Factorio ltn requester. It can handle all possible train configuration.
Factorio ltn requester. LTN has been ported to Factorio 2.
- Factorio ltn requester LTN cuts the amount of rolling stock required to run a megabase down to 30% or less. 1) On the requester station, there's an arithmetic combinator multiplying each input by -1; what is its A LTN requester station that always unloads all wagons. 如何接入LTN网络: 将Lamp: (color coded status) 用绿色信号线连接到LTN Combinator, 并设定好这个站点属于哪种站点, 等灯变成绿色, 就表示这个车站已经接入了LTN网络. 1: 1. It used to be incompatible, but I haven't heard any reports in the last months so it may be compatible now. How to set up a basic LTN system with provider, requester and depot stations. So 0 times 18,000 is 0, and no request I want to know if it is possible to make LTN to generate schedules that are more than "Depot -> Provider -> Requester -> Depot" style. Factorio Pink science - LTN Requester of Multiple items on Multiple stations. The original LTN Combinator Mod pretended there was some mutual exclusivity when there wasn't. Version 2 no have compact panel anymore (only requester / provider. As Steinio said, request with global defaults will be started when your requester has less than -1000. So if provider WOULD provide at 1 stack and requester WOULD request 10 stack it would only send when there are 10 stacks avaible, this just sounds logic. 1K: 1. - Newly built Requester LTN Combinators from blueprints or copy / cut / paste operations will be set to disabled by default. I’ve read the manual and watched a few tutorials, but I still don’t fundamentally understand it. 13" on the official 一个LTN网络至少需要一个Depot, 一个Provider和一个Requester组成. The key is the check+overflow valve; Whenever one of the check valves is over 80% full, that means the common pipe section is in use and unloading of a different substance must not occur. The actual delivery information is only available through the LTN Train Info combinator. Search the tags for mining, smelting, and advanced production blueprints. I The worst is when trains can't get to the unload stop and LTN starts sending even more trains into the blockade, now really overflowing the stop with items when you finally resolve the block. LTN assumes that if the requester threshold has been reached then the station *needs* more items, and would rather have some than none. How to fix? For all your requester stations add a 'provide threshold' of 50,000,000 (an arbitrarily large number). Is this the right kind of threshold for this stop? If yes, why did LTN send a train to pickup 7687 rather than 8000? The output of LTN stop shows the expected train inventory (and some train composition stuff). 18 and LTN 1. The combinators will read requested, provided and deliveries of whichever Network ID is set in the first slot. They drive empty from the depot to the provider, load up, drive full to the requester, unload and drive empty to the depot. Use this if you already have a LTN train network in your SE savegame. LogisticTrainNetwork mod was used in Factorio 1. pushed Factorio to 1. Today, I updated few mods (mostly another updated of Angels, related to LTN - LTN content reader, but it happens with i Good work there, but this one is more satysfying way for me, becayse it uses more Factorio 2. The reason for changing the dropoff with my own logic was that i wanted a way to ensure a train content can be emptied. But I didn't like v2. 2 it is. The green wire is hooked to the 24 steel chests at the top, and connected down to the warehouse, as well as connected to the LTN input (I've verified that it's not crossing with the output, nor any other wires (Like the big power poles). Since the signal we had for filtering inserters is a static signal from our LTN Requester stop. Allows LTN to make deliveries through SE's space elevator. It would be a small disaster if train would leave with some items still in it back to depot. At provider station it shows f. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. All the chests are connected to each other and thus connected to the LTN light. Not together) I don't agree. . I'm looking at the examples in this post and this reddit post, and getting lost on several points. I set the provider and requester, then close and open the GUI, and it will still automatically become provider. Since LTN only takes control of trains parked at a depot, it is perfectly fine to run some vanilla trains in parallel. Similar in functionality to the famous Logistics Train Network mod, but with a much broader scope. 3 Version: 0. Requester stop. Hi, like LTN is back, I will change my train maganger setup, but I'm ask if I could play this 2 mod together, like one for the raw ressource (ore) ore like I ask previously in an other discussion ( 4th coment on Depot train : LTN can handle combinator controlled fill values and parameters fine. For background I am playing the entire PyMod suite which adds an enormous amount of intermediate items which I would like to handle with LTN if possible. The goal of LTN-C is to be a lightweight, remote controllable (through LTN-T) combinator with improved visibility over core LTN-signals. e 8000 iron ore, because the train should contain 8000 iron ore after loading At requester station shows empty, because the train should be empty after unloading In reality, simply adding a negative signal would have resulted in both provider and requester being checked the next time you opened it. 15. I just learned about changing the time out setting to zero a week ago. It will ask for more when it So like if you have an LTN order for 1000 iron plates, but instead load 8,000 iron plates, you have an overdelivery. For a requester it is usually nothing. The requester asks for slightly more than this, say, 10000 iron plates. Universal Requester and Provider have more Chests now and a higher throughput 1. Optera Smart Inserter Posts: 2920 LTN Requester multiple items. FACTORIO EDAX TEMPUS, VITA BREVIS. It can handle all possible train configuration. Project Cybersyn. This tutorial runs through how to wire the stations up and what signals to set Book: LTN Stations Pro 2. I also started using an LTN companion mod called LTN Combinator (I think). 9. I have a LTN station called LTN(P) - Iron OLD which loads iron old onto a train. Factorio Prints. Instead of sending green circuits from my two provider stations for green circuits, LTN decides to send trains to the REQUESTER station for my electric engines, which has green circuits in its station. It will ask for more when it gets down to 1k. x Added Chunk-aligned Cross Add Universal Stations and Mine-Outpost Replaced Lamps in Stations for Fill-Level with Nixie Tubes; To replace the LTN functionality of desiring MIXED GOODS (for example, if i have a distant outpost that needs walls, laser turrets, construction bots, and repair kits - just for automated defense maintenance) - then i can setup an infinite number of stations with the same name (e. 0 Updates. That is why you need to use both the output combinator, the station itself and an arithmetic combinator. On the right side is the Requester station, I have exactly the same combinator settings with the added selection to With LTN you just send them to the depot and LTN takes care of the rest. 0 features like radar signal and one universal settings for trains and providers, which works with everything even like batteries and other cargo, and you change only type of product when install requester. Therefore it will emit a provider threshold that is the highest possible integer. Sign in / Join. 3: 1. If LTN is 'heavy', what do you call Pac-Man or Grey Goo in Factorio? Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. The only way to force a station not request or provide is to have a request or provide threshold higher than you can ever have on hand or have room for. 1 Version: 0. So I just started using LTN again (it's been a couple of years) and was refreshing my understanding of the mod. I've recently gotten into LTN and have been creating a train-based factory where each segment has one input station and one output station. You will need them The problem I have here is that, even with the provide priority set high, LTN will still sometimes request iron plates from central storage back to central storage, sending a train on a little loop and leaving the overflow plates in the output station. Logistic robots will then bring the specified items from provider chests, storage chests, and buffer chests, if the "Request from buffer chests" checkbox is checked, until the request is I reduced it down to one tank with a requester signal and it still was selected as a provider station. Place 6 steel chests For fluid requester stations ensure all storage tanks are connected to the LTN lamp. The reason I strongly disencourage using combinator logic is LTN usually does a way better job at managing deliveries than any combinator logic. Factorio (with Krastorio2 + Space Exploration mods) is a game which eventually leads to the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For example, if a requester station is asking for 1000 iron plates, will it try to find a provider station that has 1000 plates, then assign a train from the depot to go pick Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. I started first with the design from Nilaus's tutorial, then followed on to the requester on the Guide for a Low-Effort LTN User post. I am using your combinator in my (krastorio2/space exploration) blueprint book. Search Most Recent Most Favorited Create Known Issues Chat Contributors Donate. build a bunch of them. LTN uses a simplistic logic to generate deliveries. Place 6 steel chests alongside where the wagon will go, with inserters on each side, to unload the wagon and then the chests. 1: Download: 3 years ago: 31. I could see how it's done as a starting point. The mod Yatm (Yet another train manager) manages a network of train based on the principle of provider/requester as the great LTN do. 1, showing the performance and stability About 3000 SPM Mod which attempts to migrate from LTN to Project Cybersyn. Is there a way to ensure that LTN will absolutely prioritise the outposts? LTN - Logistics Train Network is the mod by Optera that allows to request and provide supplies by trains without using any premade schedules. 0; Optional LTN will make a request for that 1,000 difference. jpg I have set up a Constant combinator for In simplest requester station for LTN you don't need to wire inserters at all though. 7. I am a huge fan of your LTN mod. Note: If the LTN default network is changed, explicitly set combinators will not change automatically. 0 - pushed FLib to 0. Explaining Factorio: The Logistic Train Network (LTN MOD)IMPORTANT NOTE: Unique station names are no longer needed as of update 1. This led to lots of confusion (as well as feature requests) all stemming from the fact that LTN does not Looking into this. I had a (very short) look at Train Supply Manager (TSM) as an alternative, but found it somewhat backwards and overcomplicated when compared to LTN. In LTN trains always get 3 stations: provider, requester and depot. The strength of LTN is to deal with multiple provider to multiple requester situations with as few constraints as possible. If this is ot done, the selection of "provider" or §requester" at the top makes little sense, as it doesn't actually do anything. However, it looks as if it's not outputting the same info when it's working as a requester. Also make sure you have more storage space than your biggest train can carry. LTN has been ported to Factorio 2. This works mostly fine, but I have been running into issues when the amount of each different item I want to provide/request varies significantly. Sounds complicated to me Basically you always want to empty the train entirely on a requester How to set up a basic LTN system with provider, requester and depot stations. 3. Hardly, 'heavy'. Wire the tanks and the chests together and wire it into the train stop, along with a constant combinator with the appropriate negative acid value. Top. With the Interface added in LTN 1. Anyway, with LTN trains, there is no way to get them to repath to another station with the same name, because they will only complete the previous leg of their schedule when they are right in front of the station. While LTN requires I either always request exactly full containers or rely on hacks like setting threshold to 1_000_000_000. Additionally there are so many mods out there which change stack size or capacity - i fear going there would be a rabbit hole. 13 This station can handle multiple items and will only unload items scheduled to unload. So say I have a request for -8,000. In that image, you have provider set to disabled. Would this would be considers a provider? If yes, I have a constant combinator giving a Provide Threshold of 8. Display LTN's Provider and Requester contents for specific Network ID's as combinator output. LTN Settings Documentation; LTN API Documentation; Factorio 2. ↳ Discover Factorio Wiki; ↳ Discover Others Creations; ↳ Discover Mods; 2. They tell LTN not to "provide" anything from this station until there are 2147483647 of them available at this station in stock. LTN Manuals and Demos for detailed functionality of LTN Control Signals. What's really happening there was the LTN Combinator would display as a Requester if there was a really high provide threshhold set. g. Upon further investigation, it seems the output signal gets build with the toggle on off. ↳ Discover Factorio Wiki; ↳ Discover Others Creations; ↳ Discover Mods; Hey all - I'm new to LTN and I've been trying it out for a bit now. To use this mod simply open an elevator and connect it to LTN with the switch on the top of I click requester, then close and open the GUI, and it automatically becomes provider. - When the requester drops down to 2000 iron ore remaining, the request reaches -1000, triggering delivery #1 for approx 1000 iron ore. Check if train size is plausible between requester and provider 3) Check if Network ID is plausible between requester, provider and depot [round up fluids reading train jaycsin wrote:The easy way to fix this is just use the # priority tag in the constant combinator connected to the LTN station input light, every provider should at a minimum have a priority 1 (lowest priority is 0 aka no # priority tag), this will avoid the system sending trains to overstuffed requestors. Signal differences in standard operation between LTN train stop (green signals) and the LTN Train Info combinator (red signals): For a requesting stop, LTN will only ever output the expected cargo in the train after the unload operation is complete. 1; LTN Combinator Modernized mod was used in Factorio 1. 1: Display LTN's Provider and Requester contents for specific Network ID's as combinator output. Named for Project Cybersyn of Allende's Chile, with just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase. Content Mod category: Content Mods introducing new content into the game. It first decides on a provider purely on provider priority, item count and network id. Is this some sort of bug? I'm getting this with anything by the way and this can cause jams in my network. It will get minimal LTN thinks this is now a provider station with 4k iron ore in it, and possibly (depending on LTN options) decides it is a valid provider to send a train to. Otherwise it might be worth taking a look at Cybersyn which is an alternative to LTN that has SE integration built-in and also has some other nice additions. I do not want to alter or introduce new behaviours into LTN. I want to describe a more complicated and more efficient way of building LTN requester and provider stations. 1. For your feedback loop I'd set the drain stop to see a the request fill value only when provider and feedback request stations are Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. If i only set 1 requesting quantity over the stration and do not check individual containers, how can i know the first one isnt completely full while the other 2 are empty? this will result in a mess as well, as the train wont unload the first wagon. I've been going off of the blueprints provided in the first post of the station design th LTN Requester not setting inserter filters Modded Question I'm just in the process of learning Logistical Train Network (LTN) and have hit a bit of a roadblock, with a requester station that is requesting two items, Iron Plates and Copper Plates. I'm still learning about this myself. LTN queues a request for this value. Divide that by 18,000, and you get 0 (Factorio drops the everything after the decimal). r/factorio Here is the example blueprint for the "Smarter" Requester and Supplier Stations with all the wires in place. 3: Compatible with Factorio 0. Finally I settled on the design "Requester v2 for LTN 1. Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads ; 1. Requester station requests 5k, threshold 1k. Smarter Trains may or may not be compatible with LTN. Trouble with LTN Fluid Requester Stations Question I am having an issue with my LTN fluid drop stations which is driving me nuts! one thing i can suggest is to get the other LTN mods not the language packs and will post an update with a link to my setup just I think that what you describe is best handled by a single vanilla train. Green-wire all the chests (and power poles where needed) to the LTN combinator. For a provider, that is the shipment. 2: 1. F. Only when using LTN Combinator in blueprint can it be requester, but the problem becomes that I can't change it to provider. When a station is working as a provider it outputs the order from the output combinator. 0. So I had a different idea, which is to divide how many I want by a full train size, and then multiply that by the full train size. 6. Sounds complicated to me Basically you always want to empty the train entirely on a requester station. TSM has separate Supplier and Requester stations so that never happens. e: A train gets scheduled to pick up 8000 iron ore. Most stations just have 1 constant combinator and one arithematic. For LTN, what you could do is have the station request both iron and copper, but use filter inserters to offload iron and copper into different buffers. In reality, the Provider / Requester nature of an LTN stop is not actually a property that can be set. Hi All Wondering if someone can help me with LTN, I've been through the documentation and several videos yet still cannot seem to get it working. However I have a question about the Requester design: . Behold one of the most feature-rich and performant train logistics network mods Factorio has to offer. Features. Check if train size is plausible between requester and provider; Check if Network ID is plausible between requester, provider and depot; Changing train composition makes trains Requester station requests 5k, threshold 4k. Just send all trains to depots and LTN will pick the best suitable train for a job. 0 (Pull-Push with no loaded train with nowhere to go) - Requester send a -1 on the green network when need items, provider +1 on the red network when items are available (it can also be done with only the requests on a single network cable as the provider is not active when there are not enough items Good work there, but this one is more satysfying way for me, becayse it uses more Factorio 2. So just put your ore loading chests on one side of the track and your acid unloading tanks on the other. I think I built a reasonably effective multi fluid requester station for LTN. This is my first guide, but I'm hoping that at least one person struggling to make sense of the Requester Station math or LTN setup in general gets some help with this!!!! If this is against community rules let me know, just hoping to share some knowledge. Limiting the trains would probably help, yes. I get that much. LTN like system in vanilla 2. This was still no good. So I downloaded the Brian's Trains ltn blueprint book and mod hoping that if I was to plant it down and get it working. So my question is: Why can't I mark requester stations as depot? I updated the mod from v1 to v2. 5 Date: 2020-09-13 Changes: - pushed Factorio to 1. Bixbite wrote:I've got a decent understanding of LTN, but I'm trying to understand everything. No need for fancy logic combinators, its already built into the system. I'd also like to understand why it's doing this because I've been using LTN for months and enjoy using it, but maybe I just have my numbers off. For example, a 1-4 fluid Requester v2 for LTN 1. JPG. LTN train stops (with tutorial) LTN: Requester: Provider: Why yes, that's another problem with LTN - requester stations being able to suddenly be counted as provider stations. Generally, I've got plenty of info on how to do things, but not why they're done. I am currently using 200 trains to service over 3200 train stops! I am using the LTN content provider/requesters to help determine what is causing the bottlenecks in my factories and it has worked well so far. I w I want to know if it is possible to make LTN to generate schedules that are more than "Depot -> Provider -> Requester -> Depot" style. So, let's begin. What purpose exactly does the arithmetic combinator accomplish? Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. 2^32-1 (2147483647). As far as I know LTN will only schedule trips from a single provider station to a single requester station. 10. Connect the combinator to the input lamp of an LTN Train stop. 2K: 1. Tool tips show the LTN Signal description and default values. Requester chests can be configured to request of a specified number of up to 1000 types of items from the network. 5. My LTN system has been working fine so far. There are three types of stations, each of which I'll describe in this guide. Of course the train won't load any green circuits since it is a requester station. Goals Limit the number of requester / provider stations at sub-factories; 1:1 or 1:2 trains Now I've shown you how to make basic LTN stations, let's take a look at more complicated ones which allow you to pick up or drop off multiple resources at on The requester chest is a large advanced storage item that is part of the logistic network. It might be a good idea to also set a high request threshold for providers, to make sure these are providers. Adds logistic-train-stops acting as anchor points for building a fully automated, train logistic network. Both cases can and will cause problems later on with "contamination" where a Multi Requester - Separate Sides - Added August '23 The following shows how a single Requester Station can receive multiple materials. It is only a small setup and misses some of the tips I gave in the longer text: LTN is SO MUCH simpler with logistic bots ;) Green and Red wires. Fixes the old requesters glitch of moving one cycle of any item in inventory before the subtracted signal Requester threshold = number of missing items to trigger a deliver (set this to roughly max capacity of your largest train) Buffer chests Connect buffer chests to the LTN lamp. This tutorial runs through how to wire the stations up and what signals to set LTN is smart enough to send fluid wagons for fluids and cargo wagons for cargo. 1 to configure stations; LTN Combinator Modernized's combinators were directly connected to LTN station input lamp; Project cybersyn mod is used in Factorio 2. LTN calculates a new request value, say, 2000 iron plates. The train arrives. When using the LTN Mod, I faced the "known problem" that a requesting train station might let a train leave, although some of its wagons are not completely empty. 1: Download: 2 years ago: 36. There are In simplest requester station for LTN you don't need to wire inserters at all though. 13. I stumbled upon This Guide which has been really helpful so far for getting my basic depots, providers, and requesters set up. Set the LTN Combinator to Requester mode. It can combine pickup from many different stations for the same delivery (option in requester stations) initialy from factorio 1. It just doesn't. 4 Date: 2020-02-31 Features: - German locale by First, yesterday was everything okay. All LTN stations are simultaneously capble of requesting and providing items. I've been trying out the LTN system and I can't get the standard blueprints for station combinator setups to control the filters of the stack inserters to work. I have about 500 hours in factorio, but am just getting into LTN. Write debug information to LTN keeps creating a stop at this unloading point even though I am requesting plastic here and not providing it. A while ago someone asked if it was possible to make a combinator outputting LTN's provide and request counts. There are a few correc Thank you for the great mod, it really makes LTN a lot easier to manage. I've been setting mine to only allow as many as can park at the requester without blocking traffic. 0k. All LTN Signals can be reset to their default value by clicking the red reset button to the left; All virtual signals can be set by the This will revert to following the LTN configured default implicitly. A fix would be to set as very high provide threshold for requester combinators. Notice how 2 of 3 times the train is just driving around empty. Defense Requester), linked to requester chests. I spent some decent amount of time looking for solutions and found none that was satisfying. select requester signal, and in the item selection tool on the bottom you will type a negative number 1 ltn is better for expensive items that are used in low amounts (all sodium stuff ) and i use ltn stations for 3-4 items per station 2 i produce as much as possible on site you i think mentioned training in presured air that is made better on spot. I have a smart requester station, requesting X-3000 iron ore, where X is the current contents of the station. Go to factorio r/factorio. For example, if a provider says it has 1000 iron ore, and a requester says it needs 2000, with the threshold set at default (1000), LTN creates a schedule/route for a train at the depot, requesting 1000 be taken from the provider to the requester (subject to matching network numbers and train sizes). These stations play the same roles as "provider chest, " "requester chest" and "roboport" in vanilla factorio. This is how the provider and requester functions are disabled. - Meanwhile, the requester has consumed more iron ore. Since the last update, I noticed that on my requester stations the LTN combinator had status "disabled". 4. Factorio version: 1. Place an LTN Combinator near the Input (Lamp) and connect them with a green wire. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Vanilla LTN behavior takes a lot of combinators, The LTN mod itself does not. 3. The suggestion of setting a really high number for the provider threshold prevented that. Share your designs. Requirements. Filter inserters are a must for any unloading station. The red wire (Output) is hooked up to the LTN output, and controls set filter for the unloaders. That is the mechanism LTN Combinator uses to make a station a "Provider" or "Requester" station. I set the stations to 1 so at least only one train is sent at a time, but afraid I can very fast end up with a bit of storage overload on my buffer chests (all active provider offload with robots) if I turn on both stations. mercy238 . This is Factorio just build more and let products pile up. When it drops to 1000, the request becomes -2000. 0: Provider (Full load, 1-2 wagons) Requester (Full load, 2 wagons) Requester (Full load, 1 wagon) Provider (Accurate, 1 wagon) Situations: LTN station, with LTN combinator, Filter stack inserter. The existing 8000 iron plates are unloaded, and in response, the circuit network attached changes the request value to zero. LTN makes a demand based train system A LOT simpler than vanilla. The main problem I've encountered is that while working with trains with multiple cargo wagons sometimes resources aren't properly distributed and, for example After trying to digest all of this information I am still unsure if my ideas are feasible with LTN. In a second stage it looks for the most suitable train for that provider-requester combination. uwyngm vezqlak bgytniuc gahfov hweq mvyikpj cshedq cxzc apwyw rwy kol dmc qzds qgfmsh bldp