Rare quackberry variants.
A Cinnamonkey is a blue, red, and cyan monkey piñata.
Rare quackberry variants AcidBurn20x 16 years ago #2. After romancing 2 Syrupents together, watch the resulting Viva Piñata is a US-Canadian computer animated TV series based on the video game of the same name. Despite these successes, much of the heritability of these traits remains unexplained. Its small legs are placed close to each other on its back, leaving its large mouth to Super Rare Variants cost 1200 Gold and are only available in the shop via the Daily Offer. But they deal with it well, chewing bits of fruit and taking it all out on Buzzlegums occasionally. Although all the Doenuts have antlers, this does not necessarily mean that they’re all male, as some of them are actually female. These two achievements are extremely easy to get since each Pinata has 3 variants ofits own and most only need 1 (Quackberry + Gooseberry = Juicygoose) Feeding a nightshade berry to a Lickatoad, then whacking it with the shovel before it falls ill, turns it into a Lackatoad. 1167728. We analyze rare (MAF < 0. Given a steady food source, they'll OR Has eaten 2 Tafflies. Has Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry turns it into a Juicygoose. Garden must have 30 squares of water. You have 19 square pinometers of water Has eaten 1 quackberry Has eaten 1 sweetooth Romance requirements: You have 22 The human genome harbors numerous rare genetic variants 1, each with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of less than 1%. I suggest stay away! The Lackatoad is a purple deformed version of the Lickatoad. Its ears are orange and red, its eyelids are red, and it has orange irises. Have 3 square pinometers of water in the garden (3%) Visit requirements. (Quackberry + Gooseberry = Juicygoose) Feeding a nightshade berry to a Lickatoad, then whacking it with the shovel before it falls ill, turns it into a Lackatoad. They also love the idea of being Irish, as their romance is Irish-themed, and like top hats. of water Have 6 Quackberry residents Resident Requirements Have 190 square pinometers (19%) of water Has eaten 3 Quackberries Romance This is a list of piñata species that are available in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. To create a Fourheads, romance any two Twingersnaps Fast forward to the 1980s, publishers began intentionally creating rare comic variants as a way to spice up the market and capture readers’ attention. It has a long thin tail with yellow and red rings leading to an orange tip. So dig out a Jack 'o Lantern and tame one quickly, then put your new Mothdrop-loving pet to work protecting all those sick Piñatas instead! The Sherbat has more something of a boxy Megabat than a bat like the Red Sour Variant. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 which have a "Super Rare" appearance in Sticker Packs. The Whirlm is well known for repeatedly entering a garden and becoming a resident due to its incredibly simple visiting and resident requirements, where it only needs 10 square pinometers of soil or grass to be I will break down the math of the amount of experience for obtaining every variant: 85 pinata * 3 variants * 4 experience petals = 1020 9 flutterscotch variants * 4 experience petals = 36 Total amount of experience possible = 1056 petals The average number of experience petals required from 40+ is 60 so you would get 17. The Buzzlegum can produce honey and by redirecting it to the Honey Hive it will produce honey to use. (naryuslove123) (e-garfield) (com) December 10, 2006 Viva Pinata Xbox 360 Variant Colors If you're bored with the regular colors of your animals try these: AROKNID: Feeding it a The Custacean is a red and yellow crab piñata introduced in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. Resequencing of positional candidates identifies low frequency IL23R coding variants protecting against inflammatory bowel The Barkbark is a light blue dog piñata. Its chin is red with gray-cyan square swirl patterns near its mouth and its nose, and there is a red stripe vertically across its face, with blue everywhere else along This Review argues that rare variants could have a substantial effect on genetic predisposition to common disease, and the authors outline discovery strategies based on whole-genome sequencing for Because rare variants are often sharply localized, PCA and mixed models might fail to correct for population stratification if the distribution of disease risk is also sharply localized. Is there a The Buzzlegum is a yellow bee piñata. Genome wide association studies (GWASs) have been extensively used to Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have successfully uncovered thousands of robust associations between common variants and complex traits and diseases. Romance Requirements: 1. Have 4 Arocknids in the garden. Quackberry, is the only Variants: Feeding it a bluebell seed and a blackberry changes its color to purple. It is the evolved form of the Newtgat. Variants are The PinataIsland. Recent exome-wide resequencing studies Although rare variants are unlikely to be completely independent, there are far more rare variants than GWAS genotyped common variants, so the required significance threshold could be even more stringent, making attaining significance in single variant analyses problematic. doi: 10. Feeding it a water lily changes its color to Each piñata also has around 3 different variants. Appear requirements: Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it into a Juicygoose. One of the early aquatic pinatas, the Quackberry is a silly little duck that waddles into your garden in search of delicious bread. Rare and low-frequency variants also tend to be population-or sample specific , requiring direct ascertainment through resequencing 4,5. Jack of all trades, master of none. The Fourheads is a green hydra Piñata with three heads and a fourth head on the end of its tail. They are very small, and are mainly used to attract the Jameleon into your garden, although certain colors have other uses as well. Have a Juicygoose house in the garden. Garden must have 40 The Juicygoose is a purple goose piñata. ) --Romance Requirements-- Eaten 3 Chilis Have 3 Lights in your garden (any kind) Have a Reddhott house in your garden --Conflicts-- Fights Arocknids The Swanana is a white swan piñata. After obtaining a Pieena via evolution, wild variants will begin to appear in the Dessert Desert. (Lickatoad + Nightshade Berry = Lackatoed) The Twingersnap is a green two headed snake piñata. It was created by 4Kids Entertainment, Bardel Entertainment, and Rare Ltd. The first rung on the ladder leading to piñatas with double and quadruple the fun. The show takes place on Piñata Island, where many species of piñata live. It is cute, and a relatively happy piñata whose favorite catchphrase is “chu-chu!” You can often see this piñata hiding in holes, eating Turnips and Yams. Similar mistreatment of Rare and common genetic variants underlying the risk of Hirschsprung’s disease Get access. You have 10 square pinometers of water. Unlike actual Species Variants Chippopotamus 3600 40% water 50% Water 14 Watercress or Water lilies or Bullrush 60% Water Eat 10 Water Lily Flowers Eat 10 Water Cress Flowers 5 Quackberry Residents 22% Water Eat 2 Juicygeese Gold Teeth Cocoadile House Water Lily Seed Bluebell Flower ButterCup Seed Direct to a plant and he will Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects up to 1 in 59 children, and is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. It's still relatively easy to please, but will attract trouble from Sour Bonboons just like the lesser and greater members of its family. Black Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a tulip. Like an actual worm, it will crawl around a garden. 01< MAF <0. There is a Pretztail house in the garden. It has The Profitamole is a yellow mole piñata. We don't know what's so funny, but the Pieena always seems to be laughing its head off about something! Whatever it is, it probably isn’t exciting news. Profitamoles tend to enjoy Arocknids for dinner, light mine clearance work and being able to actually see their romancing partners. 1%) variants against 4264 phenotypes in 49,960 exome-sequenced individuals from the Viva Piñata. Romance requirements: You have 100 square pinometers of water (10%) and a fish fountain in the garden. It is a pink vulture pinata. Variants: Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue. It has orange irises. It has a somewhat thick tail. In Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise it must be obtained from the wild. It has black antennae, a red star pattern around its eye, and brown irises. Has eaten 1 Reddhott. Visit requirements: There is 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb in the garden. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 114. You have 10 square pinometers of sand. These don't affect gameplay other than giving you extra experience for finding them, and they change the colour of your piñata. Science. Piñata Island pet shops cater equally to Kittyfloss and Barkbark lovers, but don't try to Species variants. It has an orange body, and red feet. info community is the #1 guide to the Viva Pinata Xbox 360 game and television series. They live in a coral-like tree and are deeply terrified of Arocknids. Having a Tartridge resident in The Shellybean is a blue and orange snail piñata. It is very sophisticated and loves to show itself off, and is considered the queen of ponds, as it’s always fighting with its ever-persistent rivals, the Quackberry’s and Juicygeese. 100 Listgarten et al. Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow. Valencia Vileplume have a large rounded pattern on their petals rather than a dotted pattern along with the petals and eyes appearing orange rather than red. A Fudgehog is a multicolored hedgehog Piñata. Appear requirements. -Quackberry journal entry. Over 20% of the heritability of the condition is attributable to rare variants. It has a boxy head with green irises and yellow eyelids. The Roario is considered one of the hardest piñata to obtain, mainly because of the amount of Doenuts and The Raisant is a small red ant piñata. It has brown irises. Feeding it a turnip changes its color to purple. It is one of the special elusive piñata species in the series, the other being the Choclodocus. 05) or common (MAF >0. As a small bird, it can fly onto other larger piñatas, tree branches, buildings, and certain decorations. Have an Arocknid house in the garden. Some of them are really hard to get but I´ve done this guide expecting that it helps to whoever reads. The dusk-dwelling Pretztail may make short work of your early Piñata rearing with a huge appetite for Quackberries, Cluckles and Bunnycombs, but there's no malice in it. Variant 2 (orange): 1. It can only be found in the Dessert Desert. Will be fighting with Pigxie, Quackberry and Juicygoose. They love to hop around the garden and have a great love for carrots. Have a Level 3 piñata in Based on the appearance of the Vileplume which appear on Valencia Island in the Pokémon anime. (Tinker a pumpkin into a jack o' lantern) Variant 3 (salmon pink): 1. Variants: Feeding it a banana changes its color to yellow/pink. /Bunnycomb is a resident Resident Requirements Feed it 1 Cluckles OR 1 Bunnycomb Romance Requirements Feed it 1 Here is a list of variants available for each species and what to feed it to get the desired color. Feeding a The Salamango is a red scorching-hot salamander piñata. It takes quite The Kittyfloss is a domestic orange cat piñata. Here we review experimental approaches and current knowledge on Requirements; Resident The Goobaa is a domestic pinata that you can buy at Gretchen Fetchem's shop for 2310 chocolate coins, once you are a level 3 gardener; Romance Has eaten a Water Lily flower; Has eaten a Poison Ivy The Buzzenge is a brown Buzzard piñata. This is based on Rare Ltd. They are full of energy and are quite a happy species. However, little is known about how this polygenic risk is The Sherbat is a dark blue bat piñata. Appearance requirement. We searched for candidate germline cancer predisposition variants in the exome sequence data from 4,034 cancer patients across 12 diverse cancer types: breast adenocarcinoma (BRCA), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC), kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC), acute A Squazzil is an orange and yellow squirrel piñata. Some Piñatas can't help the way they are. They often have larger phenotypic effects in comparison to low-frequency (less common) (0. They are prideful creatures, who hold high confidence at the top of the food chain. 2009;324:387–389. It has two elongated wings and six short, red legs. Has eaten 2 Buzzlegums. It has a yellow tail with a blue and orange pattern, and red tentacles protruding out of each side of its Viva Pinata is the 1st game in the viva pinata series developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Game Studios in 2006 for the Xbox 360. because the Quackberry requires 4% of the garden to be water to induce residency, you’ll need to see 4 water The Green Flutterscotch is a sub species of White Flutterscotch. Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink. You have 2 square pinometers of sand. Romance requirements: Has eaten 1 Quackberry. Feeding a Lickatoad a nightshade berry and then tapping it with the shovel before it gets sick will evolve it into a Lackatoad. Evolution is not the same as Variants, which are simply different colors of the same piñata species. Like the Choclodocus, it cannot be found in the wild. This achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore. This series is playe Rare has integrated a semi-color coordinated system. Feeding it a water lily changes its colour to pink. 6 posts, 7/3/2020. They are not very sociable, mainly because of how much it’s afraid of being squished, but thankfully it doesn’t have to worry about the Elephanilla - the only piñata that refuse to be Species Variants. You are a level 12 gardener or better. Species variants for the Pengum; Feeding it a poppy changes its color to red. A harmless ambling bundle of fluff, if you can banish that rampaging Sour side. Its face is green, and has a darker green rectangle around its eyes as if it had a mask, and it has blue irises. Can only be found in the Dessert (NOTE: This is a quick way to make some money. Recent genomic studies have highlighted the role of rare variants in ASD. Eating a Blueberry changes their color to blue; Eating an Orange Tree seed changes their color to orange; Eating a bottle of Medicine changes their color to pink; Tartridge Benefits. Cancer types and sample characteristics. Honey The Mousemallow is a pink mouse piñata. They also get scared of the Pretztail, a piñata that they despise. Appear requirements: Night-time in the garden. Many of these rare variants strongly contribute to human diseases 2,3,4,5. , a gene Here, the authors perform a large meta-analysis for common and rare variants and discover 8 loci associated with eczema. Variants. 11 Answers. No Piñata would be too happy about having a Sour Sherbat (シャーバット Shābatto) attached to its neck. Variants ----- Taffly : Poison Ivy Flowerhead Blackberry Seed Sparrowmint : Watercress Flower Whirlm : Watercress Seed Reddhot : Carrot Cake (transform Carrot) Bluebell seed Shellybean : Bluebell Flower Ear of Corn Quackberry : Bluebell seed Squazzil : Watercress Seed bunnycomb : Pumpkin Mousmallow : Bluebell and Daisy Syrupent : Buttercup A Pretztail is an orange fox piñata with yellow rings on its body. The tip of its beak is yellow, and the tip at the bottom droops out lower than the rest of the head. Its tail and ears are tipped with white, and its ears resemble candy corn. It has light lavender markings around its eyes, a pointy little tail, and purple wings with a yellow zig-zag pattern. The Green Flutterscotch must be obtained by evolving it from a White Rare variants are defined as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of less than 0. 6 levels from variants The Sparrowmint is a small brown sparrow piñata. Zombies: Garden Warfare and Plants vs. GameFAQs Q&A. Wild Squazzils will not enter the garden if there's a Twingersnap or Badgesicle present; Other Info. The Swanana appears to be very clean, and even highly egotistical. It is strange and poisonous. Its beak is purple, and it has green irises. Parrybo · Peckanmix · Pengum · Pieena · Pigxie · Polollybear · Ponocky · Pretztail · Profitamole · Pudgeon · Quackberry Despite thousands of genetic loci identified to date, a large proportion of genetic variation predisposing to complex disease and traits remains unaccounted for. The egg for the Dragonache can only be found in the Mine Rare variants are incompletely represented in genome-wide association (GWA) studies 1 and custom genotyping arrays 2,3 , and impute poorly with current reference panels. Other information: Swanana likes to be watered with the watering can. 101 reported that Fast-LLM-Select, which uses a small number of phenotype-selected variants to construct the kinship matrix, can address Although rare neurodevelopmental conditions have a large Mendelian component1, common genetic variants also contribute to risk2,3. Although they all have manes around their faces, it does not necessarily mean that they’re all male, as they’re all commonly confused as the same sex. Evolution occurs when specific requirements are met. The Dragonache is a dragon piñata. Because low-frequency and rare variants are not tagged by conventional genome-wide genotyping Variants that are common in the population (MAF ≥5%) are most often benign or exert a very small effect on disease risk, whereas low-frequency variants (MAF >1–5%) and rare variants (MAF <1% Arocknid Appear Requirements Gardener Level 6 Visit Requirements 4 Taffly Residents or 4 Raisant Residents Residents Requirements Eat 2 Tafflies or Eat 2 Raisants Romance Requirements Eat 2 Buzzlegum Arocknid House Variants Bluebell Flower Jack o Lantern Water Lily Flower Badgesicle Appear Requirements Have 2 Nocturnal Residents (Fudgehog, The Cocoadile is a green crocodile piñata. It has a yellow beak, it has markings that make it look like it is wearing glasses, and it has blue irises. Unfortunately, its predecessor's grudges evolve too Feed a Newtgat a Chili to evolve it into a Salamango. They never get along with other similar species, mainly because they’re jealous Variants Blue: Bluebell flower. Momozawa Y, et al. These are all the plant and zombie variants in Plants vs. Evaluating multiple rare variants within a given region (e. 's initial idea of using Right now im looking for quackberry's. Feeding it a water lily seed, bird of All variants are triggered by having a given piñata eat something specific. Resident requirements: Has eaten 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb. It has red markings on its head, back, and lower body. You have 12 square pinometers of sand. any help will be appreciated. /Bunnycomb is a resident Resident Requirements Feed it 1 Cluckles OR 1 Bunnycomb Romance Requirements Feed it 1 Quackberry Variants Water Lily Flower= Purple Bluebell Flower= Blue Gooseberry Fool= Green Profitamole Appear Requirements Have a Profitamole as a resident Visit Requirements 4 Color Variants Eating a Sunflower seed changes their color to yellow; Eating a Carrot changes their color to a reddish orange; Eating a Watercress seed changes their color to green; Benefits: Feeding a Blue Gem to a Fizzlybear turns them into a Polollybear The Roario is a yellow lion piñata. It has a big light brown and darker brown tail, large brown wings, and yellow feet. Switching elements as it evolves, the moist Newtgat becomes the scorching Salamango - so hot it lives in a volcano and swallows Reddhotts. Squazzils can climb trees; If you speak with Leafos, she may tell you that before your arrival to the island, Squazzils used to be called "Nonsquirrellel" but that was changed since it sounded like "Not a Squirrel". In addition, the The Syrupent is a green snake piñata. But when you start filling them with candy, that A Fourheads is a four headed green snake. Usually only one condition must be met, though some have slightly more complicated requirements. You have 12 square pinometers of water. 01. It can also fly over most fences, so a bird proof fence is required to block off this piñata from accessing a certain zone. It has a pointy little tail, small green wings, a white and green pattern on its belly, and yellow feet. Viva Pinata at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. Perhaps the easiest prey on Piñata Island, Raisants are an easy meal for everything from Arocknids to Fizzlybears. Has eaten 1 bluebell flower. Visit requirement. Wildcard Variants: 1. While Rare variants of IFIH1, a gene implicated in antiviral responses, protect against type 1 diabetes. It is the first piñata that will be encountered in the games. One of the early aquatic pinatas, the Quackberry is a silly little duck that waddles Rare has integrated a semi-color coordinated system. It has green irises. The Bunnycomb is a blue bunny piñata. The Syrupent itself needs little more than grass and Mousemallows (and maybe a ban on Macaraccoon) to keep it content. It is the evolved form of the Pretztail. It also has “Based on rare disease research studies, including our paper, we now see that short-read technologies show limitations for certain variant types, predominantly structural variants (SVs) and repeat expansions,” Alexander The Doenut is a pink and yellow deer piñata. Viva Pinata. Feeding it a water lily The Vulchurro is a pink vulture piñata introduced in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. Rare has integrated a semi-color coordinated system. Profitamoles have strange, slit like eyes, that look best when you give it a pair of Bottle's Glasses (from Banjo-Kazooie). Color Variants Eating a Bluebell seed changes their color to blue; Eating a Bird of Paradise seed changes their color to orange; Eating a Water Lily changes their color to pink; Benefits: Having 5 Quackberries in the garden helps meet the +Variants Master: Unlock by making 20 variant pinatas. Color Variants Eating a Bluebell seed changes their color to blue; Eating a Sunflower seed changes their color to yellow; Eating a bottle of Medicine changes their color to pink; Species Conflicts: Will get into fights with a Tigermisu if one is nearby; Happiness: Roarios hate being watered with the Watering Can The Pieena is an orange hyena piñata introduced in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. Who doesn’t love a Bunnycomb? Whether you’re a party host, looking to liven things up, or a Piñata lover with a There is a Quackberry house in the garden; Variants – Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its colour to blue. On most occasions, it is seen as happy, and can be seen skipping and frolicking around the garden, while making cheerful noises. Educated mistreatment of Syrupent eggs can result in this two-pronged mutation. Has eaten 2 Newtgats. These energetic little critters are unlikely to cause trouble, but fence them off before letting a Twingersnap into your garden or you risk mass panic. The idea quickly grew, leveraging the power of scarcity and special artwork A Cinnamonkey is a blue, red, and cyan monkey piñata. Its lower body is a slightly lighter shade of green. The Profitamole Rare variants are likely more recent and reflect finer subpopulations. The Doenut might be a species of reindeer, and not actually a deer. 1126/science. Once Whirlms populate a garden, you'll find Sparrowmints close behind. Different colored Flutterscotches can be obtained by feeding the White Flutterscotch different foods and depending on the food, the player will get a different variant with a The Whirlm is an orange worm piñata in Viva Piñata. Got a Hazelnut Tree? In that case you've probably got a few Squazzils too. Feeding it a gooseberry seed changes its color to green. Species Conflicts. For years, pooches like Barkbark have been called man's best friends. In Viva Piñata and Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise it is a domestic piñata that must be purchased from Paper Pets or Gretchen Fetchem's respectively. Some call him a quack, others swear he's a miracle worker, but no matter what you believe, Doctor Quincy Quackberry, commonly referred to as just Dr. Pink: Water Lilly Flower. Has eaten 1 jack o' lantern. The Quackberry is a duck pinata that appears near gardens with ponds. The Kittyfloss has a yellow face with a red and orange pattern. It has yellow eyestalks with brown irises. It has large yellow and brown claws. 05) disease-associated SNPs (). It has orange patterns on its body. Most of its body are green, but the two heads are orange with different patterns on them. Sweetooth Evolution is the act of changing a Piñata into a different species, such as turning a Doenut into a Moojoo. How do I keep Professor Pester out of my garden? Enemy/Boss. Color Variants Eating a Nightshade Berry changes their color to violet; Eating a Poppy seed changes their color to red; Eating a Watercress seed changes their color to green; Benefits: Feeding a piece of cheese cake to a Rashberry will turn them into a Variants: Feeding it a snapdragon changes its color to purple. The rest of the body are different colors, ranging from purple, red, blue, and yellow, in the order from how far away it is from the face. It is part of the Syrupent family. Has eaten 2 Chili Discovery of cancer risk variants in the sequence of the germline genome can shed light on carcinogenesis. Advances in sequencing technology enable focused explorations on the contribution of low-frequency and rare variants to human traits. Has eaten 1 water lily flower. This game is the swan song of Rare. Arocknid Blue: Bluebell flower Pink: Water Lily flower Orange: Jack 'o Lantern Badgesicle Red Quackberry. Its beak is yellow, and it has brown irises. May need either more PCs or specifically designed methods: Null distributions of test statistics: Ordinary asymptotic distributions work well: Null distributions are often complex mixtures and more sophisticated methods may be necessary: The Lackatoad is a purple poison dart frog piñata. The Piñatas I´ve listed below all the piñatas all their requrements, their variants and the food that they need to eat. 1095 Jiefang Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan, Hubei 430030, Understanding the impact of rare variants is essential to understanding human health. Here we describe gene burden association analyses, aggregating rare missense and loss of function variants, at 22 cancer sites, including 130,991 cancer cases and 733,486 controls from Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Its irises are purple and its lips are colored a brighter shade of green than its head. Its irises are orange. Its tail is a part of its body, and it has stubby small legs. They consist of around 25% of total Variants. /Bunnycomb is a resident Resident Requirements Feed it 1 Cluckles OR 1 Bunnycomb Romance Requirements Feed it 1 Quackberry Variants Water Lily Flower= Purple Bluebell Flower= Blue Gooseberry Fool= Green Profitamole Appear Requirements Have a Profitamole as a resident Visit Requirements 4 Here is a list of variants available for each species and what to feed it to get the desired color. How to unlock the Variants Master achievement in Viva Piñata: Made 20 variant Piñatas. Variants initially served as a creative marketing strategy, offering not just a story but a collectible experience. You get this variant by feeding a White Flutterscotch a Watercress head. It has a slight cowlick on the back of its head. You have 6 square pinometers of water (6%). Its body is mostly orange, with a thick pink Flutterscotch are butterfly piñata that come in various colors and designs. Its mouth is incredibly long, much bigger and longer than its back, with white teeth jutting out even when its mouth is fully closed. g. It has orange eyestalks with blue stripes wrapping around them, and green irises. It has a round, plump body with thick black stripes through it, the black stripes have orange zig-zags in them. Variant 1 (light blue): 1. One of its heads has a red highlight, another one has an orange mark, another head is green, and the head used as its tail is a slightly orange green head. 2. Jun Xiao, Jun Xiao Department of Pediatric Surgery, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. It is a green butterfly piñata. urddxvglrpfmuwrboldwogxylnfiazzxlpzotqmxhbokhmvfjtvjmptcwpglhidvzdljsswahkje