town Engineer Fax: (203) 287-7045 MEMORANDUM Date: May 8, 2020 To: Curt Balzano Leng, Mayor Curtis Eatman, Interim Finance Director David Garretson, Chief of Staff From: Mark Austin, PE, Town Engineer HAMDEN – Mayor Curt Balzano Leng is pleased to announce that Hamden’s Building Department has adopted a new operating schedule designed to afford Hamden residents and business owners enhanced access to building officials. All forms must be completed and returned to the Pension Department by email to zharris@hamden. Feb 2, 2025 · 024 police department estim rev adjstmts est rev revenue revenue coll 2401 police extra duty revenue 10324 2401 police ext -2,500,000 0 -2,500,000 -1,632,864. 3rd Annual Hamden Boards & Commissions Fair Learn more about our Boards & Commissions Town of Hamden . in the Legislative Council Chambers, Memorial Town Hall, 2372 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT. The entire Police Department also completed the fair and impartial policing training The Town has developed plans for transportation safety, and intends to begin work in the coming year. Find information about the programs and services of the Recreation Department. order authorizing the town of hamden on behalf of the fire department Police Department. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Work on the 2024 paving list was completed in late April and was finalized in preparation for July beginning of work. Complete Streets Policy. hamden. Application Submission. Wydra Acting Chief of Police August 4, 2023 HAMDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT 2900 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 230-4015 Fax: (203) 288-4876 Town of Hamden Planning and Zoning Department Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 October 18, 2022 A. TOWN OF HAMDEN ENGINEERING PERMITS Government Center Engineering Department 2750 Dixwell Avenue, 3rd Fl Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: 203-287-7040 Fax: 203-287-7045 Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 June 14, 2022 MINUTES: The Planning and Zoning Commission, Town of Hamden, held a Public Hearing and Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 7:00 p. The Town of Hamden's Building Department is the place to request the appropriate documentation for your project. 2750 Dixwell Physical Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. The following will be discussed. The Retirement Board shall manage and administer the employees' retirement plan of the Town of Hamden, Connecticut. Each department has the responsibility and ability to update information as soon as it is released. 59 Agenda: The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will hold a special hybrid meeting to interview and consider for the promotion of two (2) Sergeant position(s) on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:00PM. The Hamden Police Department is composed of individuals who work cohesively to preserve the peace, deter and prevent crime, apprehend offenders, pursue justice for victims, promote traffic safety, and educate the public. Apply Online. order authorizing the cooperative purchasing of electricity and Meetings will be held in the Legislative Council Chambers, Hamden Memorial Town Hall (2372 Whitney Avenue), and on Zoom. Please check our town website minutes for the exact dates of the meetings. Fax: 203-287-7135. Special Permit and Site Plan #21-1340 275 Mount Carmel Avenue, R-2 Zone Relocation of 6 Tennis Courts Quinnipiac University, Applicant 3. 06518 Phone: 203-287-2579 www. order authorizing the town of hamden to make application, and if awarded accept and expend funds from the state of connecticut, depart-ment of economic and community development community investment fund round 6 placemaking and streetscape improvements- dixwell corridor 2. APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____ _____ SUSAN GRUEN President DOMINIQUE BAEZ, Town Attorney Legislative Council Physical Address: Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Link: Planning and Zoning Department Page Jan 31, 2025 · The Parks & Recreation Commission is dedicated to improving recreational activities for Hamden residents of all ages with commitment to the Town of Hamden. • Human Resources will notify the Department Head when a list is set to be recertified or - expired. Keefe Community Center Portal. Inland Wetlands Commission Regular Meeting Schedule 2025 Agendas & Minutes May 11, 2023 · town of hamden legislative council order authorizing the town of hamden to make application and to accept and expend funds from the state of connecticut, department of economic and community development community investment fund 2030- affordable housing project 2980 state street presented by: _____ Feb 28, 2022 · Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 February 15, 2022 MINUTES: THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION, Town of Hamden, held a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting via Zoom teleconferencing technology with the following results on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 7:00 p. 3rd Annual Hamden Boards & Commissions Fair Learn more about our Boards & Commissions Hamden Police Depoartment seeks authorization to accept and expend additional funds of up to $35,000 and enter into an Amended ARPA Auto Theft and Violance Grant Agreement. May 31, 2024 · The Town of Hamden does this through the many programs and services offered though the Town’s long-range Economic Development Plan. m. S. Special Permit and Site #21-1339 2100 Dixwell Avenue, T-5 Zone Letter to the Department Head. memorandum of agreement (police department) (this item was removed) 10. Police Department Developing, coordinating, and executing all policies, practices, and procedures for the employees of the Town of Hamden. Adopted by the Legislative Council at its meeting held on _____, 2022. Zoning Map and Zoning Regulation Amendment 22-986/22-987 275, 425, 475, 495, 515, 515A, 513, 517 Mount Carmel Avenue; 355, 385 New Road; & 305 Spruce Bank Road. Feb 26, 2025 · For information regarding Town Code inspection, or complaints, the following Town department should be contacted: Building Department (203) 287-7160. Link: Recycling Coordinator TOWN OF HAMDEN OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7100 Fax: (203) 287-7101 July 14, 2020 Legislative Council Hamden Government Center Hamden, CT 06518 Re: Information Item – Accrued Benefits – Dennis Ryan (Police Detective – Police Department) $37,826. Planning and Zoning Department . The Town of Hamden accepts applications only for currently advertised openings. 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518. The meeting will be a 100% virtual meeting. Site Map. Paving locations were determined jointly between Town of Hamden Public Works and the Engineering Department. Phone: 203-287-7040. The Human Resources/Civil Service Department is responsible for the recruitment and testing for all civil service positions included in the Classified Service for both the Town and the Hamden Board of Education. com Dear Swimming Pool Patrons, At this time, you may now purchase “Season Pool Passes” for the 2024-2025 swim seasons. on the Town‘s Zoom teleconferencing Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 July 20, 2021 MINUTES: THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION, Town of Hamden, held a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting in the Legislative Council Chambers, Memorial Town Hall, 2372 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT with the Tell us how the Finance Department can help. Tel: (203) 287-7070 . Phone: 203-287-7022. This is The Town of Hamden Engineering Department's project page and where the Engineering Department will post public facing data such as project updates, project documents, and relevant information. Since 1998, the department has implemented a comprehensive, long-range Economic Development Plan , putting initiatives into action through several business incentives and programs for new and existing businesses Dec 10, 2024 · TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT POLICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Ave Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Tel: 203287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will hold a hybrid regular meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 5:30 PM in the Police Commission Conference Room, Police Department, 3rd Annual Hamden Boards & Commissions Fair Learn more about our Boards & Commissions TOWN OF HAMDEN . Mayor Garrett’s Proposed 2025-2026 Budget Presentation to the Legislative Council Apr 3, 2024 · Town of Hamden Police Department is now hiring. 00 per night! The Hamden Building Department facilitates permits and licenses through the Click here for the Building Department Online Permitting Portal. The Town of Hamden Legislative Council passed a resolution in support of the Traffic Authority's complete streets policy. Unsolicited resumes or applications cannot be retained for future openings. Phone: 203-287-7070. Mailing Address: 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518. Sep 15, 2023 · Planning Department · Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue · Hamden, CT 06518 Phone (203) 287-7070 Fax (203) 287-7075 www. The Town of Hamden, Connecticut, is pleased to present its 2025-2029 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which serves as a strategic framework for the use of federal funding allocated through the U. The following is a listing of the departments of Hamden's Municipal Government. Mar 1, 2024 · The Hamden Human Services Commission was created to identify, provide advisement, and to formulate human service needs for the departments of elderly, youth and community services in the Town of Hamden. 00 for all the sessions OR pay as you go per “drop-in” $5. TOWN OF HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT POLICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Ave Hamden, Connecticut 06518 Tel: 203287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 The Police Commission, Town of Hamden, will hold a hybrid regular meeting and interviews Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. TOWN OF HAMDEN INVITATION TO BID BID #2891 TURNOUT GEAR EXTRACTOR WASHER AND DRYING CABINET . Keefe Community Center. Phone: 203-287-7130. Our Board of Education is composed of nine elected officials and two student representatives. If you have questions regarding your permit application, contact the Building Department at 203 Each department has an individual Department Head, responsible for the oversight of their department. 16. Link: Human Resources Page The Town of Hamden, CT is a designated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Community, with CDBG funding administered by the Office of Housing and Neighborhood Dev The Commission consults with the Police Chief, Town Engineer, Director of Public Works, and/or Town Planner, who provide recommendations. https://www. Dec 15, 2022 · Planning and Zoning Department Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Tel: (203) 287-7070 Fax: (203) 287-7075 Amended SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Hamden, will hold Public Hearings and Special Meeting on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 7:00 p. Directions Physical Address: View Map Hamden Fire Headquarters 2372 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT 06518. Meetings & Calendar Retirement Board meetings occur at 3PM on the second Wednesday of every month at Hamden Government Center, Third Floor Conference Room, 2750 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden CT 06518. Overseeing and providing advice on employee relations and behavioral management for all Town departments. The Mayor also collects information from banking professionals about the Town's debt service and how much interest might be generated on the Town's fund balance, which is similar to a savings account for the Town. By visiting their office, located within the Hamden Government Center, you'll be able to gather specific information regarding the fees and processing times associated with your permit application. Sep 13, 2023 · Timothy F. Mayor 2020-2021 The Hamden Building Department facilitates permits and licenses through the Click here for the Building Department Online Permitting Portal. Hamden, CT 06518 . Hamden Government Center 2750 Dixwell Avenue . Below is the zoom meeting recording . The Town of Hamden Complete Streets Policy. awqb lqacc wpbe tkjclpf mtihx pyijv lmhmrn isbz pdtf fblf sylblio pewrdgc zhdbl ovryr kjq