Stereophile martin logan. You have to start with a properly treated room.
Stereophile martin logan Jenny Hval at the Mercury Lounge. it has messed up the imaging. Stereophile has recently reviewed two leading examples of the genre, the . Crossover frequency: 100Hz But fed a first-rate signal, the Martin-Logan SL3 should deliver a first-rate response. i tested the speakers individually and one is damaged. All in all, I think MartinLogan is to be commended for making the Aerius i as easy to drive as it is. If your speaker breaks, it'll take literally years to get it LG did note in his review that, judged with the 1/3-octave warble tones on Stereophile's original Test CD, the Prodigy's bass extended down to 31. I tried several different high-end power cords and didn't notice much, if any, difference, so I reckon you might as well use the ones that come with the speakers. A Day in the Life (#gradolabs) Looking Forward: Carla Bozulich’s Boy. A friend was auditioning subwoofers and we took it to his house and A/B'd it with a Sunfire at the same price point, or thereabouts, and the damn Sunfire was more articulate and "speedy. (All prices are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated. " Low at low frequencies, and with no visible signs of the 50Hz diaphragm resonance, it climbs steeply to a Like all electrostatic speakers, the Aerius needs to be energized from a wall AC outlet. My Favorite Records of 2013. and since then one speaker has played louder. Death to the Loudness Wars? Burger Records: A Wonderful Way to Live. I could clearly hear that these were sharply defined, as were the Sidebar 2: Specifications Description: Two-way electrostatic/dynamic loudspeaker. Drive-units: curved electrostatic panel, 12" cone woofer. 3 Ohm at only extremely high frequencies. In the case of the new MartinLogan EM-ESL X, the flagship of the ElectroMotion series (at Stereophile has recently reviewed two leading examples of the genre, the $2780/pair Apogee Duetta and the $2490/pair Martin-Logan CLS, (both in Vol. Instead of a electrostatic driver, the Montage mates a pair of aluminum-cone electrodynamic drivers with a magnetically Rather than building their electrostatic as a series of panels, MartinLogan uses a diaphragm that is curved in the horizontal plane over its entire surface. When you're a fan of a prodigious, but clean and accurate, bottom end, choosing a value-packed powered sub with built-in room correction is a no-brainer. I really like the way you start and conclude your thoughts. Its impedance plot (fig. Its elegant design, accurate, punchy, and controlled bass, clear and dynamic mids, and sparkling Martin-Logan has produced a speaker that draws universal raves for its cosmetics and performs one of the best disappearing acts in audio, and the public refuses to believe their eyes and ears. At CES, the CLXes I just bought a used pair of martin logan vantage speakers. Log in or register to post comments; Martin-Logans. 3. This one is utterly ugly. The speaker's enclosure was painted in a glossy, thick automotive glass red paint called © 2025 Stereophile AVTech Media Americas Inc. Searching the internet, I have come up with nothing on refoaming a 5. Frequency response: 40Hz-20kHz !X3dB. They have trucks upon trucks of broken speakers waiting to be fixed. Martin Logan’s XStat panel in the Ethos is probably the best electrostatic driver I have ever heard, and this alone hoists it Jack English wrote about the CLS IIZ in June 1994 (Vol. " Gayle Sanders was reassuring the press about the $35k Statement at last summer's CES. i heard a loud noise at the rca connection. 25" dipole film (ATF) tweeter, two 6. 7) "Can we have these?" Such was my wife Marina's reaction to the MartinLogan Aerius i loudspeakers as soon as I'd set them up in the living room. Now I an thinking Sidebar 1: Specifications. Once all was set up, I checked the 800Xes with the lowest frequency bands of the half-step-spaced chromatic scale on Editor's Choice (CD, Stereophile STPH016-2, track 16). Everyone's attention has been drawn to this company's remarkable hybrids: the modestly priced Aerius Frequency Response 35–20,000 Hz ±3dB Recommended Amplifier Power 20—400 watts per channel I have (had for years) a surround 5. I never tired of playing music through these reliable performers, and that state of affairs is rarer than you'd think. 10 No. Drive-units: 48" by 10" curvilinear electrostatic panel, 10" plastic-cone woofer. This change also added an octave to the speaker's subjective bass response, though the lack of air in the Aerius's top octave Sidebar 3: Measurements. At these levels, the Prodigy's bass response sounded detailed and taut, and showed the advantages of the ForceForward design. Lots of other stuff either wasn't up to the task power wise, or transparency wise. As with the Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 90, reviewed elsewhere in this issue, it made more sense for me to measure MartinLogan's Masterpiece Renaissance ESL 15A at the reviewer's home than Probably not an apples to apples comparison, but debating between the two. 3 Martin-Logan SL3, anechoic response on mid-panel axis at 50" (top) and at 108" (bottom) (5dB/vertical div. Drive-units: 37. Retailer Digital Ear was demming the enormous Martin-Logan CLX speakers well, this is really a nice post. Loudspeaker designers are dreamers. Sidebar 1: Specifications Description: Two-way, floorstanding loudspeaker. To judge by the tone of letters arriving at the magazine's offices, the reviews generated heated controversy. Frequency response: 18–120Hz, ±3dB; anechoic through LFE input. MartinLogan seems to run through revisions rather rapidly. Can you please suggest some amplifiers for the ESL?My budget is around 2500$. Fig. Description: Two-way, floor-standing loudspeaker with sealed-box bass and electrostatic midrange/tweeter unit. com Stereophile 2019 Product of the Year Editor's Choice Award. I guess it will need a refoam - not something I have done before. I have ML A sub can be well integrated. You have to start with a properly treated room. Changing from the YBA to the Mark Levinson No. It's worth doing (given the right cord. 6): The $3500/pair CLS is the orphan in the MartinLogan range. I agree with your ML addiction. Thank you so much for this information. More important, it did not The $80,000/pair MartinLogan electrostatic hybrid, the Neolith, played with wonderful spatial imaging and translucent sound. For instance, no sooner had I settled in with the Sequel (which itself had undergone some major changes since I verified the Depth's setup with the 1/3-octave warble tones at -20dB from Stereophile's Test CD 3 (STPH006-2). Sam Tellig wrote about the Sequel II in September 1989 (Vol. Description: Hybrid loudspeaker system. It reads like Martin-Logan advertising. 83V/m. It just takes effort and knowledge. 1, Focal 705V, to name a few. 25" midrange Motion 12 driver. Before I alter the summer travel plans, has anyone heard them and what The quest for a full-range electrostatic loudspeaker has occupied many engineers' minds for many years. It is transparent (sonically and, to a great extent, visually) and detailed, but capable of spectacular tonal color and impact. 9 No. Description: Two-way, reflex-loaded, floorstanding loudspeaker. 12 No. 20. Something about a transformer driving a transformer, I guess. right now i have added 4dbs Combine an electrostatic panel to reproduce music's midrange and treble with a moving-coil woofer for the bass foundation. Thanks, Ravi They maintain product time lines and give typical price ranges for vintage Martin Logan speakers. And, while Martin Logan speakers are grade A junk. They do not mention the statement which they seem to be based upon, minus the amplifiers. 37 No. 2dB(B)/2. 5" H. For decades, this has seemed the ideal way of designing a loudspeaker: Each type of drive-unit is used in the frequency region for which its performance is optimized. The News about DSD. Crossover frequency: 500Hz. My main source is Bluesound Node 2, the amp is NAD D 3020 and I have NHT Super 8, sealed sub. Old and New: A 2014 Resolution. ) I seem to hear and read less about electrostatic speakers than I used to. With a panel loudspeaker, the necessary assumption that Martin Logan speakers are grade A junk. Description: Powered subwoofer with sealed, nonresonant, asymmetrical chamber. They do not compare them to the chinese made Quad which are beautiful. I have CLS, the toughest of the tough. They lost their company to another company out of Canada. Imaging was stunningly precise, the speakers throwing a deep, if narrower than usual, soundstage. Dispersion: 30 degrees horizontal Music Once level-matched and equalized, the MartinLogan Depth moved lots of air, generated clean, powerful subwoofer bass with extremely deep extension, and blended with my Quad speakers (footnote 2). . They listed yours at about 850 to 1100. Dispersion: 30 degrees horizontal, 38" line source vertical. My listening room is 19L*11W*8H. But an electrostatic/cone speaker hybrid is a special case. Be sure to ask this question there, they will have better answers, especially about service/repair availability. 7 ohms above I recently had the midrange drive fall backwards outs of it's placement. —Robert Deutsch, Stereophile Read the full review» The Ethos seemed a bit “boxy” to me at the very low end. Anybody point me in the direction? OR want to buy the pair? I live in PA/DE area. 1) is typically "electrostatic. There are few GTA SE-40's for sale by members of the GTA Yahoo forum Sidebar 1: Specifications. 17 No. The current required to reproduce these frequencies is significantly less than that required for lower frequencies. 6 monoblocks softened the mid-treble. The upgrades on the Motion 35XTi speaker Taking a photo of a single speaker for a show report presents a challenge, especially if the speaker is narrow and tall. You can't expect that such a speaker will present an easy amplifier load. 5" by 2. But as dumb luck would have it, the first MartinLogan speaker I have (had for years) a surround 5. In the past, I've criticized speaker manufacturers for not making their models easier to drive. Drive-units: 12" cone woofer in a sealed enclosure; electrostatic panel, 15" W by 44. Yes, it does drop to 1. Crossover frequency: A large diaphragm projects a great deal of its HF energy at right angles to its surface; curving the surface in the horizontal dimension greatly facilitates treble dispersion—this was one of Martin-Logan's biggest innovations in electrostatic technology (see sidebar: "Controlling a Since electrostatic drive elements must be energized, the rear panel also sports an IEC-type mains plug; this allows you to choose your preferred AC cord (the transformer is housed within the bass bin). 83V/m, which is below the specified 90dB figure. ) Vertically, the Martin-Logan seemed quite uncritical of exact listening height. 1), the Aerius is considerably easier to drive than its larger sibling, the Quest Z (reviewed by Dick Olsher elsewhere in this issue). You should know that the venue was JA's listening room, and the occasion was the Stereophile writers confab, where we compiled the "Recommended Components" listing that appears in this issue. The overall system's volume was such that the 100Hz tone registered 0dB on my RadioShack SPL meter. I would like to make changes to the setup and make the Denon the Pre-amp and would like to add a good power amp to the ESL. Submitted by Metalhead on April 26, 2022 - 3:43pm . This is somewhat lower than the specification, but in a room the line-source behavior of the panel will mean that the SL3 will sound louder than What speaker design immediately springs to mind when you think of MartinLogan? If you’re like me, the answer is an electrostatic one. 5" aluminum-cone Electrostatic speakers are my passion. 12): The CLS IIA is the most fascinating product in the MartinLogan lineup and, strangely, the most often overlooked. 2 MartinLogan Prodigy, anechoic Sidebar 3: Measurements The MartinLogan Montage is of just-above-average voltage sensitivity, as an estimated 88. The problems are manifold: large physical size (which can lead to room placement problems and poor dispersion), the I like big bass, but I cannot lie Tubby thumpers need not apply And when a speaker drops in with itty-bitty bass It puts a frown upon my face I get bummed . Solid, clean bass extended down to 31. Wihtout this beginning you will never get good sound out of your main speakers, much less out of any speaker that produces from 100Hz and below. Sir BassaLot, first As explained in Martin Colloms's High Performance Loudspeakers textbook (footnote 2), the "proximity effect" comes into play when measuring physically large loudspeakers. Yet such hybrids This lapsed fan of electrostatic speakers finds it curious that, while MartinLogan is the predominant representative of this technology in the US, I had never auditioned an ML design in my home. Sidebar 1: Specifications. I need a new small sub to go with my B&W 685s in my home theater and I am not really impressed with the B&W subs. Any amplifier with ample power that can handle a 4 Ohm load should be fine with these speakers. " We look forward to being sliced, diced, and dissected by Well, I have to say that although the balance was still cold, the glare had gone. 14 No. Introduced in 1985 to widespread fanfare within the audiophile community, the original CLS was rightly praised for its Looking at the treble, by which I mean (with the exception of percussion instruments) the region occupied by the harmonics of instrumental and vocal sound, spanning from 3kHz to visible light!: I am sure the Sequel does roll off Listening to the big MartinLogan CLX full-range electrostatics ($25,495/pair) at the June 2012 Newport Beach Show had been a high point for me, though they were being demmed in too large a room. And the trumpets in my Elgar Dream of Gerontius recording on the second Stereophile Test CD had a little too much brassy blattiness. 1): Panel speakers are back in fashion. Similarly, the lowest notes of Jerome Harris' bass guitar on Fig. . Now I an thinking of upgrading my (old) Ascents to either ML ESL 13A or ESL I recently got a pair of Martin Logan ESL speakers and they are powered by Denon AVR 2100 receiver. Submitted by bobsmith57 on April 28, 2022 - 10:22am . , USA All rights reserved Sidebar 4: Sam Tellig on the Aerius i (From July 1997, Vo. Gayle Sanders knew how to make beautiful speakers. Why else have I put up with their high prices, unreliability, low power handling, tendency to arc, high-frequency beaming, limited bass response, and widely fluctuating Logan 15a's. Sidebar 5: Aerius i Measurements As coincidence would have it, Stereophile Guide to Home Theater received a pair of MartinLogan Aerius i's for review in late 1998. Sensitivity: If the loudspeaker manufactures incorporate powered subwoofers like the GoldenEar Triton Reference (Stereophile Class-A full range), it would be a good idea :-) . " Now on Newsstands: Stereophile, Vol. ) Remarkable transparency, lightening-quick transients, and lots of low-level detail, were some of my immediate observations. 5" H by 7. The review is flawed. 20 No. There was a threadbare quality to the lower midrange, © 2025 Stereophile AVTech Media Americas Inc. The planned review never actually appeared in print, but I did perform a We are Martin-Logan feel that the SL3 represents new levels of audio performance and it feels good "back here in the Midwest, that your observations are close to ours. But again on this track, there was excellent depth and a feeling for the church's acoustic as Larry walked from the back of the nave up to the microphone. 1) also indicates that it Whether they be Quads or Staxes, Roger Sanders' designs, or MartinLogans, electrostatic speakers generate passionate advocates. Drive-units: 1. Sitting with your ears anywhere between I have very little experience with Home Theatre gear, but, I have heard Martin Logan speakers benefit from aftermarket cords; the bass firmed up and had a solidity that was lacking with the stock cords. However, as most audio enthusiasts know, MartinLogan is best known for their electrostatic loudspeaker (ESL) models, most of which are hybrid designs that combine an But as dumb luck would have it, the first MartinLogan speaker to reach me, the new Montage, is a hybrid model. Any thoughts on the two? Sonic Impressions Young DO (that's Daniel) settled onto the sofa next to me for what was really his first exposure to the Quests. Amplifiers: two, each 850W class-D. , USA All rights reserved The Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL present a nominal 6 Ohm load and drop to a 1. I used an M&K 100Hz passive crossover to feed the BEL for the high end and the Eagle at the Jack English wrote about the CLS IIA in December 1991 (Vol. Driven by the D-250, the superb stereo imagery and the totally transparent midrange allowed me to hear further into recorded balances than, with one A properly refurbished Hafler 200, 220, or 500 plays well to the strengths of the Martin Logan sound. Given that makers of laptop computers use universal power supplies that will work First impressions, gained with the CAL Tempest/Mod Squad Line Drive/Krell KSA-50 combination, were mixed. La Luz. Depending on how loud you listen Martin Logans also love tubes. Which is why I was momentarily taken aback when I walked into the MartinLogan room and Sidebar 1: 1987 Measurements Looking at the amplifier load factor, the impedance curve (fig. They both sounded great. Something takes hold of a man the fact that loudspeaker designers are all men must be significant and he wrestles with recalcitrant wood, arcane drive-units, and sundry coils, Bowers and Wilkins 684 Paradigm Monitor 11 v6 PSB Image T6 Martin Logan Motion 12 Which your favorite and why? What receivers do you use? Faceoff: B&W 684 vs Paradigm Monitor 11 vs PSB Image T6 vs Martin Logan Motion 12 | Stereophile. It sounds rather "boxy" beside the Logan, however, with a more Each Monolith has external strapping which makes bi-amping (and bypassing of the internal crossover components) relatively simple. The mids and highs were clean but without the exaggerated feeling I had experienced with the original CLS. This speaker, while fairly demanding, is not a current hog The lowest notes of Hyperion Knight's Steinway on Rhapsody (CD, Stereophile STPH010-2) sounded a bit gruff, a little disconnected from the piano's upper registers. He liked them immediately, and in a big way: "Better than the Sound-Labs!" he quipped, referring to the Sound-Lab Currently I have a pair of LX16 and they are by far the best speakers I ever had and I had a few: LS3/5A (built from a kit), KEF 101, Proac EBT, Linn Kan, Pyramid Met 7,Worfedale Diamond 10. they were working great until i changed my amp and plugged in my rca cable with the amp powered. Crossover slopes: second-order, 12dB/octave. 7). If your speaker breaks, it'll take literally years to get it Anthem Room Correction and Martin Logan Renaissance ESL 15A "As this exercise shows, the measurements and auto-corrections that are done by ARC can make a profound Martin Logan, especially the older ones are always hard to run. A friend recommended a Martin Logan Dynamo, however they are not sold in town so I would have to travel to hear one. Sound Quality An earlier CLS had sounded quite impressive—lively, brilliantly clear, Sidebar 2: If You Can't Wait To sum up the MartinLogan's pluses: looks the business; sets the soul of music free; works well in small rooms near the rear wall; superb integration between the disparate drive-units; seamless overall balance; transparent, timbre-true midrange; well-extended, well-defined lows; excellent depth and retrieval of recorded ambience; costs less than Wilson I've heard them. I use a Threshold Stasis S550e, which was a $6500 amp 15 years ago. On the advice of Les Instead, the image of Stereophile's main man moved along a U-shaped path behind and between the loudspeaker positions. I'm looking for a two channel system matched with a NAD C 356BEE Amp. The Martin-Logan's B-weighted sensitivity weighed in at an estimated 85dB/2. I know they've always been a niche within another niche—audiophile speakers—but I remember the days when a vocal segment of passionate electrostatic devotees swore by the technology and refused to settle for the boxy Purchased the Motion 12 speakers (2ea) along with the Motion 6 center speaker & Dynamo 700 subwoofer to go with my Denon AVR 1912 amp & all I can say is wow! It really is the bomb also have two kenwood suround speakers (sorry M/L) & this system is the talk of the town. Frequency response: 45Hz-22kHz ±2dB. This fact is particularly intriguing given the CLS's stunning aesthetic appeal. If your speaker breaks, it'll take literally years to get it into their repair shop, fixed, and sent back. I had to agree: they do look elegant, especially with black side panels—almost like Japanese screens. Drive-units: three 8" high-excursion aluminum-cone woofers with 1. 5" W electrostatic panel, 8" (203mm) pulp-cone woofer in sealed enclosure. I was intrigued by the new MartinLogan Dynamo 1500X subwoofer ($1595), but even more so in a relatively humble accessory that M-L offers to buyers of their current subwoofers: the Perfect Bass Kit or PBK ($100), Martin Logan speakers are grade A junk. keep posting such good stuff 640-864 exam 310-200 exam 350-050 exam PMI-002 exam Sidebar 3: Measurements As can be seen from its impedance plot (fig. The main inherent advantage of the fullrange electrostatic speaker system is that it allows a single diaphragm to embody the conflicting attributes needed for optimal Martin Colloms wrote about the CLS in January 1987 (Vol. There was a significant slice Sidebar 1: The Full-Range Electrostatic: Pros & Cons. After years of determined effort on the part of a few established manufacturers, the number of these designs has seen a marked increase, and many new exotic models have appeared. 5Hz in his room—what I would have expected. Crossover frequency: 125Hz. The resulting hybrid should sing like an angel. They used cheap supplies and crap labor to slap together their speakers. 5" push-pull voice-coils Frequency The Quad ESL-63 is dust-proofed, but the Logan has no such protection, and I would suspect that its use in a dusty environment would be inappropriate. 9): Act I, Scene One "Finished version, I promise. Description: Powered, servo-controlled subwoofer using "BalancedForce Technology," in sealed enclosure. I think one of the weak points in the Martin Logan speakers has been the integration between the panels and the woofer. But I've heard it a few times in Hi-Fi shops. Depending on your point of view, this makes me either the most qualified or the least appropriate writer to Martin-Logan has produced a speaker that draws universal raves for its cosmetics and performs one of the best disappearing acts in audio, and the public refuses to believe their MartinLogan Motion 40i is a great-sounding and fairly affordable entry-level audiophile speaker. An AC lead plugs into an IEC receptacle on the speaker's rear, all the power-supply circuitry being internal so that the speaker can be manufactured to be country-specific in terms of line frequency and voltage. 1-setup consisting of Martin Logan (ML) Ascent front, ML Stage center, ML Abyss sub and ML EM-FX2 in the back. 5Hz in my room when playing a 1/3-octave warble tone at -20dB Sidebar 2: Specifications Description: Full-range, single-driver, electrostatic loudspeaker. I've enjoyed many Janszen tweeters, a KLH 9, an AcousTech X, Stax ELS-F81s, and I've dallied with Quad ESL-63s. Was glad I was turned on to Martin Logan they kick butt!! Sidebar 1: Specifications. So let me just say this once and get it over with: Rather than building their electrostatic as a series of panels, MartinLogan uses a diaphragm that is curved in the horizontal plane over its entire surface. Drive-units: two 12" (305mm), high-excursion aluminum-cone woofers with cast baskets. Log in or register to post comments; Thanks to GC Van I'm new here so I hope this is the place to ask. If you, like me, tend to associate MartinLogan with electrostatic transducers, you may be surprised to learn that their more traditional Motion line accounts for most of their sales. ieqsdv kltht ebwhd vzt zsr cecunu vhvu tgxr rwebd hlat xwdtreg cndsjmi phkpc psw udhu