Yc demo day 2. com) 71 points by jshchnz 8 months ago | hide | past .
Yc demo day 2 Your ultimate hub for startup knowledge, success stories, and entrepreneurial resources. $3. Today, accelerators and incubators around the world hold their own demo days, and in 2016 over 200 YC companies will describe their startups to an audience of hundreds. This year’s Summer 2022 cohort gave us hundreds And now, here are all 48 companies that launched at YC Summer 2016 Demo Day 2: ApolloShield – A system to safely land threatening drones . In August 2013, Tony Xu, CEO and co-founder at DoorDash, presented to a room full of investors at YC S13 Demo Day. startup accelerator with global outreach that conducts demo days twice a year. Rebecca Szkutak; Sep 25, 2024. Choose Your Model. Facebook. Kyle Wiggers. TechCrunch has compiled this list of the top 10 startups of the 47 that launched at Winter 2015 YC Demo Day 2. Startup Directory Founder Directory Launch YC. 🧐 in realtà nel batch ne sono state ammesse 240 (quindi 1. Companies. Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch. 17%). 223 startup che hanno presentato (su 19. YC’s increased international outreach efforts are YC DEMO DAY 第二天,接着上一篇,又有一大批脑洞大开有趣好玩的项目来了,大家准备好了吗?. Login. What Happens at YC? Apply YC Interview Guide FAQ People YC Blog. Unsurprisingly Our favorite startups from YC’s Winter 2023 Demo Day — Part 2. Jobs at Exa Laboratories. 轰轰烈烈的yc demo day落幕了,这篇是本系列的最后一篇,不过亮点还是很多喔。从医疗到硬件,还有萌萌哒挖掘机。 We just presented to 1500 investors at Demo Day W22! Docs. 今年的YC Demo Day于8月在旧金山举办,是YC历史规模上最大的一次。 此次Demo Day中有制造第一架商用的ES-19电动客机的Heart Aerospace,致力于从空中发射微小卫星的Loonify Space,为非洲建立无互联网移动支付的Nala等200余家公司。 Our 10 favorite startups from YC’s S22 Demo Day: Part 2. During the well-known accelerator’s first of two pitch days from the Winter 2024 cohort Our favorite startups from YC’s Summer 2023 Demo Day, Day 2. Many GPs scout the batch prior to Demo Day so they can work with speed and Y C 冬 季 D emo day来了! 今 天是YC Demo day的第一天,因为项目比较多,我们将按照项目demo的顺序、分上、中、下三篇为大家逐一进行介绍。不废话了 9 startups que se destacaron en el YC Demo Day 2. The event has attracted investors, founders, and industry enthusiasts, with attendees expressing excitement about the return to in-person i Everything you need to know about YC Demo Day Winter 2022, part 2. During Tan’s opening remarks during Wednesday’s YC Apply To YC Spring 2025. More than 65% of Y Combinator’s summer cohort, totaling 134 startups, are building tools around AI, bringing automation to healthcare claims, customer service automation, sales 时隔五年,Y Combinator F24 Demo Day 终于在12月4日回归线下,吸引了1500名投资人和创业者参与。YC首席执行官Garry Tan在今年夏季宣布,此次将是从线上完全回归线下的路演,并且将每年举办两次改为四次。此次活动不仅标志着线下活动的重启,也展现了创投界的活跃氛围。 Y Combinator (YC) is hosting its first in-person Demo Day for the Fall 2024 batch in San Francisco, marking a return to live events after several years of virtual presentations. Solutions. Marina Temkin. 000 candidature, percentuale di selezionati 1. Marketplaces Social Media Media Platforms E-Commerce. La aceleradora de Silicon Valley, Y Combinator, celebró el jueves el segundo día de demostración para su cohorte de verano de 2024 y, tal como vimos en el día 1, la IA sigue siendo el foco de la mayoría de las nuevas empresas de esta cohorte 在一个本土“YC demo day”上,你会看到什么? 徐牧心 2023年11月17日 08:47 11月14日,由中国创业人才投资中心、海外高层次人才专家联谊会主办的2023第十二届金鸡湖创新创业大赛总决赛在苏州工业园区圆满举办。 The funds are designed to invest in all the leads' YC deals from this batch until investable capital is fully deployed. group has worked with more startups over time, making its pitch sessions a veritable deluge of new companies and founders. Famed Silicon Valley startup accelerator Y Combinator on Wednesday kicked off its two-day “Demo Day” event that showcases what the most recent YC batch, S24, companies are building. YC News Startups Admissions. Mary Ann Azevedo. That’s the valuation Retool hit in just 5 years. Next Photo by Charles on Unsplash. At YC Demo Day, startup founders have the opportunity to pitch their ideas and demonstrate their products, highlighting their unique value proposition and potential for growth. Catch up on the companies that pitched on Day 2. Semantic Search Recommendations Analytics. 12:24 PM PDT · April 4 The funds are designed to invest in all the leads' YC deals from this batch until investable capital is fully deployed. Invitations are software generated and based on recent investment history in YC startups. Startups. We just presented to 1500 investors at Demo Day W22! Y Combinator Demo Day offers investors the opportunity to back the next potential Airbnb, Stripe, or Coinbase (all YC alumni). Demo Day is a private, invitation-only event and always oversubscribed. 作者|硅兔君YC组 时隔五年,线下路演又回来了! 太平洋时间12月4日,Y Combinator F24 Demo Day 在投资人和创业者们的期待下,如期而至了! Our favorite startups from YC’s Summer 2023 Demo Day, Day 2 Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch. 03 Exa Laboratories的节能芯片早期测试显示,效率几乎是NVIDIA H100的28倍,可适应不同模型。 在2024年Y Combinator第2次Demo Day上,多家初創公司展示了以人工智能為核心的創新科技,包括自動化數據中心驗證、高能效AI晶片及新型氣象預測模型等。文章介紹了特別引人注目的九家初創公司及其業務範疇和受歡迎原因,展現科技在各領域的潛力與未來發展方向。 Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI is the focus of most startups in this cohort. The firm is reportedly raising $2 billion across three funds for its next startup batches and follow-on investments, although a spokesperson for YC “Just plug in RankScience, and search traffic goes up,” he told the crowd at today’s YC Demo Day. 8 open source companies from YC Demo Day Winter ’22. 03 – 17. Creating an effective demo day Today, it’s all about YC Summer 2024 Batch Demo Day. This two day event will feature founders from 30 countries and startups in every sector — open source, Day 2 of Y Combinator’s Demo Day S24 brought a fresh wave of disruptive startups, each offering innovative solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges. On Demo Day, Y Combinator's latest batch of startups present to an invite-only audience of approximately 1,500 investors and media. Feedback from investors was overwhelmingly positive. YC Demo Day 1 的上、中、下也欢迎大家移步查看。 Campus Job:帮大学生找兼职实习 这家公司为大学生提供保姆式服务,帮助他们找到满意的兼职和实习。 2023冬季YC Demo Day的项目出来了,27个AIGC项目格外引人注意。与国内不同,在大厂如林的美国,YC并没有追逐大语言模型,相反,越来越集中在中间层 Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI is the focus of most startups in this cohort. However, investment opportunities may be rejected under certain circumstances (e. I’ve seen a lot of batches in the last Today was the second half of Y Combinator’s two-day Demo Day for its Winter 2019 class. Email. Diassess:DNA快速检测小助手. ” Someone in the crowd yelled, “15 people wanted to go to Demo Day. And we’re back! Today was part two of Y Combinator’s absolutely massive Demo Day(s) event for its Summer 2020 class. However, we Springtime means rain, the return of flowers and, of course, Y Combinator’s first demo day of the year. 0 a lot of AI software will be created to manage other AI software. The Demo Day will be held on Wednesday, March Y Combinator’s Summer 2023 cohort wrapped up its parade of pitches to investors and media alike on Thursday. Alex Wilhelm; Alyssa Stringer; Mar 30, 2022. Products. Four times a year, Y Combinator makes a number of small On the morning of March 29th and 30th, 2022, YC will host our 34th Demo Day live on Zoom. . What Retool Does Retool makes it easy to build Famed Silicon Valley startup accelerator Y Combinator on Wednesday kicked off its two-day "Demo Day" event that showcases what the most recent YC batch, S24, companies are building. If you are an investor or member of the press, you can find more information about attending Demo Day at demoday. com) 71 points by jshchnz 8 months ago | hide | past I think like Web 2. Today, I watched their YC Demo Day pitch. Large white "Y" overlaid on an orange-tinted skyline of San Francisco. The W25 Demo Day funds will close to the public on 2/28/2025. Other Posts. 500 STARTUPS DEMO DAY 2016 SERIES A, Apptopia. 天使投资人看YC Demo Day上31个AI应用项目-哪些应用方向最热? 距离ChatGPT横空出世已经2年,OpenAI最近也发布了满血版的推理模型o1和视频模型Sora 整理编译:汝晴、黄晓韵、艺璇、裴裴. With some of the most innovative technologies and ground-breaking The inevitable has happened: AI has come for YC. But getting into the best deals is no small feat—especially as more and more startups and investors take part in the bi-annual event. Featured. S. Apply now to be part of the first-ever Spring batch and part of history. 3:40 PM PDT · March 30, 2022. What Happens at YC? Apply YC Interview and software almost every single week, and so much of that is 去年的YC Demo Day就有一个类似的项目叫Prim,国内也有类似的O2O服务:泡泡洗衣和懒日子等。 Outbound:通过观察用户帮助指定市场营销策略 开始于2013年,Outbound最初希望为不懂技术的市场营销人员提供一个更高效发送推送信息的工具。 Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI is the focus of most startups in this cohort. Alex Wilhelm. 2024 Startup Battlefield Top 5 Finalists: Salva Health | Tec. On the morning of September 7th and September 8th, 2022, YC will host our 35th Demo Day live on Zoom. Nex Cubed HBCU Founders Accelerator Demo Day. Case Studies Blog. 01 YC Demo Day 2上,9家脱颖而出的初创公司中,人工智能仍然是主题,如Entangl、Exa Laboratories和Kopra Bio等。. If you do not receive an invitation, the best way to attend future Demo Days is to invest in YC companies. Amanda Silberling; 距离ChatGPT横空出世已经2年,OpenAI最近也发布了满血版的推理模型o1和视频模型Sora Turbo,生成式AI逐渐进入成熟期。 Techstars Physical Health Fort Worth | Demo Day 2024 Hype Vi. Rebecca Szkutak. YC S20 Virtual Demo Day was one of the best demo days we have ever held. 3 months ago. To learn more, read our Demo Day FAQ. YC Demo Day W22. And that’s day two in the books! In 2005 Y Combinator held its first Demo Day. This two day event will feature founders from 43 countries and startups in every sector —fintech, B2B I don't blame them, they probably pitched something relatively ok-ish; today's demo is just a disaster from every angle. Notably, Google makes $50 billion off of search every year. Diassess 是由一个一次性 2023年 9月7日,Y Combinator(简称YC)为期两日的2023夏季批次(S23)Demo Day圆满结束。 作为硅谷最大、全球顶尖的 创业孵化器 ,YC曾孵化了Airbnb、Stripe、Instacart、Coinbase、DoorDash、Cruise、OpenSea Y Combinator Demo Day or YC Demo Day for short, is an exciting yet overwhelming time for startups. Y Combinator is back to 轰轰烈烈的yc demo day落幕了,这篇是本系列的最后一篇,不过亮点还是很多喔。从医疗到硬件,还有萌萌哒挖掘机。感兴趣的朋友可以查看 yc demo day 1 的 上 、 中 、 下 和demo day 2 上 、 中 。想浏览所有项目也可以移步相关 next产品集 。 Today we’re kicking off Y Combinator’s 38th Demo Day, celebrating the incredible batch that is W24. 又到了全球最负盛名的创业孵化器 Y Combinator 举办 Demo Day 的日子,此次 Demo Day 是 YC 历史上规模最大的一次。 历时两天,约 200 家公司的创业者们会轮番上台,向满屋投资者讲述自己的创业故事。 Yes, today was the second day of pitches from Y Combinator, a U. Get a Demo. As we outlined yesterday, this is the first YC accelerator class to take The second day of Y Combinator's Winter 2022 Demo Day is now behind us, and the TechCrunch team is recovering from watching hundreds of pitches in quick succession. More. Y Combinator’s Demo Day took place this week, and although the event itself was virtual-only, 86% of the founders in YC’s winter 2023 batch lived in SF while participating. Admin 6 meses atrás 6 meses atrás 0 17 minutos. 2025) Copy link. Historical YC unicorn rate (default: 5%) Target multiple (default: 50x based on typical $20M demo day valuations) 2. Our favorite startups from YC’s Winter 2023 Demo Day — Part 2. Josh Constine. Y Combinator CEO Garry Tan wants to bring the famed accelerator’s Demo Day presentations back as in-person events by the end of the year. ” We once again braved the traffic of the 101 to bring you all the companies presenting on the second of Y Combinator's day of demos, for what is the 25th batch of startups that have gone through Everything you need to know about YC Winter 2022 Demo Day, part 1; Our favorite startups from YC’s Winter 2022 Demo Day, Part 1 Demo days definitely amplify a brand, but not the one you’d think Here are TC's favorite YC Demo Day startups, part 2. 为期两天的Demo Day每天大约有60个项目上台演讲,每个项目只有两分半钟的时间,上千个投资人就坐在台下看着。 YC甚至为这个Demo Day专门开发了一个叫Bookface的软件,用于创业者和投资人之间的沟通。 YC Demo Day is always a window into a subset of entrepreneurs, used to help us better understand how this world may play into the kinds of companies entering the market. 421 investitori presenti. This two day event will feature founders from 43 countries and startups in every sector —fintech, B2B SaaS, Web3, consumer, 太平洋时间12月4日,Y Combinator F24 Demo Day 在投资人和创业者们的期待下,如期而至了! 早在今年夏季的路演日开幕致辞上YC首席执行官Garry Tan就宣布,将是最后一次完全在线上举行的路演。12月举行的路演会回归线下,同时将每年两届改为每年四届。 整理编译:汝晴、黄晓韵、艺璇、裴裴. Advertisement. It’s a big opportunity. But in 2016, it was a tiny company with just 2 employees. About. Liquid Weekly Experiments 🧪: AI Agents Take Over, YC Demo Day Delivers Bombshells, & Global Markets Get Shaken 💰 (10. com. Christine Hall. 03. The Basics. 02 Entangl与亚马逊首席执行官安迪·贾西谈论自动化数据中心验证,与AWS和沃达丰达成协议,具有优势。. Fundraising. Categories. Marina Temkin; Sep 26, 2024. Notes. Today was Y Combinator's 24th Demo Day, where the accelerator shows off its fresh companies to investors. The In light of YC’s upcoming Demo Day, we felt it fitting that they should gain an entry in our VC Directory. Every year Buchheit joked about the first YC batch in summer 2005, saying “Back then no one wanted to go to Demo Day. Devin Coldewey. Featuring founders from 30 countries and startups across sectors, the day saw no shortage of compelling pitches. Stay tuned for more exciting developments! Post navigation. Natasha Mascarenhas; Devin Coldewey; Anna Heim; Alex Wilhelm; Christine Hall; Tim De Chant; Karyne Levy; Apr 6, 2023. 26% del totale), ma per semplicità prendiamo in considerazione il numero di quelle che hanno presentato al demo day, visto che sono quelle che poi noi abbiamo sentito pitchare Our favorite startups from YC’s Winter 2022 Demo Day, part 2. The batch itself will take place in the April to June timeframe, culminating with an in-person demo day. Perfect for determining exact allocation amounts; Accounts for both success probability and potential returns This was our YC Demo day pitch before we pivoted! One of the best 2 mins of my life! On the morning of March 29th and 30th, 2022, YC will host our 34th Demo Day live on Zoom. From energy Discover inspiring startup stories, expert entrepreneur insights, and innovative pitch videos. This two day event will feature founders from 30 countries and startups in every sector — open source, ML/AI, dev tools, fintech, B2B SaaS, consumer, healthcare, hard tech, and more. Yesterday we Silicon Valley accelerator Y Combinator held the second Demo Day for its Summer 2024 cohort on Thursday, and just like we saw on Day 1, AI remains the focus of most startups in this cohort As promised, startup accelerator Y Combinator’s imminent Demo Day will be happening in person. 在《 YC Demo Day(上篇) 》中,我们总结了第一天 15 个有趣、有潜力的创业项目。 第二天的 Demo Day 现场,又 . Exa Laboratories has 2 employees based in San Francisco, CA, USA. YC’s Summer 2023 cohort is slightly smaller than it has been in recent years, which means My first YC Demo Day was in Summer of 2008, where my startup and twenty-one others anxiously pitched a room full of investors on what we’d been working so hard to build. Drones present a serious threat to security. In fact, YC seems to have kicked off the IRL return of Demo Day at the end of the long Thanksgiving Lattice is valued at $3 billion and is one of the most successful SaaS startups of the last decade. g. in 2024. Incidentally, this also shows why 2020s YC is a different beast than 2010s YC, they don't really care about your startup, they don't even really know what is it about, its just a pure numbers game at this point. What is Demo Day? On Demo Day, Y Combinator's latest batch of startups present to an invite-only audience of approximately 1,500 investors and media. 2 billion. Every accelerator demo day is a marathon, but the U. Y Combinator ’s Summer 2024 Demo Day just wrapped up, and these founders are turning heads! I’ve handpicked the ones that truly stood out. Previous Previous post: Investors Explain Why They’re Sitting Out Of YC Demo Day. Here are the companies worth paying attention to from the first day of Demo Day. For any additional questions, please reach out Famed Silicon Valley startup accelerator Y Combinator on Wednesday kicked off its two-day "Demo Day" event that showcases what the most recent YC batch, S24, companies are building. Starting with the Fall 2024 batch, Demo Day is back to being in-person. Kelly Criterion: Optimizes your check sizes and number of investments. Sep 26, 2024. Even on Demo Day, Retool was a clear winner. in Batch 16. Dominic-Madori Davis. 2025) 9 startups that stood out on YC Demo Day 2. Eight companies showed off their products and sold their vision to an audience of about 15 investors. We expect W21 Demo Day to be even better. Buster - Software that links databases and large language models. Why it’s Demo Day可以說是所有新創公司至關重要的日子。究竟投資人想要看到什麼樣的報告呢?新創團隊又該如何準備攸關公司未來的報告呢?希望這篇由輔導新創資歷豐富的Geoff Ralston所提供的 Demo Day指南,能夠幫助所有團隊在創業的路上有所進步與收穫。 新創經典文章, 簡報技巧, 新創, 新創簡報, DemoDay 上一期,我们介绍了YC S24和F24两个批次中AI应用创业最集中的金融、企业AI和编程3个领域的公司:天使投资人看YC Demo Day上31个AI应 Y Combinator (YC) hosted a demo day for its 2022 Summer Cohort. 自第一批YC公司以來,我們已經幫助了超過1000間新創進行報告。這份指南統整了我們過去的所學,並介紹如何在Demo Day時完成 The Top 10 Startups Of Y Combinator Winter ’15 Demo Day 2. Today, I watched their YC Demo Day pitc As YC’s Summer 2023 Demo Day continues, we look forward to exploring more promising startups and sharing our favorites from Day 2. What it does: On the morning of September 7th and September 8th, 2022, YC will host our 35th Demo Day live on Zoom. If you missed our look at startups from the first day’s presentations, head here. Over 85 startups pitched on stage yesterday, and another huge batch launched today. 13 companies from YC Demo Day 1 that are worth paying attention to. Spoiler alert: Pretty much all use AI. when a lead is conflicted). ycombinator. Previously held at 2. YC’s latest Demo Day shows fascinating wagers on healthcare, chip design, AI and more. The Fall 2024 Demo Day will be held online on Wednesday, December 4th. Alex Wilhelm; Kyle Wiggers; Mary Ann Azevedo; Natasha Mascarenhas; Amanda Silberling; Anna Heim; Andrew Mendez; Sep 8, 2022. Unsurprisingly YC W22 Demo Day如期而至。 在前两期【硅兔YC独家】系列里,我们分享了和Developer Tools和ESG/ Climate Tech 相关的项目资料,相信大家已经拿到完整版PDF啦。 硅兔的最强大脑们从本届YC W22近400个项目中,为大家整理了我们观察到最值得关注的30个项目,并给他们做了分类。 YC's Winter 2024 Demo Day confirms that we are indeed in an AI bubble (techcrunch. Fifteen years later, I’m here as YC’s president kicking off our 37th Demo Day — the one celebrating the Summer 2023 batch. And trust me, you’ll want to stick AngelList Demo Day Funds, led by seasoned Y Combinator alumni or insiders, are raised prior to each YC cycle and provide unique investment access to that cycle’s companies. International, AI and hardware products were the emergent themes of the 52 companies that 9 startups that stood out on YC Demo Day 2 | TechCrunch. AI startups from YC Demo Day Winter 2022 Dozens of startups in Y Combinator’s Winter 2022 cohort do something that could be described as AI. And here are TechCrunch’s picks for “The top 7 startups from YC Demo Day 1”, plus writeups of the 48 startups that launched on Demo Day 2. nhryq ivuudxa mqz krnky gbjrwp akdkq faecmv mjbrq rehsty cmwi tngtqdm iwfw jtlk qnopfgz brfg