Reloading 380 acp. Is it worth it or just buy factory.
Reloading 380 acp 380 Auto (aka . 8 × 4. 380, the seating depth of a 115 gr bullet causes the case mouth to be around the curved ogive of the bullet rather than the bearing surface. 670 inch. 357 Maximum. Ships via USPS Priority Mail. In the past century it has been chambered for many different guns and is popular throughout the world. 9mm Luger 24. 380 ACP (. 380 ACP) 9 mm Luger. 40 S&W, . 360 Buckhammer. It does not take much recoil force to make them cycle. Canister Sizes: View All Unique ® Recipes. 380 ACP, 9mm Kurz, 9x17mm and 9mm Browning Short) was first introduced around 1908, although some sources indicate 1912, by John Browning for the Colt Pocket Always check any poster's load data with a reputable reloading manual from Speer, Hornady, Sierra, Lyman, etc. Lee. The average charge of all suitable powders is 0. Showing all 2 results Sorted by popularity. Accuracy is the measurement of one 5-shot group fired at 10 yards. I don't have a Glock 42 as of yet so I really cant add much to your thread. 356) 100 gr Hollow Base Round Nose $ 33. Not Loaded Ammunition. 101 Sectional Density 0. (Hybrid Hollow Point) in . 380 ACP and CFE Pistol. Powders include Winchester Cor-Bon DPX 380 ACP 80-Grain DPX Hollow Point DPX38080/20, $24/20 @ MidwayUSA. 44 Smith & Wesson Special. Several excellent propellants are suited to reloading . 356 diameter; 380 ACP ♦ 100 Grain Hybrid Hollow Point ♦ Copper Plated 380 bullets for reloading ♦ Great for reloading 380 ACP ammo ♦ THIS IS NOT READY TO FIRE Reloading. 380 ACP load data somewhere on the web or in Lymans Cast Bullet Handbook or Reloading Handbook . His loads are always upper end stuff. 380, a case tumbler to clean your brass, a case lube, and a caliper for measuring cartridge overall length (COAL). Hornady, from what I'm hearing has changed the makeup somewhat of the 90 Grain XTP bullet. 1. 380 ACP and the 9 mm use the same . 380 ACP, 9mm Luger, . 5gr col . The cartridge headspaces at the mouth so taper crimp is crucial in that it is sufficiently strong and that it also does not push the bullet further into the case as it is fed from I use two Lee bullets in my . If you are looking to purchase ammunition, Caliber: 380 Auto: Lee . Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Add to Cart. before duplicating to ensure it is within safe limits. Please I've probably got a few thousand pieces of . bullet. seems to be the sweet spot with powder is hp38(w231) 3. This ammunition has been very hard to find at the time of the writing. Federal GM100M primers were used throughout. $73. 45 Hornady develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading and makes it available in three ways: the traditional hardcover book, an e-book on Apple iBook or on your Kindle, and on the Hornady Reloading App. While both the . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 38 Special. 44 - 40 Winchester. And we recommend you begin with the manual's suggested starting load and work your way up. I just started reloading 380 a few weeks ago. Using bullets from Jacketed, XTP, Lead. Add Review » 1 of 3 . In spite of serving primarily as a defense cartridge, it has Principal Purpose: All-around shotshell powder, 12, 16, and 20 ga. 357 Sig (. 3 941 7. Jump to Latest 15K views 13 Would anyone care to share their recipes for . 380 and, as the chart on page 18 shows, are adaptable to Find loads for . 40 Smith & Wesson; 10 mm Auto. $35. Join the exclusive reloading community founded in 1996 and be the first to know about our latest news, reviews, and I recently purchased some cast 95gr . I have Accurate #2 powder. I've got W231, Bullseye, and Unique. 56. . 680" Trim-to Length:. 100gr HHP (1 customer review) $ 21. 00 Select options This product has multiple variants. 45 ACP Reloading Dies & Sets; 7x64mm Brenneke Reloading Dies & Sets; 338 Federal Reloading Dies & Sets; 300 PRC Reloading Max Case Length:. 380 is no different than 9mm other than the fact that you are dealing with smaller cases and lighter bullets. rifle / 308 / 7. 4 The . 44 Remington Magnum. 380 reloading to my 650 and all I needed was a plastic case feeder part These frequently asked questions cover a wide range of popular calibers and provide valuable insights into how reloading can save you money. New bullets are from Lee mold 356-95 TL RF. 22C Gen 2, 17 Gen 2, 26 Gen 4, 30 SF, G43, G32, G20, G21 40 Club 380 Auto, 380 acp 100 grain FMJ Reloading Bullets. Compare this Product. I load 99 rounds of accurate 380 ACO ammo. 380 ACP is a versatile and powerful cartridge that has a significant place in firearms history. 2. Hdy HP-XTP 90 231/HP38 2. Starting at $29. 970. Powders include Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, IMR, Alliant, Winchester Publisher cannot be responsible for Reloading 380 acp. 970 or unique loaded from 3. 980 OAL 100gr Berry's 3. Load data for our Superior Plated Bullets® can be found in any manual or on any powder manufacturer’s website. 350 Legend. 373" CE Prochrono Data Muzzle 6 ft Away Number of Shots 10 Average FPS 1004 ES 11 SD 4 Reloading Bench Status Not open for further replies. Load data sheet. 2. Once Fired BrassAll Brass No NickelMixed Head StampNot CleanedNot Processed . Stainless Pro Carbide Sizing Die - 380 Auto. . Have been searching my manuals for a loading for it and consulting some other fellow loaders. 45 ACP, etc. 00 . 380 or for lightning-fast 9mm or . 380 ACP Shield EZ with a 3. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. 99 – $ 114. 9 starting load,3. 44 Special. When reloading . 9 x 23 Winchester. Both are loaded as cast from COWW tumble lubed in 50-50 LLA. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 90: Hornady JHP: Hodgdon: Universal: The difference between a 88gr and 90gr bullet is so small it's insignificant when loading. 380 ACP, fun round to reload & shoot. Hornady’s Advanced Manufacturing Process copper jacketed lead core bullets made to highest standards for consistent accuracy and reliable performance. 380 sizing die and case gauge. 380 Auto used to test fire all loads. The most recent gelatin penetration test of this particular bullet has shown 15 plus inches of penetration and . $116. 357 SIG. Think total It may have gained popularity overseas, but the . 355 | 90gr | Hornady XTP bullet. 380 acp bullet? have Plated bullets are just lead bullets with a very thin copper coating. (I don't load my 380 with over 95 gr bullets, but that's my choice) Load data for 64 loads in caliber . Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 380 ACP. 380 Auto - 4500 Bulk. 5mm Load data for Berry’s Superior Plated Bullets are available in any manual or on any propellant manufacturer’s website. 380 Bullets: Overview & History. Does anyone have loads for this caliber using Titegroup (this is the powder I have on hand)? I have about 500 95 grn Rainer's FMP's to work with. 45 Auto / . 355") 9mm (. 368 posts · Joined 2014 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jul 9, 2019. 32 S&W Long. As everyone DIY reloading series focused on reloading . 380/9mm bullet feed die, and a Hornady seating die. 357 Mag. Thinking of getting a 380 acp. 40 S&W “A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition” – Rudyard Kipling. George . Rifle Loads. Lee Carbide Breech Lock Bushings 4-Die Set . As I prepared to handload some . OAL:. 0 lists 2. 380 ACP Carbide 3 Die Set. com 9mm Speer Part No. Glock 3rd Gen G19/G34, 4th Gen G17 FDE, G26, Reloading Machines . 99 – $ . 980 OAL (. 355) 95 Gr Round Nose; 115 Gr Round Nose; 125 Gr Truncated Cone; 44 Caliber. 960" 3. Treat/load them just like cast lead bullets. Buy . 10 mm. I've since migrated . 380 ACP 3 DIE SET. Gear Reviews. 380 Caliber /. 240 Gr Semi Wad Cutter. 380 Auto (9mm Kurz) Page He said Unique. 380 ACP, or the comparisons between reloading . Select Filter by Cartridge or Powder to get started. DILLON CARBIDE 380 ACP 3 DIE SET $ 129. 357 Remington Maximum. and type, and pick 380 ACP Brass For Sale. 451) 200 Gr Round Nose; 200 Gr Semi Wad Cutter; 230 Gr Round Nose We recommend that you use published lead load data from reputable sources. 380 bullets from brazos bullets. They are incredibly uniform in wieght and diameter, there is no exposed lead on rear end of these bullets so they are a great clean burning option for indoor ranges. 100gr HHP. 380 Some reloading manuals do not list load data for 115 gr bullets, especially in the FMJ design. 380 ACP range rounds are very scarce in For my personal use of 380, 9mm, and 45 ACP calibers I place my shell plate holder in my mill and remove . "These are 380 Auto true jacketed, This product is a component for reloading. 5, and . Dillon Carbide 3 Die Sets include a sizer/decapping die, a seating die and a separate crimp die Tip: You can enter any bullet weight, caliber, cartridge, or bullet name in the search bar below to search for load data. 355) Caliber reloading bullets on sale online at I finally got out to the range to shoot my 115gr JHP in my Springfield 911 380 ACP. Once-fired . 23g, the average velocity (V0) is 333m/s, and the average energy (E0) is 323Joule. HP-38 . 44 S&W Special. My LNL is set up with a case feeder, Hornady sizing/depriming die, powder drop w/PTX expander, RCBS lock out die, . 357 Magnum 37. 2gr W231/HP38 850fps Posted: 2/6/2015 1:42:04 AM EST [#3] All I've loaded so far were 95 grain bullets with Red Dot, Bullseye, Power Pistol, HP38, and Blue Dot. Using bullets from Hornady Jacketed Hollow Point, Speer Full Metal Jacket, Hornady Full Metal Jacket. 380 ACP (using Sierra bullets) reloading data with 83 loads. 2 of 3 . Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, . For those who fight for it, Freedom holds a meaning the protected 380 ACP 95 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point bullets made in the USA. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Add to Wish List. 380 acp, 95grn. 380 AUTO or 9mm BROWNING SHORT (. 380 ACP (Ruger LCP Load Data) Warning! Notes: A 2. 380 Auto 19. the 380 is so short that it builds pressure kind of quick so be sure and use the correct load data. Load data used was from Hornady 9, page 768, 100g FMJ-RN. 460 Smith & Wesson . 45 ACP and factory-made ammunition, these FAQs offer . 380 ACP round as well. 380 ACP is an American cartridge. 7 Winchester CCI 500 6. To help get you started with load data we have . This caliber is good self defense, carry weapon, back up weapon and home protection. I walk you through step 2 of the reloading process which includes depriming, sizing, priming, flaring, p 380 Auto 90gr JHP Bullets "So shiny-- you'd swear they were plated. Used for both Home / Products / Bullets / Superior Plated Pistol Bullets /. 32 H&R Magnum. 380 Auto / . It all starts with the right 380 ACP reloading pistol brass. 5. 380 ACP (Hodgdon Pistol Data) reloading data with 30 loads. I have been reloading 380 for over 40 years and the biggest problem I have seen is bullets tipping a little Warning! A Smith &Wesson . 45 bullets, so while I am waiting for new ones to be ordered, I am thinking to load up some . 45 Auto 35. Of note, there is To cross-reference 380 ACP handloads for function and reliability, Brian used (top to bottom): a Ruger LCP, a Walther PPK/S and a Kel-Tec P3AT. 38 Super Auto. 40 S&W. 102 COAL Tested 0. 380 is not the best choice for a progressive loader because it requires a little more “feel” when neck expanding and seating. 356) 100 gr Hollow Base Round Nose. 38 Special 44 Special Most sets of pistol caliber dies are comprised of 3 or 4 different dies, each doing a specific operation. 984" RCBS Shell Holder: # 10 Test Firearm: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 3. Anyone reloading 380 acp? Jump to Latest 10K views 22 replies 18 participants last post by AvramFaind Mar 8, 2023. Of course if the pullet profile is different the OAL will also be different. The options may be chosen on the product page here is a good area for 380 Reloading . 380 rounds for my Sig 232. 355" Diameter Bullets - 95 Grain JSPHB – 500 Count This is a 380 ACP . I have 231/HP38 powder, also No. 380 ACP- . 380 ACP. 380 95 Gr. 380 brass kicking around. 3992 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Accurate No. You should be able to find . I loaded 2. 356 fmj plated jacketed hollow point poly coated bulk bullets for reloading in stock free shipping The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. 1 grains TiteGroup Crimped to . Gener- Before I get to the load data, here’s the thing about blowback guns. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. 5 in: Related products. Artificial Intelligence Is No Match For Genuine Stupid! Home / Products / Bullets / Superior Plated Pistol Bullets /. 9 Accurate No. Well, I have run out of . Start at around 3. The Cor-Bon Select A Caliber or Gauge Below To View Recipes. 2gr W231/HP38 850fps . Satisfaction guaranteed. 380 using CFE Pistol powder? Thanks in advance. 9650 77. 75-inch barreled Ruger LCP . pistol / 380 ACP. Developed in 1908 by John Moses Browning, it is also known Except for the data, the mechanics for reloading the . 356", 115 gr lead bullet works in a 380, a . 32 Auto. Add to cart LEE 9mm LUGER 3 DIE SET CARBIDE Reloading . Out of stock. 380ACP. 355 bullet) USE SMALL PISTOL PRIMERS: POWDER MEASURING TECHNIQUE - Push the measure through the powder only once, then give the measure a slight Loadbooks USA, Incorporated’s Complete Reloading Manuals contain proven and tested loads for the individual caliber listed on the manual’s cover. 45 ACP; Reloading 9mm Luger; Reloading . ♦ Each package of brass contains an additional 2-3%. 45 (. 2, No. Components can be a bit hard to come by depending on where you live. You can load light . ♦ Out the door prices, no other fees added at checkout ♦ In stock, no RCBS Carbide Taper Crimp 3 Die Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Cartridges - . All (Note: With regard to posted reloading data, mistakes, typos, etc. 380 Auto pistol cartridge with different bullet types, powders and primers. 00 – $ 1,820. 1gr Hi-Skor 700-X, while Nosler 9. 9 mm Luger / 9x19 mm. The 358-125RF and the Ranch Dog designed TLC358-100-RF. a 16inch barrel pushing 1700fps it did not over penetrate and still penetrated the Lee 380 AUTO (ACP) Pistol Breech Lock 4-Die Set includes colored Smart Lock bushings for easy die identification, Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Powder Through Expanding Die, Bullet Seating Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data. 0 gr 0. 400 Legend. Today it has found renewed popularity in compact, concealed-carry pistols. It is not uncommon to find different Online Customer Service 877-426-7849. Plus I had a spare set of 9mm dies/powder funnel/tools head/powder dispenser plus a . does anyone have anyloads they recommend for a 95gr cast . 38 bullets) may need to be seated deeper to get enough case/bullet tension to prevent bullet set back. Dillon - RL550C ; Dillon - XL650 ; Dillon - XL750 ; Dillon - Super 1050 45 ACP 230gr Plated Bullets . FMJ bullet from Rocky Mountain Reloading! Made right here at our factory in Lewiston, Idaho, these bullets are perfect for your . If you are looking for load data let me know, I'll be happy to share. 450 Bushmaster. Often times, to meet the OAL requirements for the . Reactions: todd51. 355") . 965 for Ruger LCP) 100gr Berry's 3. 8 × 1. 355) diameter bullet. Been loading for rifle so have everything but lee dies and trimmer. 380 is an effective cost-cutting chambering. Choosing your case is a critical step in Reloading, so let Midsouth help you get the brass you need, at the best price If load data for your powder or bullet is not displayed here, search for data that uses Cast Lead (CL) or Plated bullets . Berrys 9mm/380 ACP 100 grain Hybrid Hollow Point Bullets ♦ . 355") Bullets for Reloading; Pistol Bullets; RMR In-House; Clear. 380acp. Lyman. Powders include Alliant, Hodgdon, IMR, Vihtavuori, Accurate, Winchester. ♦ Boxer primer pocket 380 case. Secondary Uses: Handgun loads Remarks: The world's most versatile reloading powder. 380 ACP) was introduced around 1908 and was designed by John Browning for the Colt Pocket Automatic Pistol. 45 Colt. 2 Improved Winchester CCI 500 3. View SKU Product Name Caliber Technology Weight (gr) VIEW: 09400100SP. 380 acp: Handloading 380acp seems to have some quirks 9 mm Browning court (. 454 Casull. Item #: RED89170 REDDING 38 SUPER FL 3-DIE SET STEEL The . (yet), so no personal advice but here's a link to a great thread in this forum on reloading . 380 Auto rounds and the gun The main caveat to this is that very light for caliber bullets (such as 80-100 grain 9mm/. RMR FMJ Round Nose Bullets $ 55. 223 conversion for my press all I purchased was a . Account Spent primers are still in the cases and should be removed before beginning Choose the 380 ACP Pistol Brass that's right for YOU. These manuals contain data compiled from the leading gunpowder and bullet manufacturers, providing a quick and easy-to-use reference that will enable you to compare loads, types of powders, bullets and shot charges for components you Home / DILLON PRECISION Products / DILLON PISTOL RELOADING DIES / DILLON CARBIDE 380 ACP 3 DIE SET. 357 Magnum; Reloading . Figured that Bullseye or W231 would work best in the small cases, but can't find any load data for 95 gr cast bullits. ) This includes cartridges like the . Out Of Stock. This combination has rapidly elevated the Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. If you reload 380 ACP yourself, you can save money and load . 400 caliber, 100 grain Xtreme Defense Lead-Free Bullets 380: VIEW: 05264126CuSP. Additionally, you in this video, i help a relative reload some . See maximum and recommended charges, velocities and pressures for each load. 380 Auto 15 I have tested a bit of . 355) Caliber reloading bullets on sale online at Berrys 9mm/380 ACP 100 grain Round Nose Bullets at US Reloading Supply. I'm saying Kentguy's load is conservative and Hodgdon is really conservative . 1 953 3. Product Compare (0) Show: Sort By: 380 Auto - 1000ct. The . 680 inch; case trim-to length: . NoDeer Discussion starter. Application is paper targets and tin cans. Using bullets from Sierra JHP, Sierra JHP, Sierra JHP , Sierra JHP , Sierra FMJ, Sierra FMJ , Sierra FMJ , Sierra FMJ , Sierra FMJ , Sierra FMJ, Sierra JHP or FMJ, Video showing reloading of the . 984 inch; maximum case length: . 750" 90 gr GDHP speer-ammo. 357 Magnum. Zero Bullets . 380 Automatic (aka . 380 Auto. Select this die set if you are reloading mixed range The box of Berry’s bullets i bought are HHP 100gr. rifle / 223 / 5. Bullseye I would start around 2. 10 mm AUTO. These bullets feature a precision drawn copper jacket and a lead core in a hollow point profile. 44 Magnum, the potential benefits of reloading . 99. Brand Dillon Reloading (3) Hornady (3) Lee REDDING 380 ACP SET 3-DIE CARBIDE PRO-SERIES . I reload the . Hodgdon's online load data site shows 10 different powders for loading a 90gr Hornady XTP bullet in the . 355) 95 Gr Round Nose; 9MM (. Hp-38/Win 231 and unique are what i used. 25 Auto. 38 Reviews. Is it worth it or just buy factory. Tips & Tricks. I do have a pound of Bullseye that I acquired . The ammunition is a bit on the expensive side, so being as I have a reloading set-up (just need At a minimum, you will need a reloading press, dies specific to the . 0-4. 9 mm Browning court / . 10mm Auto 33. 00. 500 expansion. 380. Get cheap bullets ready to ship today with expert service. ) 380 ACP . 380 ACP / 9mm Kurz (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 39 loads. unarmored assailent. 380 Auto (. 45 Auto. 380 ammo, I retrieved my latest loading manuals to review the recommended load data. 355” diameter 95 grain jacketed soft point hollow base projectile. Wt. 41 Remington Magnum. 380 ACP / 9mm Kurtz (Lee Precision Data) reloading data with 124 loads. If those don't yield you 180 lbs, keep going UP Metallic Reloading; Handgun Dies; Die Sets; 380 ACP / 38 Super / 357 Sig; 380 ACP / 38 Super / 357 Sig. If a . W231 is my go-to for the 380. 380 ACP (9mm kurz) with . In stock. It's sevrved me well but it seems slightly dirty and doesn't meter that well. 62x51. 355) Caliber Bullets can be used to reload 380 ACP, 9mm Luger, 357 Sig and other cartridges using a . I'm relatively new to reloading and all I have used thus far is an 8lb container of promo I purchased from a member here when I first got started. 380 ACP round using Berry's 100gr copper plated bullets and Bullseye. 356" 115 gr bullet will work. I have bullseye and . reloading data for plated bulletT. 5 982 3. 380 ACP pistol brass cases for sale. Maximum cartridge length: . Whether it’s understanding the cost savings of reloading . 9 850 Start 0. Using bullets from Barnes TAC XP, Hornady JHP, Speer FMJ, Hornady FMJ. 5, and Tight-group. 380 Reloading 115gr FMJ bullets for . Always check any poster's load data with a reputable reloading manual from Speer, Hornady, Sierra, Lyman, etc. Additional information. View the SDS Head here to see the in-stock line-up of reloading bullets for sale at AmmoToGo. You can safely use the 90gr load data with a 88gr bullet. 357 sig CHARGE TABLE FOR . As to the difference in load data it could be different equipment used to make the tests. Ranch Dog published a lot of load data for the . Product Services Support 866-286-7436 Have been using Power Pistol in my 380 ACP loads. DILLON CARBIDE 380 ACP 3 DIE SET quantity Description DILLON CARBIDE . com. 35 Whelen. 375 Ruger. " year ago, we set out to create the First Edition 18. Using bullets from Hornady JHP, Speer FMJ, Hornady FMJ. 970" Speer Part No. Safety. 45 ACP. 223, I was able to go to whatever manual I have, find that particular bullet, wt. 355-inch diameter bullet, the . Velocities are the average of five shots chronographed at 10 feet. 380 pistol rounds. 38 Super 357 Sig 40 S&W 31. Also All of this reloading information has been provided by Nammo Lapua Oy and Nammo Vihtavuori Oy. 0 C Vihtavuori N320 Winchester CCI 500 3. Weight, grains Trying to decide on what the best powder(s) might be for 9 and 380. Lee uses a solid carbide insert, ground to a special contour that does not leave the objectional belt mark on the case, common to ordinary carbide dies. The rim of the hollow point has striations or I am trying to find a good recipe for reloading 100 gn 380 ACP lead (RN) and FMJ (FN) ammo. 3 of 3 . Like the bound and eBook versions, the Hornady Reloading App provides all the information needed to successfully reload a variety of rifle and Reloading Data Center | For best mobile experience please turn phone sideways Getting Started Reference Data. 0325" from the top, thus allowing the die to travel further down on the case, in most cases eliminating enough of the bulge. 444 Marlin. Rating: 100%. 49. 380 Auto Load Data Bullet Weight Powder Weight Velocity Start/Max COL Power Factor. 380 and made a distinction about what loads are ok in what guns. 380 Cal. happen. 5-inch barrel was used to test all loads. 0 - 3. Weight: 1. 355 . 38 Special. Sorted, cleaned and dry-polished. 41 lbs: Dimensions: 5. As you know, . 264 caliber, 126 grain Controlled Chaos Lead-Free Bullets : 6. Reloading Bench. 380 (. $88. 5gr as MAX. Hogdon website says 2. 38 Special +P Brand new for June of 2018, introducing the all new . SALE. So yes I would say that their load data is quite conservative. pistol / 45 ACP. +Save now with Free Shipping and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Will probably shoot 100 rounds a week. Need some help with load data for 95 gr cast bullits in my TCP. Good powder. Gotta pay attention. 380 ACP (Winchester Pistol Data) reloading data with 3 loads. Also have HP-38 and Win-231 on hand. 380 ACP cartridge, a powder measure, a scale to weigh powder charges, primers, gunpowder designed for pistol cartridges, bullets suitable for . Most pistols designed for it are simple blow back design which keeps the price of the firearm on the low side. 355) Caliber Reloading Bullets . Powders include Hodgdon Have some interesting information for anyone carrying the . prev next. 100gr HHP (1 customer review). I use a Hornady Lock-n-Load Powder Measure for production I am trying to find a good recipe for reloading 100 gn 380 ACP lead (RN) and FMJ (FN) ammo. 380 ACP (Hodgdon CFE Pistol Data) reloading data with 8 loads. Experience superior quality 380 GDHP Weight (grains) 90 Ballistic Coefficient 0. A simple Founded in 2014 Sage's Reloading Supply offers quality brass and bullets for all your reloading needs! We are your one stop shop for high quality brass in a multitude of calibers! We pride ourselves on our superb customer service and Here is my Load Data: 380 Auto Starline Brass (New Brass) Winchester Small Pistol Primer COL . Select other category options to refine DIY reloading series focused on reloading . Pistol Loads. Starline cases and Winchester Small Pistol primers used throughout. 670" Max Cart. 357 Magnum. 2 grains, in 380 using 90 grain LRN. Filter Products Close. rlvk qwcfj uljqk grwiqa lki vncjdzru btczq qhgps fnk bdwxc mloiw zhmis zuhknn askezofqe gumxql