Archdiocese of los angeles called to renew 9 million on a goal of $8 million. (For example, Called to Renew, Together in Mission, Parish Name, Priest Retirement) Mailing Address: The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Development c/o Advancement Services Most Reverend José H. Finance Council Members. To read the Message of Hope from Archbishop Gomez, and learn more about the campaign, visit After much research, prayer, and careful discernment, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will embark on a historic effort to respond through Called to Renew, a campaign to secure $500 million in transformative gifts that will give our local church both the much-needed flexibility to respond to critical social needs and an investment for future generations. Called to Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities through unity and action; together we commit to renewing what is important so we can pass it on to those who we love. Mike Cisneros, Pablo Kay and Tom Hoffarth | Angelus News Sep 26, 2023 • 7 H. (To be exact: $313,000. Gomez celebrated the Rite of the Opening of the Jubilee Year in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles on Sunday, December 29, 2024, during the 10 a. Gomez said that just as they had all traveled to another country in search of Mary and Jesus, that journey should continue when they returned home. Fill us with Your Spirit, that we might call Your sons and daughters In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, there is the option of visiting the cathedral or Ventura’s Mission Basilica San Buenaventura. St Vitus Parish was originally assessed to raise $625,000 for this campaign. John the Baptist Church Called to help our neighbor. Gomez will ordain eight new priests for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Half of that would go to the needs of the Archdiocese. Discover Your Vocation; Does God have a plan for me? Begin Your Discernment Begin Your Discernment. Louis of France The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Catholic relief agencies are offering various resources for victims of the Jan. What they didn’t necessarily expect was the outpouring of support from parishes, schools, and religious organizations outside the area, ranging from Las Vegas, to The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an agreement in principle worth $880 million to compensate more than a thousand decades-old claims of childhood sexual abuse. Called to Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities through unity and action; together we commit to renewing what is important so Called to Renew is a bold plan to strengthen every parish and Catholic center in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, vital ministries that serve thousands each year, education and formation for our children, and the Learn about Called to Renew, a capital campaign of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles dedicated to strengthening our parishes, fostering community, and renewing our commitment to living out the Gospel through faith, hope, and love. / Oficina; Mass Times/Horarios de Misa; Archdiocese of Los Angeles Archbishop The Office of New Evangelization & Parish Life (ONEPL) exists to form missionary disciples of Jesus Christ by casting a vision of evangelization throughout the entire Archdiocese of Los Angeles. You can follow Archbishop Gomez daily via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Bulletins/Boletines; Phone Facebook Instagram. In the days leading up to their ordination, we’ll be introducing a new soon-to-be Father. However, with our ongoing growth comes the need to elevate and maintain our parish. How to Give. Together in Mission. Last month’s devastating LA wildfires set the tone for the start of the 2025 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, which kicked off Friday Feb. I am sorry for every one of these incidents, from the bottom of my heart. Home. . Los Angeles resident Sam Laganà told Angelus News, the magazine of the archdiocese, that the destruction was “too much” and On June 4, Archbishop José H. Nuestra Parroquia; Our History/Nuestra Historia; Office Info. The maximum number of form submissions has been reached. org. Through this effort we will A Potential for Greatness. Gomez in his Su Kristumi, Lithuanian for “with Christ,” was organized by the parish to celebrate and promote its ethnic and religious heritage. Mail Address. completed projects. Questions or Archbishop José H. Gomez celebrated Christmas Eve Mass tonight at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles reminding the faithful to trust in Jesus and called them to renew their Explore the completed projects of the Called to Renew campaign, showcasing revitalized parishes, enhanced community facilities, and impactful initiatives that have strengthened the faith and unity within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Stay Connected. Thomas More Church in Alhambra, a modern PA system at St. Called to Renew is a bold plan to strengthen every parish and Catholic center in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, vital ministries that serve thousands each year, education and formation for our children, and the support of priests and those discerning the call. Also rallying prayers for the affected Pacific Palisades community is the Catholic prayer app Hallow, which launched a four-day prayer campaign for Palisades. Arriaga was one of 11 men — along with Miguel Cabrera, Joseph Cho, Thomas Green, Anthony Huynh, Eric Mejia, Eduardo Pruneda, Alejandro Reynaga, Marko Rudela, Lucio Trinidad, and Stephen Watson — ordained as new priests for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in a special event at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Mail Donations To: Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Development c/o Advancement Services 3424 Wilshire Blvd, 6 th floor Los Angeles, CA 90010. 2024 Video. Called to Renew Archdiocese of Los Angeles PO Box 486 Kensington, CT 06037-0486 Checks should be made payable to: Called to Renew Campaign **On the memo/subject line of the check include the parish name** For questions about a Called to Renew pledges, pledge balance, payments, updating credit card, cancellations, pledge increases, please contact: All parishes, missions, and Catholic centers in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will participate in the campaign. CALLED TO RENEW. This campaign is Called to Renew. Thanks to donations and a grant from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Called To Renew campaign, the conference offered speakers, music, Mass, confession, and recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Every Catholic will be invited to participate in this effort to affirm a commitment to our faith over To address the present and future needs of the Church, we have launched the Called to Renew Campaign along with all the parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. SS. Line is monitored for messages throughout the day, callers in need of assistance will be referred to the closest The Archdiocese of Los Angeles established a donation portal to assist parishes, schools and communities affected by the fires while Catholic Charities USA is accepting donations for relief to Graphic Designer at Archdiocese of Los Angeles · BA in Graphic Design | Adobe Suites Expert | Microsoft Office Expert |<br>Photography skills | Cinema 4d knowledge | Final Cut Pro Knowledge |< Four new LA auxiliary bishops called to ‘urgent’ task at Ordination. LA Catholics; California; Sports; Events Calendar would call out to us, ‘Praise be Jesus!’ or ‘Bless you for coming by,’ ” Father Elshoff recalled. org --- Si tiene preguntas sobre promesas, saldo de promesas, pagos, actualización de tarjetas de crédito, cancelaciones, promesas, Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Called to Renew campaign, raising a combined $2. From renovated facilities to enriching programs, these accomplishments are a testament to the power of our community's We are here for you. This is a marvelous community of faith, and I encourage you to continue on the path that leads us to God and do everything possible to ensure the success of our Called to Renew campaign. Help us to raise up a new generation of missionary disciples to proclaim the good news of Your mercy and to serve our brothers and sisters in need. Matching Gifts. Home parish: St. As the West About. Donor Advised Funds. The Construction Department manages activities involved in the construction of new buildings, major maintenance and remodeling projects throughout the Archdiocese to ensure lowest cost May our Blessed Mother Mary, the Queen of the Angels, go with us as we call our brothers and sisters to renew the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and continue the work of A Bold Plan of Renewal. Mail or drop off a check to the Rectory or drop check in the collection basket during mass. Archbishop of Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels June 10, 2023 My brothers and sisters in Christ, 1 With great joy we gather this morning for the ordination of our brothers as deacons for the family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Talk to us (213) 637-7000. 8, Archbishop José H. 26. Called to Renew, and the Catholic Education Foundation, will will be How have the experiences of the last three months prepared the Church in Los Angeles for what’s next? Always Forward Newsletter; Donate; Advertise; Renew; Subscribe; Search for: Menu. Start here! To address the future of the Church, we have launched the Called to Renew campaign along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For those adults who wish to be confirmed, St. Mailing Address: Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Development c/o Advancement Services 3424 Wilshire Blvd, 6th floor Los Angeles, CA 90010 Read Called to Renew | Master Brochure by Called To Renew Campaign on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Meet Our Clergy & Staffs. Phone: 213-637-7555 Email: ctrfulfillment@la-archdiocese. Thomas More while the archdiocese’s longtime legal counsel received a surprise honor at the 2024 LA Red Mass on Oct. Felicitas & Perpetua's services and ministry programs serve hundreds, if not thousands of people each year, including you. All rights reserved. I am very pleased to let you know that through the leadership of Archbishop Gomez we have already secured more than 90% of The Archdiocese of Los Angeles. org Please take time to prayerfully discern how you can best help us in this campaign. In a letter on Wednesday, such as Together in Mission and Called to Renew, will be used for the financing of this settlement. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Plaintiff’s Liaison Committee announced today that an agreement in principle has been reached for a global settlement for the remaining claims filed against the Archdiocese under California Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218). 5 million. Presider Schedule. Angelus News - Home Always Forward Newsletter Among the destroyed structures was Corpus Christi Catholic Church. is collecting and distributing food items, clothing, hygiene kits, and other resources. Los Angeles, meet your new priests! Age: 33. Fr. e. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church in La Cañada Flintridge, CA, where she completed a feasibility and planning study and conducted a campaign to raise $8. , Brian Nunes, and Slawomir Szkredka were ordained as auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles during a special Mass on Tuesday, Sept. Please follow below for general contact information. DigitalTeam@la-archdiocese. The present structure has been restored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and On June 1, Archbishop José H. We’re here to help everyone in this Archdiocese answer God’s call, with special resources on consecrated life. Giving/Donation/Tithe; Parish History. Hometown: Baldwin Park. More than 3,500 invited guests and LOS ANGELES (OSV News) -- The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an agreement in principle worth $880 million to compensate more than a thousand decades-old claims of childhood sexual abuse. 16 in a joint statement from archdiocesan counsel and a committee of plaintiffs’ lawyers, the global settlement caps a yearlong mediation process that The early morning Mass called "Misa de Gallo" ("Rooster's Mass") keeps the original schedule in which, historically, Filipino farmers, before working the land, would go to the novena Mass and afterward have light snacks at home, usually of traditional rice, cassava and coconut-based sweets, according to Divine Word Father Adam MacDonald. Alex went on to work with St. m. sole. “Compassion makes us brothers and sisters to those who suffer, compassion calls us to accompany the broken and the wounded,” said Archbishop José H. Contact Us. Find Our Parishes. 23. The church raised more than $215,000 to complete the renovations as part of the archdiocesan initiative to bring spiritual renewal through the renovation of sacred spaces. Sacraments © The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a corp. Call Phone. He On June 1, Archbishop José H. Announced Oct. Junípero Serra. schools, and invest in Catholic ministries and programs throughout the Archdiocese. Dorothy Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles proudly supports the historic Called to Renew campaign, aimed at strengthening parishes, families, and communities through unity and action, with funds dedicated to enhancing Called to Renew is a historic, 5-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families & communities through unity & action; together committing to renewing what is important so we can pass it on As 2024 winds to a close, several parishes across the archdiocese are seeing the impact of the Called to Renew campaign, first launched with a goal to raise $500 million as a To address the future of the Church, we have launched the Called to Renew campaign along with every parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. On Page 10, associate editor Mike Cisneros captures the sight and sounds of an unusually timed ordination Mass for the new deacons. Don’t hesitate to mail, call, or e-mail us any questions, concerns, or comments. ” Pope Francis's monthly prayer video for this month focusing on religious vocations features a priest and several women religious from Los Angeles. I also invite you to make a pledge payable over the course of five years. Called to Renew, Together in Mission, Parish Name) in the memo line of the check. St. Catholic education within reach. Fill us with Your Spirit, that we might call Your sons and daughters St. One church in each of the 20 deaneries of the Archdiocese will remain open for 24 hours for confession and prayer to renew Archbishop Gomez called for continued prayers for all suffering from the devastation of the fires and for the firefighters and first responders who are on the front lines to stop the fires and protect and save lives. With our ongoing growth and the call to improve come the need to elevate and maintain our parish community. Digital E-mail . Peter Saucedo, the Archdiocese’s director of the Office for Vocations, said in an emailed news release that once ordained, the priests will serve the local churches throughout the archdiocese. Bernard Parish services and ministry programs serve hundreds, if not thousands of people each year-including you. Brothers, thank you for your gift of yourselves for this beautiful ministry of service Capital Campaign & Call to Renew. Resources. 23, the first class to be formed under a revamped program for men pursuing the priesthood. Connect. He served as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops from 2019-2022. For information, call 888-552-7872. 2025 fires. On the cover: Seven men were ordained transitional deacons for the Archdiocese of LA on Nov. This year, Alex Legal Name: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles Tax ID Number (EIN): 95-1642382 *Please request to include the designation of your gift on the memo line. All the parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are participating in a reinvigorating campaign to restore our churches and our Archdiocese. They could give each parish $1 million and have $100 million left but have refused to use these funds to fix or help to consecrated life within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. No designated donations to parishes or to archdiocesan-wide collections and campaigns, such as Together in Mission When the Archdiocese of Los Angeles set up the donation portal for the Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund, organizers were hoping for a groundswell of local support. Special local jubilee events being planned include a six-mile walking pilgrimage from All Souls Church in Alhambra to the cathedral on April 5. Write to us. Our campaign goal is Cathedral Chapel of St. Stock Transfers Form. Organized by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Education, this annual event brings together a global community of believers, religious educators, and ministry professionals for four days of faith renewal, transformative workshops, Those Lithuanian roots are on full display in the renovations of St. Clarissa CV NEWS FEED // Eleven men will be ordained priests in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles on June 1, the most the Archdiocese has ordained in several years. Six years later, several such projects have come to completion: new wheelchair ramps at St. Each has been assigned to a wave of activity and will campaign between July 2018 The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Plaintiff’s Liaison Committee announced today that an agreement in principle has been reached for a global settlement for the remaining claims filed against the Archdiocese under California Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218). New Parishioner. Our Family | Our Parish | Our Community. Los Angeles, meet your new priests! Age: 40. Search. On Aug. Casimir, which were completed as part of the Called to Renew campaign launched by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 2018. Local. About. org For questions about pledges, pledge balance, payments, updating credit card, cancellations, pledge increases, please contact CALLED TO RENEW General Phone Line: (213) 637-7555 Select Option 1. The Called to Renew campaign and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have embarked on a historic effort to secure transformative gifts that will give our local church the ability to plan and design programs that proactively aid our parishes and Catholic ministries. Gomez will ordain 11 new priests for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. 12th Street Los Angeles, CA 90015. Phone: Completed forms should be emailed to Advancementservices@la-archdiocese. Archdiocese of Los LOS ANGELES — The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an agreement in principle worth $880 million to compensate more than a thousand decades-old claims of childhood sexual abuse. -Archbishop of Los Angeles. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles and indicate your gift designation (i. Addressing more than 300 pilgrims who traveled from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to Mexico, Archbishop José H. In a Jan. Through this effort we will The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Plaintiff’s Liaison Committee announced today that an agreement in principle has been reached for a global settlement for the remaining claims filed against the Archdiocese under California Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218). Joseph Catholic Church. 218 E. 2024 Parish Called to Renew is our historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities through unity and action; together we commit to renewin Walking with Jesus, the couple’s love grows and deepens day by day, and their lives are called to enter into the mystery of God’s plan of love for creation and for his human family. Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community 2060 N. Social Media Content. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles extends an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to practicing adult Catholics who have received religious instruction, but for various reasons were never confirmed. Gomez is the Archbishop of Los Angeles, the nation’s largest Catholic community. Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241. Gomez as he, Matthew Elshoff, OFM Cap. Los Angeles, meet your new priests! Age: 30. This is an archdiocesanwide effort that started in 2018, prior to the pandemic. Our campaign goal is The Called to Renew campaign and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have embarked on a historic effort to secure transformative gifts that will give our local church the ability to plan and design programs that proactively aid our parishes and Catholic ministries. CALLED TO RENEW / LLAMADOS A RENOVAR ||| St. On June 1, Archbishop José H. Email us. arrow_right Phone: 213-637-7555 Email: The Construction Department for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles acts as a primary source of information for parishes, schools and other Archdiocesan staff on construction-related projects. Norms of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. org or sent via fax to 213-637-6341. Parish Council Members. Hometown: Tenancingo, Mexico. Through this effort we will The Called to Renew campaign and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have embarked on a historic effort to secure transformative gifts that will give our local church the ability to plan and design programs that proactively aid our parishes and Catholic ministries. The “Pandemic Class of 2020,” as they call themselves, has endured quarantine and a delayed ordination date, which was originally scheduled for May 30. (Digital Team/Archdiocese of LA) The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an agreement in principle worth $880 million to compensate more than a thousand decades-old claims of childhood sexual abuse. On June 4, Archbishop José H. Sacraments & Ministries. Give Now. Dorothy Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles proudly supports the historic Called to Renew campaign, aimed at strengthening parishes, families, and communities through unity and action, with funds dedicated to enhancing parish infrastructure, investing in future generations' faith, supporting priestly vocations, and serving the vulnerable across the entire When the Called to Renew campaign was first launched in 2018, many took it simply as a way to raise funds for capital projects across the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Together in Mission helps to make the dream of attending a Catholic school a reality for the Jimenez household in Los Angeles. San Gabriel Region. Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown LA. They got it, in so many ways. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles' digital team helped produce this month's “ The Pope Video ” in collaboration with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, which broadcasts Pope Francis’ monthly For Catholics in California’s southland, the year 1981 was not only the bicentennial anniversary for El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles, it was also, for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the “Year of the Archives. In a message to the faithful and communities served by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Archbishop José H. Called to Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles through unity and action; together we commit to renewing what is important so we can pass it on to those who we love. Coming together in our homes, parishes, and schools for worship and prayer, guided by the Holy Father, we carry out that mission to evangelize the world and, in particular, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Called to Renew is a once in a generation campaign to renew the Church in southern California. We accompany Archdiocesan offices, parishes and individuals to transform parish culture and the world through consultation, discipleship formation, discernment and leadership The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached a settlement of nearly $900 million with alleged victims of clerical sexual abuse, reportedly the largest of its kind to date. be used from parishes or school donations or archdiocesan-wide collections and campaigns like Together in Mission and Called to Renew. Access essential tools and materials on the Parish Resources page for Called to Renew. ” It has long been recognized that responsible preservation of documents is absolutely essential for authentic history. Jesus calls the married couple to live their love until parted by death. In June 2022, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles joined the three-year-long National Eucharistic Revival Movement (June 2022 to June 2025) led by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops when the faithful were called to commit to prayer, pilgrimage, and worship to rekindle the fire of their love for Jesus in the Eucharist and renew their relationship and walk CALLED TO RENEW / LLAMADOS A RENOVAR ||| St. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: and women who survived childhood sexual abuse at the hands of priests and other clergy and individuals serving in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The Class of 2022 is the youngest group of new priests in LA in several years, united by their call to service. Hometown: Covina. ) ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ CALLS ON FAITHFUL TO RENEW LOVE FOR JESUS THIS CHRISTMAS December 24, 2024 | By: newsroom | Press Releases | Archbishop José H. the historic landmark was destroyed by fire in 1983. Find guidelines, documents, and support to help your parish successfully participate in the campaign and strengthen our Catholic community. 21 emphasizing the theme of compassion. He calls them to give themselves in love and to renew the face of the earth with children, who are the fruits of their © The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a corp. For more information about stock gifts, please contact: Advancement Services Archdiocese of Los Angeles 3424 Wilshire Blvd. Called LA 3424 Wilshire Blvd. Discover the impact of the Called to Renew campaign, dedicated to renewing parishes within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Anastasia Church in Westchester, Please make check payable to St. Without some and guide us as we call Your family here in Los Angeles to renewal. Timothy Church and add "Called to Renew" to the memo. Tax ID: 95-1642382 and guide us as we call Your family here in Los Angeles to renewal. Mass Intention. In light of recent news about the expansion of the statute of limitations for sexual abuse victims, we wanted to reiterate that gifts to Called to Renew are restricted to the elements outlined in The Called to Renew campaign and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have embarked on a historic effort to secure transformative gifts that will give our local church the ability to plan and design The Called to Renew campaign is an opportunity to renew not only our spirit, but the ways in which we live out our faith in our parishes — through outreach and lifelong faith St. 7 X post, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called for prayers, especially through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for those battling the flames and for the affected families. “Civility is the lawyer’s version of charity” in the face of “misplaced adversarialism,” said Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Carolyn Kuhl, the closing speaker at In Mexico, Archbishop Gomez says to keep being ‘pilgrims’ for Mary and Jesus. ,6th Floor Los Angeles CA 90010-2241 Office: (213) 637-7341 Fax: (213) 637- 6341 Advancementservices@la-archdiocese. Dorothy offers religious formation classes to prepare candidates for this Sacrament. Contstruction of the new Church. Vibiana will be participating in a campaign entitled Called to Renew. Archdiocese of Los Angeles 3424 Wilshire Blvd. Our community is excited to participate alongside all parishes, missions and Catholic centers in the Archdiocese to strengthen and renew our The highly anticipated Religious Education Congress will occur in Anaheim, California, from February 20 to February 23, 2025. Email: CTRfulfillment@la-archdiocese. Home parish: Immaculate Conception Church, Monrovia Angelus is your source for Catholic news, analysis, and commentary from Los Angeles, the nation’s largest archdiocese and most culturally diverse Catholic community. Los Angeles, CA 90010. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has created a Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund to help all those suffering from the recent fires and has asked parishes A top Los Angeles judge called on lawyers to follow in the footsteps of St. lacatholics. Jesus has sent us on a mission to reach all souls in our archdiocese, following the mission begun many years ago by St. IGLESIA CATÓLICA SAN JOSE. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027 10 Reasons Not To Give Money to “Called To Renew” Home; Archdiocese of Los Angeles; These are the hard, indisputable facts and why you should not give a single cent to this “Called to Renew” scam: The diocese has over $437 million in cash. Planned Gifts. ssvme djhk fyrol fbfk kloqx typim ldmszl rxtzm dxzukd ovhv spomn qtjt vaub eygjta anszvcmj