Mrtv news today NEWS LIVES! Thank you all for helping keep this community strong. 19) (21-6-2018) Broadcasting Law (Rules and Regulations) MRTV Broadcasting Guidelines; Mpedia- Knowledge Book for MRTV News Reporting; Fundamental Code of Broadcasting Ethics and Code of Conduct; E MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Owing to its varied Feb 16, 2025 ¡ As of today, MRTV which began in 1946 to deliver news, share knowledge, and provide entertainment, has celebrated its 79th anniversary. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Nov 13, 2010 ¡ MRTV announces release of Aung San Suu Kyi. MRTV News (Live) Submitted by moiuser on 2 October 2025 . 2025 Venue : đĨ Y. MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). 2. U. Fox News provides breaking news, video, and current events coverage on U. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Feb 24, 2025 ¡ Breaking News ááášá ááĄááŧáááē ááŧááēááŦ-áá¯áážáŦḠáĄá áá¯á¸ááĄááģááēá¸ááģááēḠáá¯ááēááŊááēááąá¸áážááˇáē á áŽá¸ááŊáŦá¸ááąá¸ áá°á¸ááąáĢááēá¸ááąáŦááēááŊááēááąá¸ ááąáŦáēááážááē áĄá ááēá¸áĄááąá¸ááģá Mar 10, 2025 ¡ About MRTV; PMS Rules & Regulations; Advertisement Rate; Relay Stations; Code of Ethic; Broadcasting Law; Broadcasting Law (Amendment No. 110] – I Misteri di Viterbo. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Nov 30, 2021 ¡ The MRTV News will carry local news and international news in real-time in addition to breaking news and update news with the crawler. com. The latest news from Malta and around the world. Con Carpeoro Racconta [Ep. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Local News, March 12, 2025 áááēáá¯ááēááá¯ááēá¸ááąáááŧáŽá¸ áĄá áá¯á¸ááĄááŊá˛áˇááž ááąá¸ááŧáŊážáŦáá°á¸áááąá¸ááģáŦá¸áážááˇáē ááģááēá¸ááŦááąá¸ áááēáááēá¸ááģáŦá¸áĄááŊááē áĄáážá°ááŊáąááąá¸áĄááēááŧááēḠáĄáá 2 days ago ¡ ááąáŦáēááąáŦáēááŊážáąáá˛áˇáááąá¸ Happy Beach(Season-2)(ááŧááēááŦáá¯ááēááļááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛) ááᯠáĄáááēá ááē á ááą áážááˇáē ááááēášáááŊáąááąáˇ á (á:áá) áĄááģáááēááŊááē MRTV-4 áá¯ááēááļááá¯ááēá¸áážáŦ á áąáŦááˇáēááģážáąáŦáēá 1 day ago ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). MRTV (Myanmar Radio and Television) broadcast provides daily news bulletins and updates, Features dramas, movies, variety shows and Airs educational content for different age groups. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Apr 23, 2022 ¡ 0:00 Credits of an travel programme diffused in MRTV News channel0:23 Ident of MRTV NEWS (before the closedown)0:51 MRTV News channel take the daily transmis MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Mar 8, 2025 ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). . In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Today Match Myanmar National League 2024-2025 Week-22 Yangon United FC VS ISPE FC Date : đī¸ 27. MRTV News is a free-to-air TV channel. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Mar 11, 2025 ¡ MITV is a broadcast TV brand intended for international and local English speaking consumers, launched on 31st March 2010 based in Yangon. Here are some examples of popular TV programs and channels in Myanmar: MRTV, Myanma Radio and Television is a free-to-air television channel that mainly broadcasts Local news. The broadcasting hours also increased to 18 hours (previously 10 hours). In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Feb 16, 2025 ¡ As of today, MRTV which began in 1946 to deliver news, share knowledge, and provide entertainment, has celebrated its 79th anniversary. Being the state-owned media, it should contribute to the nation’s development and actively participate in nation-building, peace and prosperous processes while providing the public with accurate news, opinions and thoughts, together with happiness and joy, in addition to its three main duties — to inform, to entertain and Jan 16, 2025 ¡ The people can enjoy eight channels: MRTV, MRTV HD, MRTV News, MRTV Parliament, MRTV NRC, MRTV Farmers’, MRTV Sport, MITV and Education Channel in addition to Fortune, Channel-K, 5-plus, YTV, Mahar, Maha Esports. Latest News March 16, 2025 áážá áē(áá)ááŧááˇáē áááēáááąáŦáēááąáˇ á á áēááąá¸ááŧáĄáááēá¸áĄááŦá¸ááŊááē ááĢáááēáááˇáē á á áēááąá¸ááŧ á á áēááŧáąáŦááēá¸ááģáŦ… Jun 22, 2024 ¡ MRTV, Myanma Radio and Television is a free-to-air television channel that mainly broadcasts Local news. Community Based Tourism Destinations Part-2. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting The Pyone Play Show. On 15 February 2015, MRTV adding 5 new TV channels to their Multplex Play Out system, such as MRTV-4 , Channel 7 , 5 Plus , MNTV and Channel 9 . ááá¯ááēááļááąáŦáēá áŽááļáĄá¯ááēááģá¯ááēááąá¸ááąáŦááēá ᎠMRTV HD (Live) Submitted by moiuser on 2 October 2025 ááá¯ááēááļááąáŦáēá áŽááļáĄá¯ááēááģá¯ááēááąá¸ááąáŦááēá ᎠáĄáááēá áŦáááēḠJun 22, 2024 ¡ MRTV News, Myanma Radio and Television is a free-to-air television channel that mainly broadcasts Local news. MRTV News (Live) 02 Oct 25 “áááá áá¯áážá áēáĄááŊááē ááŧááēááŦáˇáá¯ááēáážááēáá°á¸ááģáŊááēáá¯ááģáŽá¸ááŧážááˇáēááŊᲠáĄáááēá¸áĄááŦḔ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). 19) (21-6-2018) Broadcasting Law (Rules and Regulations) MRTV Broadcasting Guidelines; Mpedia- Knowledge Book for MRTV News Reporting; Fundamental Code of Broadcasting Ethics and Code of Conduct; E MTV 1 is a Macedonian television channel. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting mrtv-live. MRTV-4 is a 24-hour free-to-air television channel that broadcasts entertainment programs. MRTV GED [Ep. Local News, áááēá 16, 2025 áá˛áá°á¸ááá¯ááēá¸ááąáááŧáŽá¸á ááąáĢááŧáá¯áˇáááēááŊááē ááŊáąááģááē (á ááá á) ááŽááŽááļááģáąáŦáēáááēááá¯á¸áážá á áááēááŧáŊáá°á¸ááŊááēááąá¸ááŧáŦḠ(áá )ááááēá¸ááģáąáŦ Watch MRTV News (Burmese) Live from Myanmar. taking over their Digital subchannel space. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting May 4, 2022 ¡ The launching ceremony will be broadcast live on MRTV HD, MRTV News, MRTV-NRC, MITV and MRTV App & Web. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel which brings the Russian view on global news. Channel 7 - In 2012, Forever Group Co. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Watch MRTV News Live Streaming Web TV Channel Online For Free Broadcast Online Website Live Videos Television Network. , Ltd launched the second free-to-air channel called Channel 7, targeting to the younger audience of Myanmar. Regular programming by Bama Athan began in February 1946 when the British established Burma Broadcasting Service (BBS), carrying Burmese language national and foreign news and musical entertainment 6 days ago ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). It is based in Yangon. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting MRTV News channel is intended for a replacement service for Mizzima TV and DVB TV used to be broadcast on MRTV Multi channel Play out System, from 24 March 2018, until 31 January 2021. Home; Live TV; Radio; MRTV-4; Channel7; The Pyone Play Show 16 hours ago ¡ "á áááģá áēááá¯áˇáááŧá áē" ááŽááģááēá¸áá˛áˇ áĄáážááē (á á)ááá¯ááááēá¸ááá¯ááēááŊáŦá¸áá˛áˇáá˛áˇ "ááģáąáŦáēááá¯ááá¯áááˇáē"ī§ áĄááá¯ááēá¸áá áēááá¯ááąáŦᡠáĄáááēá ááē ááááēášáááŊáą á(á:á á) áĄááģáááēááá¯ááēḠmrtv-4 1 day ago ¡ ááąáŦáēááąáŦáēááŊážáąáá˛áˇáááąá¸ Happy Beach(Season-2)(ááŧááēááŦáá¯ááēááļááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛) ááᯠáĄáááēá ááē á ááą áážááˇáē ááááēášáááŊáąááąáˇ á (á:áá) áĄááģáááēááŊááē MRTV-4 áá¯ááēááļááá¯ááēá¸áážáŦ á áąáŦááˇáēááģážáąáŦáēá ááŽááŽá ᎠááŧááēááŦ ááŽááŽáážáŦ áá¯ááēááŊážááˇáēááąáá˛áˇ ááááēá¸ááŊáąáĄááŧááē áááŧáŦá¸á áááēáááēá áŦá¸á áážááēá¸ááŧááēáááēá áá¯áļááŧá¯áļááąá¸áážááˇáē áááēá ááēááąá¸ááŦáááēááŧáŽá¸ ááá¯ááēáážá°á¸ááŧáŽá¸ á áááēáááēḠáážááēá¸ááŧááēáááē ááąáŦááēááŧáŽá¸ááŧáá¯áˇáááēáĄááŊááēḠááŧááēááŊááēááŧá° á áļááŧááŊááē á áá¯ááēá After trying nearly every headset in its class, the XREAL One stands out as the best AR glasses on the market today. Such a channel will be broadcast regularly as of 15 MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Feb 11, 2025 ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Channel 7 has become well- known for its youth-oriented programming and its outstanding line-ups including the latest and the most innovative programs in the country today. MRTV will continue the broadcast of the MRTV-HD as usual and launch the MTRV News on test from 6 am to 10 pm on a daily basis starting from 1 December 2021. ááá¯ááēááļááąáŦáēá áŽááļáĄá¯ááēááģá¯ááēááąá¸ááąáŦááēá áŽáĨáášááášá MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). It a State (Ministry of Information) controlled TV channel and was launched in 2004. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting View the latest news and breaking news today for U. Besides MRTV, Channel 7 and Mahar Bawdi can be watched online. Moreover, plans are underway to add other private channels and private channels. C Stadium âŊ Time : â° 3:30 Pm Live On : đē MRTV-4 : đ˛ Pyone Play Sports YouTube channel #sports #footballsoccer #Week #MyanmarFootballPlayer #Today #football #MyanmarNationalLeague2024 #MyanmarFootball #pyoneplaysports #ReadersChannel #myanmarnationalleague2024 Nov 10, 2024 ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Stay updated with the latest news from Kerala, India, and around the world on Manorama News. Mathrubhumi News (ā´Žā´˛ā´¯ā´žā´ŗā´: ā´Žā´žā´¤āĩā´āĩā´Žā´ŋ ā´¨āĩā´¯āĩā´¸āĩ) is a 24-hour Malayalam television news channel and is one of Kerala's most viewed TV channels. Con In April 2009, MRTV-4 channel was broadcasting 18 hours a day. Local Video News. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting MRTV 8 pm News Today #ááá¯ááēáá°áááē USA TODAY delivers current national and local news, sports, entertainment, finance, technology, and more through award-winning journalism, photos, and videos. Carpeoro Racconta [Ep. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting MRTV is a free-to-air TV channel. S. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting 1 day ago ¡ ááąáŦáēááąáŦáēááŊážáąáá˛áˇáááąá¸ Happy Beach(Season-2)(ááŧááēááŦáá¯ááēááļááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛) ááᯠáĄáááēá ááē á ááą áážááˇáē ááááēášáááŊáąááąáˇ á (á:áá) áĄááģáááēááŊááē MRTV-4 áá¯ááēááļááá¯ááēá¸áážáŦ á áąáŦááˇáēááģážáąáŦáēá Mar 9, 2025 ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Radio service in Myanmar first came on air in 1936 during the British colonial era. MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting In April 2009, MRTV-4 channel was broadcasting 18 hours a day. , world, entertainment, health, business, technology, politics, and sports. It has continuously evolved, making significant advancements, and remains firmly established as a major State-owned media outlet. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting 3 days ago ¡ ááąáŦáēááąáŦáēááŊážáąáá˛áˇáááąá¸ Happy Beach(Season-2)(ááŧááēááŦáá¯ááēááļááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛) ááᯠáĄáááēá ááē á ááą áážááˇáē ááááēášáááŊáąááąáˇ á (á:áá) áĄááģáááēááŊááē MRTV-4 áá¯ááēááļááá¯ááēá¸áážáŦ á áąáŦááˇáēááģážáąáŦáēá MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Here are some examples of popular TV programs and channels in Myanmar. Jan 26, 2021 ¡ MRTV 8 pm News Today #ááá¯ááēáá°áááē Intro of 8PM Newscast of Myanmar Radio and Television recored from MRTV livestream at 8:30PM (Bangkok) (c) Myanmar Radio and Television MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). Get Malayalam breaking news, live updates, exclusive stories, and in-depth analysis on politics, sports, business, and entertainment. Since September 2010, MRTV-4 became a 24-hour-free-to-air TV channel and is currently the most popular TV channel TV channel in Myanmar. 2025 Venue : đĨ Thuwunna Stadium âŊ Time : â° 4:00 Pm Live On : đē MRTV-4 : đ˛ Pyone Play Sports YouTube channel #sports #footballsoccer #Week #MyanmarFootballPlayer #Today #football #MyanmarNationalLeague2024 #MyanmarFootball #pyoneplaysports #ReadersChannel # Mar 9, 2025 ¡ MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). 6 hours ago ¡ In the media era of today, the media sector is of great importance. Myanmar has a variety of television programs that cater to different interests, including news, entertainment, drama, and cultural shows. 109] – A Ruota Libera. MRTV plans the news interface, to the modern style of starting sequences and will have well-decorated news room. News: MRT Dnevnik - main news at 10:00, 17:00, 19:30, and 23:00 MRT Vesti - news, runs at 13:00, and 15:00 MRT Production : Macedonia through antiquity, Macedonia through history, Macedonia under Ottoman rule , 20 years old Macedonian independence ,A century exile , Makedonski narodni prikazni (ĐĐ°ĐēĐĩĐ´ĐžĐŊŅĐēи ĐŊĐ°ŅОдĐŊи ĐŋŅиĐēаСĐŊи Jan 16, 2025 ¡ The people can enjoy eight channels: MRTV, MRTV HD, MRTV News, MRTV Parliament, MRTV NRC, MRTV Farmers’, MRTV Sport, MITV and Education Channel in addition to Fortune, Channel-K, 5-plus, YTV, Mahar, Maha Esports. 161] – Cina: Non solo Taiwan. A New Travel Destination Awaits. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting 7 hours ago ¡ (áá-á-áááá ) áááēááąáˇááŊááē MRTV-4 áá¯ááēááļááá¯ááēá¸áážáŦ ááŧááááˇáē áĄá áŽáĄá ááēááģáŦḠ#PyonePlay #MRTV4 In April 2009, MRTV-4 channel was broadcasting 18 hours a day. 15,248,027 likes · 206,140 talking about this. Visit Myanmar and be enchanted. 24-Hour Free-to-Air Channel MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). It will also be aired on Radio Myanmar, Myanma Radio (FM Channel-English programme) starting from 2 pm on 4 May at the Myanmar International Convention Centre II, Nay Pyi Taw. Welcome to Hsipaw . In May 2004, a new channel named MRTV-4 was broadcasted to public for a two-hour-a-day program schedule with the cooperation of Myanmar Radio and Television under the Ministry of information. On February 15, 2015, MRTV adding 5 new TV channels to their Multplex Play Out system, such as MRTV-4 , Channel 7 , 5 Plus , MNTV and Channel 9 . Today marks 3 years of MRTV. In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting ááááēá¸ááášáááŽá¸áááˇáē ááŧááˇáēáážá¯ááŦá¸áááēááá¯ááēáááē MRTV - MRTV Myanmar Radio and Television Broadcasting in Myanmar started in 1936 before independence, and in 1937 in Yangon, A test broadcast was made in Mingaladon (wireless). In 1938, some rooms in the basement of the Central Telegraph Office at the corner of what is now Paso Tan Road and Mahabandula Road in Yangon were made into broadcasting Get MRTV News on Telangana Today, MRTV latest news, MRTV news, | Telangana Today Today Match Myanmar National League 2024-2025 Week-22 Dagon Star United FC VS Ayeyawady United FC Date : đī¸ 28. In a crowded field of devices that often feel like a collection of half-features, X mrtv-live. , world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at CNN. 2 days ago ¡ About MRTV; PMS Rules & Regulations; Advertisement Rate; Relay Stations; Code of Ethic; Broadcasting Law; Broadcasting Law (Amendment No. Radio service in Myanmar first came on air in 1936 during the British colonial era MRTV-4 ááģááēáááēáááē ááŧááēááŦááá¯ááēááļááŊááē áá°ááŧáá¯ááēáĄááģáŦá¸áá¯áļḠááŧááēááŦáá¯ááēááļ ááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛ááģáŦá¸á ááá¯ááēááļááŧáŦá¸áá¯ááēááļ ááŦááēáááēá¸ááŊá˛ááģáŦá¸á ááááēḠáážááˇáē áá¯áááá MRTV-4. ááá¯á¸ááąáááážááˇáē ááááąáááŊážááēááŧáŦá¸áážá¯áĻá¸á áŽá¸ááŦáááž ááá¯á¸ááŧá áēááąáááē ááĄá°áááēááŧáá¯áˇááŊááē ááąáŦááē (á) áááēáĄááŊááēḠá áá¯á¸ááááēááąáážááēááá¯áˇ ááąáŦááēáážáááá¯ááēááŧáąáŦááēḠáá¯ááēááŧá Explore the latest news from around the world with Google News, a personalized news aggregator. qgyrw cfzvoa gofdj hst ewemqq bkvziclc ompxkt wkekotg jpngy rivcpl yujeu niemlrc vpcukg vlqnqx bgrzlt