Lufkin daily news crime Arrests and charges include: Phillip Wesley Bass, 34, of Lufkin, warrants for no driver’s license, driving with an open container and possession of drug paraphernalia; Latisha Ann Garcia, 32, of Lufkin, theft of property valued at $100-$750 and warrants for two 6 days ago · The Lufkin Police Department made seven arrests late Monday or early Tuesday. The overall crime rate in Lufkin dropped by 12% while violent crime dropped 33% from 2021. Edit Close Close All thieves are criminals but only a special breed steal from an organization whose mission it is to help people find work. Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. m. 3 was the second anniversary of the murder of Darrence Kindle. We’re ready to accept anonymously provided crime-solving tips about crimes that haven’t yet been reported to or discovered by law enforcement, we’re there Crime Stoppers wants your help locating an Angelina County probation absconder. Unless you’re directly connected to a crime, your memory of it fades. com “Thou shalt not steal” is such a simple concept, but it is disregarded so often that theft is seen as petty and people make excuses for those committing the crime. today, according to the Diboll Police Department. com She’s wanted in Angelina County on theft and probation warrants and has avoided apprehension since early April. , retired lieutenant and now captain of the Angelina County Sheriff’s Office, on guitar; and retired Lt. Between September 2009 and April 2014, an unidentified person, or persons, burglarized at least 19 residences in and around the Burke area of Angelina County. Arrests and charges include: Lacie Krisann Adair, 27, of Lufkin, warrant for public intoxication; Quincy Carr, 25, of Lufkin, walking with the flow of traffic and a warrant for criminal trespassing; Cody Wayne Leblanc, 35, of Lufkin, theft of property valued at less than $2,500 with two or more previous convictions May 4, 2024 · JB Smith, executive director of the Deep East Texas Crime Stoppers program, spoke at this month’s Lufkin/Angelina County First Friday Luncheon at the Crown Colony Country Club. Arrests and charges include: Alexis Nikole Williams, 29, of Lufkin, possession of less than 1 gram of a penalty group 1 controlled substance and warrants for five counts of possession of drug paraphernalia, an improper turn, no driver’s license and no insurance; Chad Elliot McAdams, 44, of Lufkin, warrant for Crime Stoppers, in partnership with Angelina College and the Angelina College Police Department, has announced a targeted program for bringing Crime Stoppers’ crime prevention and crime solving efforts to AC 6 days ago · Zavalla police detained four individuals living in the U. Kevin Mobley on bass; officer Keith Lewing on drums; officer Randy Stallard on guitar; Alton Lenderman Jr. As local families were putting their finishing touches on their Thanksgiving preparations, the city of Lufkin was about to draw some national Nov 29, 2007 · Lufkin police arrested Brown Sept. 5 local story of 2024. com Crime Stoppers uses fees paid by convicted criminals to reward anonymous, crime-solving tips. com In East Texas, we’re each doing our part to limit the coronavirus spread, and we should be commended for our efforts. 31. Mar 10, 2025 · Editor's note: We edited this story to reflect that the Angelina County Citizens Chamber of Commerce is jointly hosting the March 18 candidate forum at The Pines Theater with the Mar 10, 2025 · Editor's note: We edited this story to reflect that the Angelina County Citizens Chamber of Commerce is jointly hosting the March 18 candidate forum at The Pines Theater with the Wanted: Eric Tyrone White Jun 8, 2024 · A Lufkin man was sentenced Thursday to 105 years in prison for a shooting in Lufkin in 2020. com Skip to main content When shopping, are you annoyed by sensor tags and security cables? Do the fake electronic devices on display irritate you? If so, you can thank the thieves who cause businesses Angelina County Adult Probation Officers are looking for Laura Frances Reppond. Law enforcement officers in Angelina County and Gregg County are looking for Dana Michelle Carter, a 44-year-old white female with black hair and brown eyes, who stands approximately 5 feet 6 days ago · ELY, Nev. Police arrest 3 juvenile girls allegedly ‘partying’ inside a vacant Lufkin house | Crime | lufkindailynews. We are counting down the top 10 local stories, with the No. Greg Denman The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently released its annual compilation of national crime statistics, listing the number of violent and non-violent crimes reported in the United States. 2025. com Jul 20, 2024 · Angelina County Sheriff Tom Selman, Lufkin Police Chief David Thomas and Ward 2 City Councilman Robert Shankle joined together to host the "Let's Talk About Community Issues: Crime Prevention and the Criminal Justice System" event Thursday evening at Lufkin's Goodwill Church. Lufkin PD is Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. The Lufkin Police Department arrested Azariah Savion Jimerson, age unavailable, of Lufkin, Monday on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Arrests and charges include: Jonte Malik Taylor, 27, of Lufkin, accident involving $200 or more in damages to a vehicle and warrants for no insurance and no license plate light; and Larry Paul Lewis, 65, of Lufkin, possession of less than 1 gram of a penalty group 1-B controlled substance. We are so accustomed to being connected through our mobile phones to friends, family, work and social media that we feel lost anytime there is a slight service interruption. 13, a trailer was stolen from the 2300 block of North Timberland Drive in Lufkin. Oct 31, 2024 · The Lufkin Police Department is investigating an incident involving two people who were found dead at the Sunrise Landing Apartments on East Denman Avenue Tuesday, according to city of Lufkin LPD investigating two deaths at Lufkin apartment | Community | lufkindailynews. Voluntarily restricting our movements and interactions protects us, our We had no idea how upsetting the process of doing laundry at a washateria can be until we were asked to profile two recent burglary and vandalism incidents. While there are Each week, Crime Stoppers profiles a wanted person or an unsolved crime, and we offer cash rewards for anonymous, crime-solving tips. Almost all of the 9 felony arrests in Angelina County have made the news with their past crimes. com Aug 31, 2013 · A Lufkin man was arrested Thursday for a June incident in which he allegedly punched his 2-year-old son and caused his child’s mother to hit her head on a moving Man charged with punching son, choking and hitting his wife | Crime | lufkindailynews. Brett Ayres. Not all thefts are carried out by career criminals, but the chance at free cash when someone mistakenly leaves a wallet in a public place can be too much for Crime Stoppers of Lufkin wants your help identifying a man who allegedly took photos underneath a woman’s dress at a department store in Lufkin. Jun 18, 2017 · Band members have always been active or retired members of the Lufkin Police Department; current members are retired Sgt. com During the early morning hours of Aug. Crime Stoppers of Lufkin wants your help identifying the person, or persons, responsible for a recent burglary at North Boggy Slough Conference Center and Wildlife Management Area, located on Highway On May 5, the Family Dollar store in the 2500 block of East Denman Avenue in Lufkin was targeted by organized tobacco thieves and lost hundreds of dollars worth of Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. Crime Stoppers launches new site | Local & State | lufkindailynews. Problems with Zavalla’s water system, installed in the 1950s, have led to frequent boil-water notices, Texas Commission on Environment Quality Jan 21, 2023 · Authorities arrested a Diboll teen on a murder charge after a fatal shooting at 8:20 a. S. com Mar 31, 2020 · Chris Kirbie and Kayla Myers are wanted in Angelina County, and Crime Stoppers wants to pay a cash reward to an anonymous tip that leads officers to them. CRIME OF THE WEEK: Lost and fraud | Community | lufkindailynews. Jun 26, 2024 · The Lufkin Police Department made four arrests through Tuesday afternoon. Crime Stoppers asks for help finding Charles Lee Evans Jr. Some of those encounters were with people we might otherwise avoid Mar 1, 2020 · Lufkin police officer Eddie Ibarra pauses with his patrol car Friday in Lufkin. Witnesses said the man would often park his vehicle in front of local attorneys' homes in Brookhollow between 5 and 7 a. Whether you are directly a victim or not, vandalism — Criminal Mischief under Texas law — Feb 1, 2010 · The indictment alleges Aryan member David Clyde Mitchamore Jr. Nov 27, 2024 · A 19-page indictment reveals further details into the alleged wire fraud and money laundering schemes of a 49-year-old Lufkin man charged with bilking multiple people throughout Texas as well as Indictment offers further details into Lufkin man's alleged wire fraud, money laundering schemes | Community | lufkindailynews. , aka “Super Dave,” and his girlfriend, Christie Rochelle Brown, were murdered by Charles Cameron Frazier, aka “Mojo,” and Brent Nicholas Stalsby, aka “Twist,” because Mitchamore failed to repay an outstanding debt he allegedly owed to Carl Richard Carver, an alleged general in the Aryan Brotherhood, the release stated. In an effort to assist law enforcement agencies in the area, Crime Stoppers of Lufkin on Monday launched a new website for solving crimes throughout Deep East Texas. From left are Alton Lenderman Jr. Many of us spent the holiday weekend with family, friends, and acquaintances we had not seen in a while. More often, those committing crimes seem to lack a proper understanding of the planning process, cause and effect, and consequences. com Nov. before his appearances, a 6 days ago · Six men have died by court-ordered execution so far this year in the U. 6 days ago · Lufkin man sentenced to over 14 years for federal drug trafficking, gun violations Jul 27, 2024 · The Lufkin Police Department made six arrests late Thursday or early Friday. com On Dec. Some of the crimes date back to December but employees of the store Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. com Sep 17, 2024 · A woman said a male friend stole multiple items from her motel room in the 4300 block of South First Street Saturday afternoon while she was in jail. While violent crime Nov 15, 2024 · The Lufkin Police Department made six arrests late Thursday or early Friday. Crimes occur every day and, for most of us, life goes on. To be rewarded, tips must be submitted directly to Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. 6 hours ago · The Lufkin Police Department did not release a daily media report Monday. Sheriff's office arrests Lufkin man, East Texas educator on child porn charges; Complaint reveals details into child porn arrests of Lufkin couple Jan 18, 2025 · The Lufkin Police Department made two arrests late Thursday or early Friday. A camera inside the residence captured video of the crime and allowed Angelina County Sheriff’s Office A new reward program introduced by state law enforcement authorities is designed to help generate investigative leads in unresolved or cold case homicides. 26 after several early morning walkers and joggers in Brookhollow identified him as the man they had seen walking the neighborhood naked and opening mailboxes. JOEL ANDREWS/The Lufkin Daily News Whether you’re an idealistic, young student or the parent paying for that idealism, you see a college campus as a place for learning, introspective thought and career preparation. 6, four people burglarized a home on Register Court in Angelina County. MICHAEL NEARY/The Lufkin Daily News Oct 28, 2013 · Crime Stoppers of Lufkin wants your help locating multiple wanted persons. He tried to purchase a beverage but didn't have enough money. At around 10:40 a. In many of the recent car burglaries, a door window is broken out or pushed in, and personal belongings and car stereo equipment is stolen. Arrests and charges include: Crystal Cheney, no age listed, of Huntington, two counts expired license plate, two counts failure to maintain financial responsibility; Joshua Daniel Bellamy, no age, of Lufkin, two counts operating unregistered vehicle, possession of drug paraphernalia, no driver’s license, failure to With the sun setting earlier this time of year, the criminals who prefer the cover of darkness don’t need to wait until late at night to ply their trade, and Jan 6, 2025 · Zavalla’s chief of police has issued a response to a recent Lufkin Daily News article that addressed infrastructure issues within the small town as well as allegations of financial mismanagement. com A victim, a criminal, and an opportunity all are necessary for a crime to occur. Jul 28, 2012 · The Crimestoppers Band celebrated its 25th year of existence Friday night at the Pitser Garrison Civic Center in Lufkin. Arrests and charges include: Phillip Wesley Bass, 34, of Lufkin, warrants for no driver’s license, driving with an open container and possession of drug paraphernalia; Latisha Ann Garcia, 32, of Lufkin, theft of property valued at $100-$750 and warrants for two counts of no driver’s license, displaying expired May 29, 2021 · There were 1,781 indexed crimes reported in Lufkin in 2020, including two murders, 32 rapes, 46 robberies, 204 aggravated assaults, 275 burglaries, 1,103 larcenies and 119 motor vehicle thefts, according to the annual report released by the Lufkin Police Department. Lufkin Police got a report of him acting weird in a convenience store on North Timberland Dr. 3, 2017, Darrence Kindle was murdered during an attempted robbery of Dollar General on Kurth Drive in Lufkin and, despite the best efforts of investigators, repeated requests for Crime Stoppers attacks crime from all sides. CRIME STOPPERS CRIME OF THE WEEK | Community | lufkindailynews. Through March 20, three men are set to be executed in Arizona, Florida and Oklahoma. Vandalism is a nation-wide problem that costs as much as one billion dollars annually. Goodwill provides job training and programs for people Jun 27, 2015 · Lufkin Police arrested three girls accused of “partying” inside a vacant home Friday afternoon on Cottonbelt Street. The Nevada Attorney General’s Office said Tuesday the final arrest in the You have permission to edit this article. Criminals just smash their way into a Mar 9, 2025 · By The Lufkin Daily News Feb 15, 2025 The following is a list of restaurant inspections conducted by the Angelina County and Cities Health District Dec. com Deep East Texas Crime Stoppers is trying to identify two men who used a stolen credit card to purchase $140 worth of beer and cigarettes. com Jarl Magnus Riiber, of Norway, celebrates after crossing the finish line to win the nordic combined men's individual compact normal hill HS102/7. Most leave behind evidence or commit a crime from which they cannot gain, and that describes this week’s Crime of the Week suspects. 12, 2024 through Jan. After their formation 37 years ago, the Crime Stoppers Band marked a monumental milestone — playing its 1,000th performance Thursday at the Huntington Healthcare & Rehabilitation center at 220 East Regular readers of Crime Stoppers’ articles know we encourage everyone to remove their belongings and lock their doors every time they park their vehicle, no matter the location. on Friday, Lufkin PD officers responded to a reported robbery at Western Finance on S Chestnut St. Oct 21, 2005 · Articles. Multiple agencies assist U. Employees of Angelina Precision Waterjet reported that the trailer, which is CRIME OF THE WEEK: Stolen trailer | Community | lufkindailynews. 1 story scheduled to run Dec. com Wearing a blood donor shirt while stealing a bike seems to make the person both a giver and a taker. There were 1,707 indexed crimes reported in Lufkin in 2019, according to the department’s annual report. com When you absolutely, positively need it overnight — you find a store that stays open all night. If your weekend barbeque included unintentional encounters with Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. com Feb 12, 2019 · Angelina County Probation officers are looking for probation absconder Crystal Nicole Rodriguez, and Crime Stoppers has cash available to reward the anonymous tip that helps officers locate her. Officers from the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas apprehended Jeremy Wayne Gladden, 40, of Zavalla, as a suspect in the unauthorized use of white Chevrolet S-10 belonging to Lawrence Jason Wise, 55, of Zavalla, that was taken from the area of the crime scene, according to Angelina County Sheriff Tom Selman. Many of them are being arrested for parole violations. Man charged with what he claims was a drug-induced crime spree awaits sentencing | Local & State | lufkindailynews. Anonymous tips Feb 5, 2025 · Angelina County Sheriff Tom Selman and police chiefs from Lufkin and Diboll confirmed that none of their departments are coordinating with U. Arrests and charges include: Sarah Renee Thompson, 33, of Lufkin, warrant for assault/family violence; Billy Earl Greer, 75, of Shelbyville, public intoxication; Dontavious Sheppard, 24, of Lufkin, assault by threat/family violence and possession of drug paraphernalia Jan 9, 2025 · According to The Lufkin Daily News Brown was arrested in 2019 and charged with public intoxication. The evening of Saturday, June 7, a Lufkin resident reported that a package delivered to their residence, CRIME STOPPERS CRIME OF THE WEEK | Community | lufkindailynews. Crime Stoppers has cash available to reward the Mar 4, 2023 · The total number of indexed crimes in Lufkin is the lowest it has been in five years, according to the Lufkin Police Department’s annual report. The other states with scheduled executions . Authorities conducted the stop on a vehicle for speeding and discovered the four occupants, who were employed by a contractor working in Broaddus Crime Stoppers wants your help identifying a creep who exposed and touched his genitals in the presence of an employee at Walmart in Lufkin. You might forget about it entirely The night of Aug. On Nov. Crime Stoppers of Lufkin wants your help identifying a male who stole mail. , John Adams, Kevin Mobley, Randy Stallard and Scott Foster. Well, that’s what you’ll see in this week’s Crime of Angelina County Sheriff’s Office continues its search for fugitive Refugio Gonzalez Escobedo (AKA. The case remains unsolved but the investigation is active, and investigators need help in getting Darrence’s killer off Thankfully, the brightest among us seldom turn to crime. A number of apartment complexes Holiday weekends are a great time to catch up with family and friends, and gather intel for your next Crime Stoppers tip. More than $3,000 in property was stolen and more than $4,600 Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. 28, someone burglarized a construction site in the 1500 block of West Frank Avenue in Lufkin. com A woman’s truck was burglarized outside a gym on Timberland Drive in Lufkin, and Crime Stoppers has video of three men who used credit cards stolen during the burglary. Mar 8, 2025 · LUFKIN, Texas (KETK) – The Lufkin Police Department has arrested a man they said is connected to multiple recent robberies. com 6 days ago · Candidates in a race that will determine ideological control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court will square off in their only scheduled debate before the April 1 election. | Community | lufkindailynews. com May 14, 2013 · A Lufkin man accused of going on what he claims was a drug-induced crime spree last fall is now awaiting sentencing in one of the three cases. Marshal’s Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration in the parking lot of Buffalo Wild Wings in Lufkin Tuesday afternoon. com Crime Stoppers recently shared video of a string of burglaries and anonymous tips that helped the Lufkin Police Department identify the criminals and charge several people with Engaging in Organized Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. Jul 27, 2024 · The Lufkin Police Department made six arrests late Thursday or early Friday. Nov 6, 2024 · Names In The News Are Back In Jail In Angelina County. com Crime Stoppers of Lufkin wants your help identifying a white male that is a suspect in the theft of a log splitter from a Lufkin business. 6. Austin State University football star twice convicted of fatally shooting Nacogdoches native Belinda Lucas Temple during what authorities say was a staged burglary more Dec 28, 2024 · Editor’s note: Newsroom staff of The Lufkin Daily News voted this as the No. In Angelina County alone, Crime Stoppers paid nearly $17,000 in rewards over the last twelve months, but Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. illegally after a traffic stop Tuesday on state Highway 147, according to Chief Robert Denby. Few criminals fall into the “smart” category. Apr 22, 2023 · NACOGDOCHES — A former Stephen F. 22, 2016, Reppond is wanted on a felony warrant and Crime Stoppers wants to pay for Last week’s discovery of card skimmers inside Lufkin businesses is a reminder to pay attention when using your debit and credit cards, and to monitor your accounts. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or other federal authorities on planned operations. (AP) — Nevada prosecutors say 20 people have been charged in connection with a brawl at a maximum-security prison in eastern Nevada last year in which three inmates were killed and others were injured. Cucco). Submitting Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. com Jan 4, 2025 · The Lufkin Police Department made four arrests late Thursday or early Friday. Unless you’re a criminal, that is. Law enforcement officers work on all sides of this crime triangle, knowing that they need Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. Officers from multiple law enforcement Oct 31, 2023 · Authorities have released the names of the two adult women who were found dead from gunshot wounds Saturday at a home in the 100 block of South Stone Street in Nacogdoches, according to a report from Nacogdoches Police Sgt. The burglaries of businesses, residences and vehicles have resulted in the loss of property, such 1 day ago · From left to right, Eduardo Orozco, Yolanda Orozco, son and wife of Abel Orozco, stand alongside Mark Fleming, Associate Director of Litigation at National Immigrant Justice Center and Lawyer, as they listen to comments during a press conference to announce a court action to prevent unlawful arrests the at the offices of the National Immigrant Justice Center Monday, March 17, 2025, in Chicago. 5 Km at the Nordic World Ski Championships in Trondheim, Norway, Saturday, March 1, 2025. com Between June 8 and 11, someone stole from and vandalized Coston Elementary School, located on Trenton Street in Lufkin. The crime was captured on video and Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. Aug 17, 2010 · Numerous property crimes have occurred in the Angelina County area over that past several months. As of Aug. com The Diboll Police Department is searching for a woman accused of intoxicated manslaughter in the death of a man earlier this May. The complainant stated that he couldn't comprehend that he didn't have the money. com Last week, we profiled a theft, and some asserted via social media that it was just theft and that there are more important things to worry about. 2/12/2019 Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week | Community | lufkindailynews. Marshals Service, DEA outside Lufkin restaurant | Crime | lufkindailynews. Investigators in Lufkin need help identifying two men involved in several thefts, and attempted thefts, at Target. Jul 15, 2015 · Multiple East Texas agencies assisted the U. , and 12 other people are scheduled to be put to death in six states during the remainder of 2025.
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