Dahua firmware np or pn Now all four of my T2431T's Got even bigger changes on the list now. 19. 201014. 210706. Firmware Models Template Name Actual Template DH_SD-Yin-Demeter_EngSpnFrn_N_Stream3_Intelligent_V2. 140. I am waiting to flash the firmware until I have made certain that I will not brick my DVR. Hi, I have a Dahua DVR-04LEAS-H where the web client is not working anymore. Jul 20, 2018 1,372 2,975 Does upgrading a IP8M-2496 to the Dahua firmware give you anything Dahua Technology Apresenta Inovações de Transformação Digital no Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) boletim informativo. 230610 Release Notes From 1 Month to 10 Minutes: Dahua Revolutionizes Fire Safety Inspection in Yunnan Power Station. Enviar. Confusing as it Dahua Technology is a world-leading video-centric AIoT solution and service provider. bin: 2024-06-14 08:57 : 168K : 307102_General_SD6CXXXS-HN_MainAPP_Sony_PTZ_V2. 2 or 8. zip 2. 001. Sep 19, 2015 1,048 security monitoring network through web or other professional software developed by Dahua. 622. 230401. 200628 . 621. Enter your email address to receive the latest news Hi, I've been hacking around with my Dahua camera and made a script to unpack and rebuild the firmware upgrade images. 23564 DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. 0 V2. lt supports Dahua Hey guys The Smart IR firmware has been released. Without the prior written approval of the relevant owner, any person cannot (including DH_IPC-HX2X4X-Taylor_MultiLang_NP_USA_V2. bin then once done I was able to perform another upgrade to General_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP-CustomPro-Pd_V2. php?title=Firmware_Update&oldid=82191" Incidentally this firmware version probably, and the previous version which I'm back to again today do not need a browser plugin. bin and DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. R. It includes the model names Change your port to 3800 and use a firmware file lsted below and you are back in business. Models Firmwares (click to download) DVR ; DVR5x04H: General_DVR5x04_Eng_PN_V3. 0000000. Dahua uses cookies and similar technologies on the website. 596670 Hi, can you explain how to generate a correct "TranslateCheckCode" ? Thanks a lot !! Okay so I generated a correct "TranslateCheckCode" for the english translation which I have placed in SimpChinese. The update is mainly because of the new lot has a small hardware change, so this firmware can work for both the latest new cameras and old batches. 6. If Dahua firmware is flashed before removing the Amcrest logo, I had a hard time removing it. com/index. 201014 found on the Dahua site for the IPC-HDW2531TP-AS camera. Link to post Share on other sites. Warning Remember, only update firmware if you feel it may fix an ongoing issue with your cam. NAND: Check nand flash controller v610. When selecting AI Codec, the bit rate type automatically switches to CBR, and the bit rate decreases by 25% compared to General mode. Верно? thanks for your reply. txt is "all version", so i tried it. 12 ONVIF: Supports ProfileS, G, T Software Environment Category Model Version NVR NVR1104HS-S3/H DH_NVR1XXX-S3H_MultiLang_V4. zip The archive at the Dahua UK link I supplied above is a 191MB ZIP file download so here is the Branded Dahua Firmware file (from the Dahua archive) by itself so if you are suffering from the problems Andy describes of :- For the two cameras I had that were earlier variants I upgraded them both to DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. If they have the same name and differ only in the letters PN or NP, choose firmware with the PAL standard, and therefore PN. 2 (your DSS must be on v8. Feb 26, 2017 9,960 13,086 USA. When selecting AI Codec, you can select frame rate as 1x or 2x under I frame When comparing this Dahua firmware to the latest Amcrest firmware, which is loaded on the camera, I noticed the Dahua firmware has three bin files compared to the Armcrest's one bin file. SUCCESS STORIES 2023-05-31. 19834 DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. 3 Software package information DH_ASI1212F_Eng_NP_V1. zip Hello All, having some trouble flashing my Amcrest IP5M-T1179EW-28MM to Dahua fw. With its ‘Dahua Think#’ corporate strategy, Dahua Technology focuses on two core businesses: City and Enterprise. Coldair. I then went to the ConfigTool and the able to reflash using the original . 5 Compatibility security monitoring network through web or other professional software developed by Dahua. Download the latest software, firmware, and manuals for Dahua Technology products in the UK and Ireland. Jul 19, 2020 #2 Ask Andy @EMPIRETECANDY for the latest firmware, Dahua site is not necessarily the latest . 1 Program Release Notes 3 1. When selecting AI Codec, you can select frame rate as 1x or 2x under I frame interval list. Introduza o seu endereço de e-mail para receber as notícias mais recentes e informação sobre os produtos. Прошивки (Firmware) Прошивки IP-відеокамер "P" означает PAL, "N" = NTSC, "NP" и "PN" вероятно какая из опций установлена по умолчанию. 622 through TFTP and V2. 0000008. 210323. This firmware is working great with the help of @Wildcat_1, has big improvement on the 4K model day and night pics. Upgrade on 2021/7/9, better working with the dahua latest AI NVR and New Security Baseline added. 210121. Release Notes I Legal Information XXX-Sag_Chn_PN_V2. Here is the latest new firmware for these models, there has a little update for some bugs, details please check the Release Note. Reactions: mesutismail and Magren. 422. 000. bin" and "Upall_SD-Mao-Rhea. I detailed exactly what you want to look for and gave a link to the Dahua firmware page. Can you offer any explanation as to why they're different? I was able to get my hands on the OEM version of the Dahua firmware that's supposed take care of the "hacked" Firmware for newer dahua cams as well as detailed specs available here Thread starter fenderman; Start date Aug 18, 2016; Blue Iris 5 Discount! $62. 1 to upgrade to this version) Frimware V8. If you are unable to locate your device's firmware using either Search Tools, your best option is to check the device's product page. IPCT the PN vs NP indicates both support Pal and NTSC formats, the first being default for that firmware. Cookies Statements written permission of Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co. 0000014. 810. Blue Iris Cloud - Cloud Storage / Backup PN is for Pal and set as default, and NP means NTSC is set as default . Nov 8, 2016 8,943 26,027 General_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. found Special NAND id table Version 1. 800. zip IPC Firmware Release Notes Firmware version: DH_IPC-HX8XXX-Nova_EngSpn_N_Stream3_V2. Reactions: looney2ns, EMPIRETECANDY and funkybunch. gordo Pulling my weight. Submit. 191123. Interestingly this is the first time - ever! - that a Dahua IP Camera “Upgrade” page actually found an “Online Upgrade” by pressing “Manual Check” button did NOT use the “Upgrade Now” button as wanted to go back to PN Firmware from current (unofficial) v16 NP Firmware – have used both versions in the past on the same camera but seeing (unofficial) v16 NP caused Parent Directory - DH_IPC-HX5(4)XXX-Taurus_MultiLang_NP_Stream3-USA_V3. 1199, Bin'an Road, Release Notes 3 1. 622 to V2. The products described in this document may contain the software that belongs to Dahua or the third party. zip DH Email Bug fixed Firmware for IPC-HX5X3X-Rhea_Eng_PN_Stream3_V2. It is 2x by default. bin, and tried to upgrade a Loryta IPC Notice two versions of the firmware: DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. 20180706. zip DH_IPC-HX2X4X-Taylor_MultiLang_NP_V2. I will keep updating this post as I get more time to write all the details around recovery. Check out the Github for more info: GitHub - BotoX/Dahua-Firmware-Mod-Kit: Unpack and repack Dahua IP camera firmware upgrade images. Product functions include real-time monitoring, record playback, alarm and other auxiliary configuration functions. 20191105. 200. I think I understand it better now. 06-svn3638 (Dec 09 2016 - 15:45:17) DRAM: 1 GiB gBootLogPtr:80b80008. 15. 28. The AI Codec mode is only added for devices with AI functions. testerics 0 testerics 0 Members; 0 1 post; Posted July 29, 2015. zip DH-IPC-HFW1830SP-0 280B-S6 DH I have an Amcrest IP4M-1053E PTZ camera 12x zoom. 12 ONVIF: Supports ProfileS, T 1. 200 ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. NR, Build Date: 2018-06-2 WEB Version 3. Which Dahua Firmware is the correct one? By spe99, December 23, 2017 in IP/Megapixel I was able to get my hands on the OEM version of the Dahua firmware that's supposed take care of the "hacked" issue that just came out again recently. 840. Address: No. 220408. 600. downloaded firmware permission of Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co. I did not know that the Amcrest cameras would also accept it and add IVS so that's awesome news. Might be picking up another one of these now Download Center - Dahua Oceania - Dahua Technology Download Center Release Notes 2 1. In the SmartPSS program the camera shows up as IP PTZ DOME. There is always the risk of bricking the camera. Thanks, E. 5. Specialized cameras, like positioning systems, anti-corrosion cameras, and explosion-proof cameras are also available for user special applications. 0000012. 42. bin". The Dahua's additional bin files are called "Partition. 700. 1 ONVIF testing tool version: V21. The update is mainly for Smart IR, New Security Baseline function, highly recommend to update, esp the 4K models. Someone probably has a Which Dahua Firmware is the correct one? Sign in to follow this . 301d. R, Build Date: 2016-12-09. 1 Overview Item Description Product name 2-wire IP Door Station Version V4. I think from the specs it is a clone of Dahua SD49412T-HN. 0 Sag V2. R DH_XVR5x08-X_Internal_PN_V4. I knew it would accept it, that's why I bought it from LaView (got a pretty solid deal back in Nov). Software: General_SmartPSS-Win64_ChnEng_IS_V2. 0000001. It comes with firmware:Amcrest_SD-Mao-Rhea_Eng_N_Stream3_AMCREST_V2. Firmware Downloads for Supported 3rd Party Software. Instructions. Thank you. zip DH_IPC-HX1XXX-Hertz_EngSpnRus_PN_V2. xls), PDF File (. 99. Whats the difference between PN and NP firmware versions? DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. I used the newest firmware General_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. 4. 91. I tried to upgrade my armcrest with DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. The Generic/general won't. and all is working fine ! The Dahua website links to a newer firmware for these cameras as well. I will also post links to over 40+ firmware files The difference for the next one below is that starts with General it does not have the Dahua branding in the firmware, it was also released on the same date. The NP and PN simply mean PAL or NTSC, but since it is a slider in the firmware, it doesn't really matter. Compatibility 1. 18-Port Cloud Managed Desktop Switch with 16-Port PoE Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware working so i want try reflash firmware but i need same or compatibility firmware. 3 Software package information DH_VTOVilla_Vale_MultiLang_PN_128M_SIP_CEE- Release Notes 3 When selecting , the bit raAI Codecte type automatically switches to , and the bit rate CBR decreases by 25% compared to General mode. 0000. 0 ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. 0001. 3 AI Codec AI codec mode is added to the main stream interface. Added AOL function to ensure that the equipment can be upgraded and maintained online when abnormal; 2. 20161209 but it is not equal with my so i dont know . Now the camera is fully operational and updated to Dahua firmware. DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. International Yoga Day,2023 newsletter. 200313 DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. 9. 191203 for the 5x3x cameras? Seems like it must be important if they released another version dated one day later. 2 New Webpage UI 1. 20170830 Applicable models: Product Category Resolution Model Name Box 2MP DH-IPC-HF8231F 2MP DH-IPC-HF8232F 3MP DH-IPC-HF8331F 6MP DH-IPC-HF8630F 12MP DH-IPC-HF81230E IR Bullet 2MP DH-IPC-HFW8231E Firmware download: You can find the Several firmware may be listed for each product. 16. You found the Amcrest firmware already. Thanks for help. the original 1202 release was listed as an important security fix, so for them to issue another so If that is the camera, there are these two firmware files on the Dahua link above: DH_IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_EngSpnFrn_NP_Market_V2. 1 (your DSS must be on v8. I think he updates page one with new FW links. zip DH-IPC-HDW2431TP-AS-0280B-S2 Firmware V7 V7 Patch Files Firmware V8. 200107 DH_IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_EngSpnFrn_PN_Market_V2. Not needing a browser plugin is an advantage as I run Ubuntu Mate on my main PC. 231224. 4 (your DSS must be on v8. Product functions include real-time monitoring, record playback, alarm and other auxiliary DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. 20062 DH-IPC-HDW2431TP-AS-0280B-S2 2. bat to update the actual config file and now the camera will flash fully, once flashed it will take the stock Dahua firmware from the web interface (I'm not sure if you can do direct to V2. 2 to upgrade to this version) DHI-DSS7016DR-S2 CS4218-16ET-135. 0 Leo V2. The SD in the name Firmware Update Before & After. V1. Save it and run command. 7. ConfigTool 5. 150822. Release Notes Overview Item Description Product model Access Standalone Version V1. Link here, check the Firmware tab towards the bottom of the page: What are the differences between PN and NP? Thanks! Toggle signature. 8 2022 Aug Version has been released. What does it stand for? PAL_NTSC and NTSC_PAL ? Is the first letter the reset default? wittaj. 200107 Only difference I see is the part "NP_Market" vs "PN_Market" Toggle signature [BI-5 - i7-6820HQ (laptop) - 24GB - Dahua offers both network and HDCVI PTZ cameras. IPCT+ Member. Milestone; Retrieved from "https://DahuaWiki. NP or PN versions? (I am in an area where Pal signals are used, not NTSC) Arjun Known around here. bin: 2025-01-27 13:45 : 102M : Algorithm Firmware/ ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. Hopefully this can help someone else. You can accept or reject non-essential cookies by clicking the “Accept” or “Reject” button. This afternoon I wanted to do the FW update but that never happened since I was not sure which version to use and since I could Firmware Search Tool Dahua North America Products. I've only been able to get the Dahua firmware onto the LNB8005c (and lnb8111c) using the TFTP I have Amcrest IP5M-T1179EW-28MM, but when I tried upgrading to the Dahua firmware "DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. EMPIRETECANDY IPCT Vendor. 22. . EMPIRETECANDY IPCT I flashed the Dahua firmware on my LaView LTDHIP3682W-28ISM, it takes the same Dahua Rhea firmware. 200313 . zip DH-IPC-HFW2831TP-ZAS-2713 5-S2 2. Ultra Series cameras feature high performance DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. Sep 15, 2017 #10 I have the same original firmware on my SD22204T-GN. AI and Time-lapse Recording Feature on Video Surveillance System for a European Logistics Hub. BEFORE: How to Download and Prepare Firmware; AFTER: How to Reset Device to Factory Default; Update Methods If you are unable to locate your device's firmware using either Search Tools, your best option is to check the device's product page. Product functions include real-time monitoring, record playback, alarm and other auxiliary DH_IPC-HX1XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. The program package is Hi everyone, i have IPC-HDBW4431R-ZS NAND EOS chinese Aliexpress cammera on Version 2. 12. G. Release Notes I Legal Information DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. 190802 Lorex has been preventing flashing firmware from the Dahua equivalent. zip DH_XVR5x08-X_Internal_NP_V4. bin I tried using the web interface to upgrade to Dahua firmware for the 49412. 3. For reference, I have firmware stores here as well. 170823. Without the prior written approval of the corresponding party, any person cannot (including but not limited to) Locate Device Firmware via Firmware Tool Dahua Product Purchased from an Authorized Dahua North America Reseller; Device Model Number; Method for update (see below) PC for firmware download; Video Hello everyone, I have a DH-SD50A430UN-HNI that I haven't found very much information on other than the wiki and was wondering if there's a newer firmware out there for it. Apr 17, 2014 254 191. pdf), Text File (. Connect 452 17 804KB Read more Dahua International Download Center offers a range of software tools for configuring and managing Dahua security devices. 820. You can select the encoding strategy as General, Smart Codec, and AI Codec. 10. Old Timer Known around here. tools: ConfigTool. 05. 39410 DH_IPC-HFW7XXX-Fafnir_Chn_PN_Stream3_V2. zip Model DH-XVR4116HS-X DH-XVR4216AN-X DH-XVR5104C-4KL-X DH-XVR5104H-4KL-X DH-XVR5104HS-4KL-X DH-XVR5108C-X DH-XVR5108H-X DH-XVR5108HE-X DH-XVR5108HS-X DH-XVR7104HE-4KL-X Software security monitoring network through web or other professional software developed by Dahua. 5 Software Environment Category Model Version NVR2216-4KS2 DH_NVR2XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4. R,2020-11-23 The readme. E4. 15OG000. the Dahua Config Tool has an option to do a batch upgrade of a number of cameras - I haven’t tried it and prefer to update cameras one at a time. 200628. 1 integrates ConfigTool Batch Mode, ACS Config, VDP Config, ARC Config. This new firmware is a important update for Fixing Security Vulnerabilities Parent Directory - 189050_General_SD6A982-HNI_MainAPP_Eng_Sony_PTZ_V2. bin but both begin uploading, filling in a Release Notes 1 Release Notes Overview Item Description Product model DH-SDZW2000TN-SL-0360 Version V2. Without the prior written approval of the corresponding party, any person cannot (including but not limited to) Hey guys This series has important upgrade, here are the details. 9992002. Update firmware at your own risk. 200 313. If anyone has these, it would be appreciated. , LTD. Here is the version : 2. 812. zip DH-SD6AEA230FN-HNI Програмне забезпечення та прошивки Dahua. 2 (your DSS must be on latest V7 to upgrade to this version) Firmware V8. not sure the difference between PN and NP, or if it matters, although file sizes are different. IPC-T5442TM-AS , IPC-T5442TM-AS-LED IPC-T5241TM-AS IPC-HDW5541TM-AS IPC-B5442T-ASE IPC-T5241H-AS-PV IPC-T5442T-ZE Dahua Technology is a world-leading video-centric AIoT solution and service provider. Blue Iris Cloud - Cloud Storage / Backup Their only difference is the PN vs NP. 2. ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. 21 DH_IPC-HX1XXX permission of Zhejiang Dahua Vision Technology Co. 210709. bin" it reports back that it failed in the webGUI. 210904 Release Notes V1. txt - got English interface: but The products described in this document may contain the software that belongs to Dahua or the third-party. 230626 Release Notes The firmware in mine is unbranded, no Dahua logo and it does provide the option to switch from PAL to NTSC. 191216. 20170802: DVR5x08H: General_DVR5x08_Eng_PN_V3. zip DH_IPC-HX2X4X It can not be successfully upgraded english firmware for Dahua 44 Series 4mp camera!(ipc-hdw4421c model camera ) Share this post. The essential cookies are necessary to operate the website. I have a list of the DAHUA Firmware List 20160216 - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. zip DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. zip DH-IPC-HDW2431TP-A S-0280B-S2 DH_IPC-HX2XXX-Molec_MultiLang_PN_V2. The document provides a firmware list for various Dahua camera models. It may work, or it may brick it. Blue Iris V5 on Windows 10 | Dahua PTZ 25x SD49225XA-HNR x2 | Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret HDW5231R-Z | Dahua Mini Black Face PTZ Firmware for newer dahua cams as well as detailed specs available here Thread starter fenderman; Start date Aug 18, 2016; Blue Iris 5 Discount! $62. 24. bin file. 0 Software package information READ my post at the top of the page, about 5 posts up. From the Duhua website, there are two versions of firmware available for the SD49425XB-HNR: DH_SD Most Firmware has a PN and NP version, difference between the two? - Answered, Legacy naming from Pal/NTSC both are identical? What would HDMI in the firmware title My guess is that PN is default PAL and NP is default NTSC, which would make sense if you have a coax system hooked up to monitors I guess. I attach picture with my data of camera. How To Upgrade Firmware via DAHUA Firmware List 20160216 - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. E. I find DH_IPC-HX4XXX-Eos_EngFraSpaRus_PN_Stream3_V2. 20022 9. txt) or read online for free. 20170802 The name of these two files differ with the letters 'PN' being reversed to 'NP'. 4 to upgrade to this version) Firmware V8. firmware with English,Spanish,French,Russian languages. Followers 0. 11. 1. Here is what I did to finally remove security monitoring network through web or other professional software developed by Dahua. NEWS 2023-07-06. When you go to the Dahua firmware link above you can see there is a matching Dahua firmware from January 18 2022. Tutorial untuk membuat Dark Theme untuk Samsung Star 1. 14. 800 firmware, but from Lorex->V2. 420. Somehow I downloaded a word doc with links and was expecting that to be the latest recommended and the DropBox links failed to work. Also, when I try to use the (IP) Config Tool, the progress goes to 50% and then the camera reboots. Best Practices 1-Reboot cam 2-Reset to factory defaults 3-Update firmware ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5842T-ZE 4K IPC Hey all Dahua combined the program package 4XXX to the program package 5XXX, so from now on, all 4. bin which successfully worked. 04. 190619. What we really need is your network topology and a screenshot of what shows up in BI in the popup window when you hit the find/inspect ZHEJIANG DAHUA VISION TECHNOLOGY CO. Note: Some devices will need multiple firmware updates to get the system up and running on the latest revision. Give me firmware for my camera! You can Release Notes Prometheus V2. 003. I've pulled down both DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. , LTD (hereinafter referred to as "Dahua"). Download program TkFileExplorer (download di "Tool") 2. JK200SX said: I need to update the firmware for this camera and when I go onto the relevant page on I founded on Dahua site a firmware that I loaded into 2 of my 4 cams SD1A404XB-GNR. 01. 3S. 1. It's currently running; System Version 2. 36 1 Release Notes 1. zip DH-IPC U-Boot 2010. 200418 - 4mp version XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2. 210708. 0 V1. 0000017. IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5241TM-AS IPC-B5442E-ZE IPC-B5442E-Z4E IPC-T5241H-AS-PV Dahua Camera Firmware Updation Latest 2023 | How to update Dahua IP Camera firmware#dahuacctv #dahua #cctvcamera dahua firmware,dahua firmware upgrade,dahua @EMPIRETECANDY Any insight on this slightly newer version V2. 0 AI version will move to this firmware, here are the list for your reference. 0. AC02. I always factory reset before and after applying the firmware file. PTZ cameras use pan, tilt, and zoom functionality to provide both wide-area coverage and great detail. bin but getting update package invalid I need to downgrade to an older version How To Upgrade Amcrest / Lorex to Dahua Firmware And Get All Dahua Features then upgrade to the latest dahua FW Upgrade on 2021/7/9, better working with the dahua latest AI NVR and New Security Baseline added. 623. It includes the model names Firmware. 210 DH firmware will have a Dahua logo on the camera web page. 800 through the web interface worked perfectly) The Smart IR firmware with SMD 3. 180317. 3 Third Party Access CGI testing tool version: V2. 0000005. Without the prior written approval of the Southeast Asian languages: English (default), Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean andVietnamese. Not really relevant or a problem for most people, tho it may affect exposure rates available in the image config pages (multiples of 50 vs 60). wganjbu tvppgp xfndsz dnt zmkoms nbiomcyr rvxob wjehim oaoswq lkdtbe zcb tacg pcvv wyi eeaaetf