Sebastian county tax collector. Office Hours: M-F 8:00a - 4:30p.
Sebastian county tax collector Municipal Fines Fort Smith AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. In-Person Office Payments. The office assesses personal property and vehicles in Sebastian County, Arkansas, and collects property taxes. Application due to property appraiser by March 1. Search for land records, county maps, or property information. Vero Beach, FL 32960 (772) 226-1469. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm and can be reached by phone at 479-783-8948. LOCATIONS. Step 1: Locate the "search" bar. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Sebastian County Tax Collector locations in Greenwood, AR. Property Taxes . Find property assessments, tax payment records, and property tax history. Highway #1 Sebastian, FL. Explore Sebastian County, AR land records ๐บ๏ธ. Courts Building 901 South B Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 Access Sebastian County, AR tax records online. 8948 or Email For specific forms pertaining to these categories, address your emails to: Indian River County Tax Collector (Sebastian Office) Address. Sebastian County Building Departments. 479-783-8948. The Sebastian County Assessor's office, located in Fort Smith, Arkansas, is responsible for assessing personal property and vehicles within the county. Payment of personal and real estate property taxes can be made by the following methods: By mail : Sebastian County Tax Collector PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Sebastian County offers a multitude of resources to address your property and tax questions and needs. 2 miles This government agency assesses property values and provides online assessment and tax payment services. , Bldg. Oceanside Office of the Indian River County, Tax Collector. Home; Sebastian County; Search; Year Built Sebastian County Assessor - Fort Smith 35 So. See hours Carole Jean Jordan, Tax Collector, serving Indian River County Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Counties Served: Sebastian Explore All of the ways DFA Can Serve You. Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug Find 21 listings related to Sebastian County Tax Collector in Greenwood on YP. The Tax Collector of Indian River County provides full driver license services (including computer testing and road tests). 6th Fort Smith, AR 72901 . Property Tax Sebastian County Tax Collector 479-783-4163. Pay your personal property and real estate taxes in Sebastian County, Arkansas, through the Tax Payment Portal. Box 1509 Vero Beach, FL 32961-1509 DMV Office in 1921 US Highway 1, Sebastian, Florida. Divorce Records Sebastian Circuit Clerk’s Office 479-782-1046. Sebastian County Courts Building 901 South B Street, Rm 205 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Phone: 479-782-1046 Explore all Property Records in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Contact us: 479. Nov 10, 2022 ยท NOV. Deputy Tax Collector at Sebastian County Tax Collector · Experience: Sebastian County Tax Collector · Location: Fort Smith · 1 connection on LinkedIn. , Room 105, Fort Smith, AR 72901, Phone (479)784-1516 Fax (479)784-1522, Sebastian County Assessor - Greenwood, 301 East Center, Room 113, Greenwood, AR 72936 Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. 1516 or contact us by email to have an application sent, or come by our office. com; Share Sebastian County Assessor Address. Our goal is to assist county residents in maintaining up-to-date real estate property tax information, assessment data and other complimentary services. B. Sebastian Office of the Indian River County, Tax Collector. Sebastian County Tax Collector Office 35 South 6th Street Fort Smith, AR 72901 479-783-8948 Directions. Lora Rice - email LOCATIONS. Florida law does not provide for motor vehicle registration renewal notices, although the Tax Collector of Indian River County does mail out courtesy renewal notices. 8, and making Cothran the Apr 14, 2020 ยท Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. The Sebastian County assessor's office can help you with many of your property tax related issues To get started, please confirm the county you want to pay taxes in: Select your county Arkansas Baxter Benton Boone Calhoun Chicot Clark Clay Cleburne Craighead Crawford Crittenden Dallas Grant Greene Hempstead Jackson Johnson Lawrence Lee Little River Logan Lonoke Miller Mississippi Montgomery Nevada Newton Ouachita Perry Phillips Pike Property Tax Payments for 2023 are due October 15. S. Taxes are due March 1, 2020 through October 15, 2020 Exemptions. Under this category, you can search public property records for free, including property assessment, unclaimed property, deeds, mortgage documents, registries, house ownership, titles, and more. Sebastian County Assessor - Fort Smith 35 So. Electronic Statements Are Now Available. Tips: How to Use Search Function. taxes. Tuesday. , Van Buren, and is Main Office of the Indian River County, Tax Collector. Contact the county collector Lora Lea Rice for more information or questions. Property owners can pay their taxes online, in person at the county courthouse, or by mail. 5%. 10, 2022 - Haywood County elected Republican Sebastian Cothran as the county tax collector, defeating sitting Democrat Greg West in the 2022 midterm election Nov. These courtesy renewal notices are mailed 4 weeks prior to the month in which the registration expires; from data compiled by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. All transactions are secure and provided to you through a third Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug Search Parcel Records. 35 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, AR 72901. , Room 105, Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone (479)784-1516 Fax (479)784-1522 Sebastian County Assessor - Greenwood Sebastian County Government LOCATIONS Fort Smith Courthouse 35 So. The City of Fort Smith collects sales tax at the rate of 9. “Tell em Wesley Sent Me” Two Convenient Offices: Vero Office. Property Assessment Sebastian County Assessor’s Office 479-783-8948. Monday. Sebastian Corners 1921 U. Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Feb 11, 2023 ยท Indian River County Tax Collector Sebastian Square 11610 US Hwy 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 United States. The ad-valorem taxes and non ad-valorem assessments. Wait Time: N/A (772) 388-6034. 3. Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug The Tax Collector of Indian River County provides full driver license services (including computer testing and road tests). ) on the property. View Kathy Caperton’s profile on LinkedIn, a Indian River County Tax Collector - Carole Jean Jordan | Tax Collector 1921 US Hwy 1 Sebastian FL 32958 (772) 226-1338 (772) 226-1345; www. Collector Offices Fort Smith Courthouse 35 S 6th, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mailing Address: PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 About Sebastian County Assessor. The AcreValue Sebastian County, AR plat map, sourced from the Sebastian County, AR tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. Penalty for late payment of taxes apply October 16. Closed. Phone, address, hours, payment options & holidays. Access GIS mapping services like environmental maps, zoning maps, and flood zone maps. Property owners in Arkansas can also claim a […] Sr. Contact the assessor's office if you need help with paying your property taxes, applying for a homestead exemption or other tax exemption You must notify either the Assessor or the Collector to assure proper billing What do I do if I have a different vehicle? Notify the Assessor's Office by calling 479. The amount of property tax owed is based on the assessed value of the property, which is determined by the county assessor. Search Arkansas Assessor and Collector records online from the comfort of your home. If you feel you meet the qualifications for exempt status on your property, please call the office at 479. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Sebastian County Fair Board; Seb. Business, Finance & Real Estate Offices in Sebastian County. Tax Collector, serving Indian River County Any unpaid taxes after the October 15 deadline are considered delinquent and the collector assesses a 10% penalty against the taxpayer. Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug Dec 18, 2024 ยท Scott Randolph was elected Orange County Tax Collector in November 2012 and reelected in 2016. As an agent for the State of Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Tax Collector must follow the procedures set forth in the Florida State Statutes and Administrative Rules. O. 26-26-903 in Arkansas law states that every person of full age and sound mind shall list the real property of which he is the owner, situated in the county in which he resides and the personal property of which he is the owner. Justice Building 901 South B St. 8AM to 5PM Find geospatial data and maps for Sebastian County, AR. Drivers. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Mar 7, 2025 ยท Sebastian County Assessor's Office Zach Johnson Phone: (479) 783-8948 Fax: (479) 784-1522 Searching Sebastian County, AR . Get Tax Collector's Office of Indian River County - Sebastian Branch reviews, rating, hours, phone number, directions and more. Sebastian County Assessor is located at 301 E Center St # 113 in Greenwood, Arkansas 72936. Taxes are due March 1 through October 15. Use these resources from the City of Fort Smith and Sebastian County to understand local landscapes and zoning. 8 AM – 12 PM 1 PM – 5 PM < View All County Offices. For TAX, DMV, Driver License and Hunting/Fishing payments, we accept: American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard®, Visa®, debit cards with a MasterCard© or Visa® logo in person at any of the Indian River County Tax Collector’s office locations. All Rights Reserved | Site by GrowthZone The Brevard County Tax Collector’s Office is committed to ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 The Sebastian County Tax Assessor's Office oversees the appraisal and assessment of properties as well as the billing and collection of property taxes for all taxable real estate located in Sebastian County. City of Sebastian. A User making a payment using an e-check will be charged a flat Service Fee set by the county collector no matter the amount of the tax payment. For Crawford County, the collector's office is Room 2 in the Crawford County Courthouse, 300 Main St. County Law Library Board Pay Taxes; Delinquent Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug Simply call the office at 479. com Sebastian County Assessor 6515 Phoenix Avenue, Fort Smith, AR The office assesses personal property and vehicles in Sebastian County, Arkansas, and collects property taxes. IRCTax. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Sebastian Office. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72956 Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. Franklin County Assessor Get Tax Collector's Office of Indian River County - Sebastian Branch can be contacted at 772-226-1338. , Room 105, Fort Smith, AR 72901, Phone (479)784-1516 Fax (479)784-1522, Sebastian County Assessor - Greenwood, 301 East Center, Room 113, Greenwood, AR 72936 Sebastian County Clerk’s Office 479-782-5065. Many counties offer online personal property assessment and property tax payments for your convenience. Birth or Death Records State of Arkansas Department of Health 1-800-462-0599. How to schedule your DMV Appointment in Sebastian By Phone. https://www. Arkansas law, 26-2-107 states that all personal property whether real or personal property, shall be subject to taxation. Step 2: Use as little info as possible to search for a property. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Lora Rice - email LOCATIONS. Agendas & Minutes Haywood County Government 215 N Main Street Waynesville, NC. Act 27 of 2013 authorizes the County Tax Collector to send tax statements electronically. Sebastian County Fort Smith District Law Library Board; Solid Waste Management Board; 2020 in Tax Collector. Payment & Fees; Express Lane Service; Registration Renewal Kiosk Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. § 26-35-705 It is the taxpayers responsibility to make sure their personal property and real estate taxes are paid on time. Phone: 828-452-6625 About Sebastian County Assessor. 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 . O. Randolph represented Orange County residents in the Florida Legislature where he served as a senior member on the Finance and Tax Committee. From the total tax amounts collected, the following percentages are sent to the respective departments (effective January 1, 2023): State of Arkansas Sales Tax: 6. 1921 US Hwy 1 Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 226-1338. 8 AM – 12 PM 1 PM – 5 PM Lora Rice - email LOCATIONS. 5%; City of Fort Smith Tax: 2%; Sebastian County Tax: 1%; Where Does the 2% City Tax Go? Tax Collector: Email Sebastian Cothran Return to Staff Directory. 784. Mailing Address Change. 00 minimum charge no matter the amount of the tax payment . Box 1358, Fort Smith Understanding the procedures regarding property taxes can save you money and will help this office to better serve you. Mar 20, 2020 ยท Assessor. ๐๐ผ If you would like for us to send your business assessment to you using Microsoft Excel, contact the Assessor's Office. 1800 27 th St. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 Mail: Carole Jean Jordan, Tax Collector P. Find land parcel info, public land records, and more through local offices. This can be a wonderful service rather than waiting to pay a lump sum! WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. As an agent for the State of Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Tax Collector must follow the procedures set forth in the Florida State Statutes and Administrative Rules Item Type: Bike License Plate, Key Fob, License Plate, Mouse Pad, Mug Sebastian County Tax Collector Office. 783. Choose a County Assessment of Business Personal Accounts . FAQ; Homestead Credit; Scott Sebastian County Library Board; Sebastian County Fair Board; Seb. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Lora Rice - email LOCATIONS. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Sebastian Tax Assessor: Sebastian County Assessor - Fort Smith Tax Assessor Office Address: 35 So. Collector Offices Fort Smith Courthouse 35 S 6th, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mailing Address: PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 The Service Fee percentage on credit card payments is set by the county collector and there is a $2. Fort Smith, AR. Start your search now! As of September 6th, all Homestead Exemption applications submitted will be for the 2025 tax year. Collector Offices Fort Smith Courthouse 35 S 6th, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mailing Address: PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Chief Deputy at Sebastian County Tax Collector · Experience: Sebastian County Tax Collector · Location: Fort Smith · 1 connection on LinkedIn. Oct 21, 2024 ยท Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. 8948 Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. The office collects personal and real property taxes, accepts payments by mail, in person, or over the phone, and is located in the Fort Smith Courthouse. 8 AM – 12 PM 1 PM – 5 PM. 65+ & DISABLED TAX FREEZE If you are a home-owner and your home is your principal place of residence and you are 65 or older or disabled, you will qualify to have your property value Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. Oct 14, 2024 ยท The Sebastian County Tax Collector's office phone number is (479) 783-4163. com. Sebastian County Assessor's Office 35 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, AR Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Prior to becoming the Orange County Tax Collector, Mr. To report an ADA accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please contact the office at (321) 264-6930 or visit the Contact Us page to send an electronic message. org Search for: Title & Tag. View Sharon Brooks’ profile on Fort Smith Tax Assessor: Sebastian County Assessor - Fort Smith Tax Assessor Office Address: 35 So. Office Hours: M-F 8:00a - 4:30p. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 The Sebastian County Tax Assessor is the local official who is responsible for assessing the taxable value of all properties within Sebastian County, and may establish the amount of tax due on that property based on the fair market value appraisal. Find contact information, hours, services, and helpful resources for Sebastian County taxpayers. Delinquent personal taxes cannot be paid by check. Sebastian County Assessor can be contacted via phone at 479-996-6591 for pricing, hours and directions. Collector Offices Fort Smith Courthouse 35 S 6th, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mailing Address: PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. Property Owner Bill of Rights. Suggest an Edit to Office Sebastian County Property Records (Arkansas) Public Records for Sebastian County, Arkansas include 43,072 properties with a median sale price of $168,000, most buildings were constructed between 1960 and 2007, with some properties dating back to as early as 1840. Learn about the duties, qualifications, and responsibilities of the county assessor and the appraisers/deputies. Sebastian County Assessor's Office 35 South 6th Street, Fort Smith, AR Sebastian County Assessor 6515 Phoenix Avenue, Fort Smith, AR The office assesses personal property and vehicles in Sebastian County, Arkansas, and collects property taxes. Find information about the county assessor's office, real estate records, tax records, and free search options in Sebastian County, Arkansas. County Law Library Board Mail your Payment to: Tax Collector, P. Permanent Florida residency required on January 1. Crawford County Assessor's Office Main Street, Van Buren, AR - 5. 1516 or contact us by email to have an application sent, or come by and fill one out and we will apply the credit to your home. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Zach Johnson - email LOCATIONS. 6th St. Make an Appointment โฏ Sebastian Office; Main Office Hours. Fort Smith Courthouse 35 South 6th Street, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mon - Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Personal Property & Business: 479-783-8948 Sebastian County Assessor's Office Zach Johnson Fort Smith Office (479) 783-8948 Greenwood Office 479-996-6591 Fax (479) 784-1522 Assessor's Website Lora Rice - email LOCATIONS. , Room 105, Fort Smith, AR 72901 Phone (479)784-1516 Fax (479)784-1522 Sebastian County Assessor - Greenwood Schedule an Appointment with the Tax Collector's Office. Oct 16, 2018 ยท Payments of all taxes are due in full by October 15th. Susie Hassett - email. irctax. Sebastian County Assessor Phone Number (479) 783-8948 Sebastian County Collector Lora Lea Rice PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Email: collector@sebastiancollector. Ad-valorem taxes are based on the value of the real estate and any improvements (structures, buildings, etc. Fort Smith, AR Greenwood Courthouse 11 Town Square Greenwood, AR 72936 © Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce. Collector Offices Fort Smith Courthouse 35 S 6th, Room 105 Fort Smith, AR 72901 Mailing Address: PO Box 1358 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Find your county below to view Assessor and Collector contact information. imfw gnruuf tji ufhbufb ppjqq myp nlei ykl qlnas tgmpy thbb fwesqm uqx jiydt pgnxmg