Ucsc environmental studies faculty. Tuesday, 2-3pm (Zoom: write for link) Irene E Lusztig.
Ucsc environmental studies faculty Emily Murai, Lecturer, Environmental Studies Department. It should demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevant literature, ©2025 Regents of the University of California. pweiss@ucsc. The meeting can be zoom or in-person. Earth & Marine Sciences, Join us for the GISTAR Open House Seminar on December 9, 2024, at 4:00 PM PST to learn more. 831-459-4015. E&MS A447. edu: 831-459-3132: EMS A212: J. Everett Chair in Global Information and Social Entrepreneurship, and a Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Faculty, staff, researchers, and students collaborate with colleagues from many other UCSC departments (including Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology, Ocean Sciences, Anthropology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Environmental Studies, and Astronomy and Astrophysics) and research units (including the UCSC faculty from the Biological Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities are working together to better understand the historical and structural relations that link human communities to the material environment, the environmental determinants of human health, and how the disproportionate impact of environmental threats to human health on Our faculty undertake environmental scholarship across diverse social, natural, and human-managed systems and built environments. UCSC Black Geographies Lab; Office Location Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise African Faculty Karen Barad, Feminist Studies. graduate courses in ENVS (from an approved list), and two quarters of ENVS 292. ) program in Environmental Studies at UCSC is an interdisciplinary program that draws equally from natural and social sciences. Campbell's research emphasizes the use of regional and global computer models to The combined major in Environmental Studies and Earth & Planetary Sciences is intended to provide students with the basic tools of earth sciences and environmental studies needed to address environmental problems. plkoch@ucsc. 831-459-2786. The doctor of philosophy (Ph. These tenure-track Our faculty undertake environmental scholarship across diverse social, natural, and human-managed systems and built environments. edu Personal Faculty Web Page. Raimondi/Carr Lab; Mail Stop Long Marine Lab; Mailing Address. Professor; Director of Graduate Studies: Environmental Art + Social Practice MFA, Director of Art + Science Research at the Norris Center for Natural History, Founding Director: Unseen California; Department. Costa Lab; Mailing Address. Christopher A Edwards. Assistant Professor; Division Social Sciences Division; Department. emurai1@ucsc. At UC Santa Cruz, we use an interdisciplinary approach to study the social, cultural, and scientific relationships with the environment. Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor, Sustainability Science, Dartmouth College, 2009-2018 . In addition, students may have a Microbiology Affiliations Environmental Studies Department, Rachel Carson College; Phone. Academic coordinator, Geographic Information Systems Laboratory; predictive mapping, poverty and inequality mapping, food deserts and dkikon@ucsc. Head of Photography, Director of Graduate Studies: Environmental Art + Social Practice MFA, Director of Art + Science The Department of Environmental Studies graduate program at UCSC offers two graduate degrees: The Ph. Social Sciences Division Contact Us Site Affiliations Anthropology Department, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, Environmental Studies Department, Institute of Marine Sciences; Email. 831-502-7184. Winter 2025: Monday, 3pm-4pm, Communications 103. CUES’s primary goals are to Open to all UCSC students, the Environmental Studies Field and Internship Program is an integral academic component of the environmental studies major, and it augments the research and professional development of undergraduate students (see Environmental Studies). 194. scwinton@ucsc Dr. A/M. They work with teaching partners at institutions abroad to re-design their UCSC courses as Global Classrooms. Weixin Cheng - Soil ecology, agroecology, biogeochemistry, global change ecology; Greg Gilbert - Disease ecology, conservation biology, tropical forest ecology, Master’s degree (M. S. 1156 Affiliations Environmental Studies Department, Ocean Sciences Department; Phone. Our students are highly encouraged to seek out these opportunities, which are an excellent supplement to rigorous traditional courses, and are a great way to A dissertation in environmental studies is expected to present an original contribution to the understanding of a significant environmental problem or issue. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education My research group focuses on evolutionary and functional genomics and adaptation to extreme environments. edu. 831-459-3685. 831-502-8157. Philpott / ANTS This combined major in environmental studies (ENVS) and economics (ECON) does not offer any concentrations. Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, 426 ; Office Hours Wednesday 2-4pm (winter and spring 2025) Mail Stop Environmental Studies; Mailing Address. com; Website. a two-quarter sequence that explores the range of scholarly traditions that inform the kinds of research Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Environmental Studies, Community-based Research, Conservation, Diversity, Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, Intellectual Property, Latin American and Latino Studies, Environmental Studies Department; Affiliations Center for Agroecology, Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas; Phone. Environmental Studies 405 Interdisciplinary Sciences Building (831) 459-2634--Main Office (831) 459-5004--Undergraduate Major and Requirement Inquiries (831) 459-4136--Doctoral Program Inquiries https://envs. This includes: ecological and biological conservation, coastal science and policy, climate change, ecological modeling, animal ecology, restoration ecology, remote sensing, geomorphology; Merrill College Faculty Office Annex, 152 ; Summary of Expertise. kudela@ucsc. Center for Ocean Health, Long Marine Lab, UC Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz CA 95060 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Ecology, Evolution, Statistics; Courses BIOE 108: Marine Ecology, BIOE 159: The program provides applied geospatial research opportunities with faculty in research areas in which UCSC is an established leader. Administrative Director, Kenneth Norris Center for Natural History; Lecturer, Environmental Studies Department; Department. Bo Yang, GISTAR Program Director and Associate Director, Center for Integrated Affiliations Environmental Studies Department; Phone. Course offerings in the catalog are subject to change each quarter, so please make sure to review the updated course offerings before enrolling each quarter. The Environmental Sciences undergraduate web pages contain information on all aspects of major advising including: Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Agroecology and Agriculture, Sustainability; Courses ENVS 133 Agroecology Practicum, ENVS 130A/L Agroecology & Sustainable Education and Training. Established in 1994, the PhD in the Department of Environmental Studies at UCSC emphasizes close faculty-student interactions, department-wide intellectual exchange, and cross-discipline innovation. 831-459-1616. Professor. Bo Yang is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at UC, Santa Cruz. Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences. Physical Sciences Building, 454 ; Physical Sciences Building 454 ; Mail Stop METX; Mailing Address. 831-459-5006. A. Kenneth S Norris Center for Natural History Many other faculty use the UCSC Greenhouses for research as it is not restricted to plant science topics but is a facility open to all research on campus. Gliessman Presidential Chair in Water Resources and Food System Sustainability in the Environmental Studies Department at UC If you would like to learn more about this major, please contact the Environmental Sciences advisor or either of the Environmental Sciences Faculty undergraduate advisors, Affiliations Environmental Studies Department, Community Studies Program, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Latin American Santa Cruz California 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Activism, Environmental Justice, Science and Technology, American Studies, Sustainability, California History, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies; Courses Contemporary Social Theory, Environmental Studies Department; Faculty Areas of Expertise Climate Change, International and Global Affairs, Environmental Justice, Jinnah is a Professor of Environmental Studies and Associate Director of the Affiliations Environmental Studies Department; Phone. Register today! Program Staff. All Rights Reserved. edu; Website. gary-griggs. ) program in Environmental Studies at UCSC is an interdisciplinary program that draws equally from ecology and social sciences. Peter Weiss-Penzias Research Webpage Office Location. The environmental studies major provides an interdisciplinary approach to learning how to move toward a more sustainable future for human and ecological systems. UC AFTeR Project; Office Location. costa@ucsc. Each campus with AES designation is required to host faculty and researchers who are conducting research related to the AES mission. Social Sciences Division Contact Us Site Hillary Angelo is an urban-environmental sociologist who studies understandings of the environment and their relationship to large-scale spatial and social transformations. 831-459-5353. Chuang. Raphael Kudela; Kudela Lab; Step 3: Meet with an ENVS faculty member. Any substitutions for BIOE upper division courses must be approved by the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. Environmental Studies Department; Email. Professor; UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064. November 15, 2023 Environmental Studies Professor Sikina Jinnah has been appointed as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Christopher M Lay. edu: 831-459-5317: ISB 416: Environmental Studies: Peggy UC Santa Cruz. in Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Technologies, Applications, and Research Program Affiliations Environmental Studies Department, Coastal Science & Policy Program; Phone. Patrick Y. Jarmila Pittermann. Report an accessibility barrier; Land Acknowledgment Academic Advising for the Program Academic advising is available at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) undergraduate advising office located in the Earth and Marine Sciences Building, and via email at epsadvising@ucsc. Our interests in ecology engage most strongly with conservation biology, agroecology, and global change. Course Requirements. These tenure-track scholars come from every academic division and department on campus and include graduate students in their work. ) Prerequisite(s): upper-division standing; permission of environmental studies faculty member and chairperson of department. Students write critiques of some seminars. Elliott Campbell: jojcampb@ucsc. The purpose of the ESCI major is to educate students interested in environmental science problems and issues, with a focus on issues within the physical sciences (as opposed to focusing on biological sciences). Feminist theory, physics, twentieth-century continental philosophy, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of physics, cultural studies of science, feminist science studies Environmental Studies. 831-459-1549. sphilpot@ucsc. Tuesday, 2-3pm (Zoom: write for link) Irene E Lusztig. ENVS Tentative Course Offerings for Research seminars presented weekly throughout the year by environmental studies faculty, visiting scholars, and graduate students. Elliott Campbell is an Associate Professor and the Stephen R. Our curriculum is designed to emphasize experiential learning and enhance UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064. Department. Professor of Environmental Studies and Associate Director, Center for More Email. ) program in Environmental Studies at UCSC draws from two areas of knowledge: ecology and social sciences. Consult with faculty from both the Environmental Studies and Earth & Planetary Sciences departments. 1156 High St; Santa Cruz California 95064 ; Faculty Areas . ENVS/EART Environmental Studies Department; Phone. Gordon teaches and conducts research on the topics of global governance, the politics of climate change, environmental sustainability, and global urban governance. D. Elliott Campbell is Professor and Stephen R. Honors must be Affiliations Environmental Studies Department; Phone. jbury@ucsc. Our interests in ecology range from conservation biology, to agroecology, and to global change. FACULTY with plant based research. 831-459-3290. F,W,S This provides an opportunity to participate in the preparation and teaching of introductory environmental studies courses. You may not choose a lecturer or Welcome to the Environmental Studies Undergraduate Program website! Environmental Studies is a field of study that views the earth and our place in it, as a set of complex, interacting socio-ecological systems. Gliessman Presidential Chair in Water Resources and Food System Sustainability in the Environmental Studies Department at UC Santa Cruz. Each Environmental Studies student is assigned a faculty advisor who is an expert in their field of interest. Department Directory Show All Sections. imparker@ucsc. edu/a> 831-854-7948: Nat Sci 2 Room 461: Environmental Studies: Weixin Cheng: wxcheng@ucsc. Parker lab page; Selected Publications (Google Scholar) Santa Cruz CA 95060 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Ecology, Plant Biology, Conservation, Land Management, Evolution, Population Biology; Environmental studies is committed to examining, understanding, and addressing environmental challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective. Anjali R Arondekar. In addition, The Department of Environmental Studies offers a comprehensive internship program that connects classroom learning with hands-on skills and real-world experiences. Courses in environmental studies provide training not only in the physical, biological, and social sciences, but also in writing, critical thinking, quantitative analysis, project and team management, and more. Environmental Studies Department; Phone. Website. Laurel R Fox. Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Presidential Chair Feminist Studies, UCSC Founding Director, UCSC environmental studies graduates hold leadership positions as legislative and policy analysts, environmental lawyers, environmental managers, city and state planners, educators, restoration ecologists, organic farmers and agroecology specialists, conservation biologists, environmental engineers, museum curators, business consultants, and political advocates. Critical Environmentalisms. 831-459-5017. Her work offers a social-theoretical perspective on socio-ecological questions through both historical and contemporary research on urban greening, sustainability planning and policy, Research seminars presented weekly throughout the year by environmental studies faculty, visiting scholars, and graduate students. The goal of our Ph. The Staff. The environmental studies faculty have a wide range of research interests, and most are affiliated with other departments on UC Santa Cruz’s Social Sciences Division welcomed 10 outstanding new faculty members this academic year, in addition to three faculty members in the Anthropology, Economics, and Sociology Departments who joined us at Undergraduate Faculty Advisor: Slawek Tulaczyk: stulaczy@ucsc. ychen225@ucsc. The Environmental Sciences undergraduate web pages contain information on all aspects of major advising including: Please look at the Schedule of Classes for more information regarding course offerings for the current term. Contact Humanities Division. 831-459-3383. njones6@ucsc. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department; Phone. edu; peterweissmusic@gmail. . in Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Technologies, Applications, and Research (GISTAR) at UC Santa Cruz's Environmental Studies (ENVS) department offers an innovative and professional two-year degree program designed to provide students with cutting-edge training in advanced geospatial technologies and analysis, applications such as Pronouns he, him, his, his, himself; Title. S) and doctoral students from departments at UC Santa Cruz may complete a Designated Emphasis (DE) in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology (METX) by completing two graduate courses in METX (from an approved list) and one quarter of METX 292, the weekly departmental seminar. edu; Fax. E&MS A254. in Environmental Studies ; The M. 831-459-4837 (Department Manager) Campus Email. Katie Monsen Summary of Expertise. 103 records matched your search request. 831-459-5674. Social Sciences Division Contact Us Site Affiliations Environmental Studies Department, Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology Department; Phone. Teaching partner: Geoffrey Gathii, Lecturer, Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK) UCSC Course: Academic Literacy and The M. Nat Sci 2 Main Building, 459 ; Office Hours Not available Fall 2024; Summary of Expertise. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Students will have significant Environmental Studies Department; Affiliations Latin American & Latino Studies, Digital Arts and New Media, Anthropology Department; Phone. raimondi@ucsc. Students discuss content and methodology of research presented following each seminar. Affiliate Faculty Earth Sciences, Policy & Governance Associate Professor, Environmental Studies. com; 2006: University of California: Santa Cruz UCSC environmental studies graduates hold leadership positions as legislative and policy analysts, environmental lawyers, environmental managers, city and state planners, educators, restoration ecologists, organic farmers and agroecological specialists, conservation biologists, environmental engineers, museum curators, business consultants, and political The UC Santa Cruz environmental sciences (ESCI) major is an interdepartmental, undergraduate-only program. Courses in The doctor of philosophy (Ph. Email. In addition to comprehensive classroom-based learning, a number of Environmental Studies students engage in field studies, internships, independent research, study abroad, and volunteer work. Top of page Feedback Politics Department Dr. 1156 High Street; Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Climate Change, Climatology, Water, Plant Sciences, Plant Biology, Atmospheric Science, Ecology, Hydrology; Courses Plant Physiological Ecology, Climate Change Ecology Faculty Areas of Expertise Politics, United States Politics and Government, Political Science Affiliated Graduate Faculty While we encourage our graduate students to work Elliott Campbell. Our interests in natural sciences engage most strongly with conservation biology, agroecology, and global change. Star Faculty Award, College of Food, Agriculture and Faculty Type Regular Faculty. Once your academic plan has been approved by ENVS advising, you must meet with a faculty member in the department of Environmental Studies. Art ENVS 25 and general chemistry are usually offered during Summer Session at UC Santa Cruz, Environmental studies/biology combined majors cannot petition their courses taken abroad for ENVS upper-division course substitution. Professor Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Department. Faculty; News & Events; Support Us; Contact Us; Home / About / Department Directory. Energy Sustainability Policy and Natural resources (ESPN) Engineering 2, Room 549B ; Mail Stop SOE3; Faculty Areas of Expertise Energy, Environmental Policy, Economics, Water; Research Interests. 130 McAlister Way; Santa Cruz CA 95060 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Behavioral Ecology, Coastal Science, Animal Behavior, Biology, Ecology, Marine Biology, Ocean Studies, Scientific Academic Advising for the Program Academic advising is available at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) undergraduate advising office located in the Earth and Marine Sciences Building, and via email at epsadvising@ucsc. We are interested in understanding how populations Researchers with UC Santa Cruz’s ecological aquaculture facility have developed a new life cycle sustainability assessment documenting the environmental benefits and impacts of using Search for people, departments, or email addresses. edu; Office Location. ©2025 Regents of the University of California. Title. mamonten@ucsc. Economics and policy in energy; Water Faculty . MyUCSC; People; Calendars; Maps; A-Z Index; Search. ENVS 25 A new book developed by UC Santa Cruz faculty and staff offers teaching examples, strategies, and classroom tools to help integrate environmental justice into courses in ways that center equity. edu: 831-459-5207: EMS A208: Quentin Williams: qwilliam@ucsc. Affiliations Environmental Studies Department; Phone. Professor of Ocean Sciences. Greg Gilbert, Environmental Studies, Fungi and Fire in Central Coast Environmental Studies Department; Faculty Areas of Expertise Climate Change, International and Global Affairs, Environmental Justice, Jinnah is a Professor of Environmental Studies and Associate Director of the Below are the UCSC faculty Global Classrooms awardees. He currently directs the Everett Program for Technology and Social Change and the Institute for Social Transformation. edu; Office Hours. Program Learning Outcomes ENVS 25 and ENVS 23 are usually offered during Summer Session at UC Santa Cruz, and transfer students are encouraged to take them if they have not completed a substitute requirement or want a better understanding of the relevant UC Santa Cruz welcomes 54 new faculty members to campus who bring a wide array of expertise in research and creative scholarship that will open new areas of investigation and expression and expand existing areas of (See course 42. Academia page; Affilitated Emeriti Faculty. pchuang@ucsc. ucsc. You may not choose a lecturer or advisor; it must be someone from this faculty list. 831-459-2533 died on Sunday, March 28, in mfairbai@ucsc. Google Scholar; Mailing Address. Biography, Education and Training. Each student’s placement is supervised by a team of supporters: a faculty advisor, field sponsor, Step 2: Meet with Your Faculty Advisor. Science, technology, and medicine studies; feminist theory; relations between life and human sciences; histories of animal-human relationships; cultures of nature and environment; science and politics; animal studies limbrick@ucsc. 831-459-4882. a two-quarter sequence that explores the range of scholarly traditions that inform the kinds of research UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064. ) program is designed for students who intend to pursue professional careers in environmental sciences, engineering, policy, law, teaching, or business For more information about the affiliated faculty and staff for the major, including areas of interest and facilities, contact e-mails and phone numbers, and how to declare this major, please see Faculty . 2004 PhD - Environmental Science, Policy and Management - UC Berkeley 1995 BA - Physics with Thesis Honors - Wesleyan University UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, Ca 95064. Our faculty undertake UCSC environmental studies graduates hold leadership positions as legislative and policy analysts, environmental lawyers, environmental managers, city and state planners, educators, restoration ecologists, organic farmers and agroecological specialists, conservation biologists, environmental engineers, museum curators, business consultants, and political The doctor of philosophy (Ph. About; Undergraduate; Graduate; Research; Faculty; News & Events; Support Us; Adaptation of species to environmental change, from genes to communities, including quantitative ecology and population genomics. griggs@ucsc. Areas of Expertise Environmental Engineering Renewable Energy Climate Change and Stephen R. Dr. Environmental Studies. The core faculty of the major are primarily from two Faculty Director, UCSC Campus Natural Reserve (2008-) Steering Committee, New Gen Learning (2019-) Graduate Committee, Chair (UC Santa Cruz, Environmental Studies) (2003-05, 2006-2015) Honors and Awards Golden Mail Stop Environmental Studies; Mailing Address. Teaching Environmental Studies. Schedule regular meetings with your advisor to discuss your academic progress, course selection, and career goals. clbeauli@ucsc. Course descriptions can be found in the General Catalog. The bachelor of science (B. He currently Environmental Studies Department; Affiliations Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, 461 Natural Science 2; Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Ecology, Conservation, Plant Sciences, Step 3: Meet with an ENVS faculty member. 1156 High Street; Santa Cruz CA 95064 ; Faculty Areas of Expertise Environmental Studies, Climate Dr. Chris Benner is the Dorothy E. UCSC’s Environmental Studies program provides a comprehensive and engaging education, Professor, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz, since 2018 . By collaborating with ENVS faculty, researchers, and local agencies, the program provides diverse on- and off-campus opportunities for academic credit. He is director of GIS Spatial Technologies, Applications, and Research (GISTAR), Affiliated Faculty of Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research The Center for Critical Urban and Environmental Studies (CUES) is a laboratory for social scientific research on urbanization and the environment in a time of increasing inequality and climate change. zag toyicb dnfv aogirs mjana netzpl ftvu vbs djnp nlcs feclyp qclwrl igwr xqagg fitzjpwd