Roblox teleport all players script Hello Developers, I am trying to make a GUI where a player can input a GameId and then when they click a button it will teleport all the players to the selected GameId. Im trying to make a script where it gets a random player and teleports it to a part. I want to teleport players that join the game to my new game! How do I do this? Im trying to teleport a group to a private server from the lobby. This script is easy to set up and can be customized to fit your game's needs. Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit. I do not know how to get the table of players to be teleported AT THE SAME time to a different part. Spawn1 local MainFloor = game. Parent. How do I alter my script to remove all tools when returning to the lobby? I’ve tried a few methods found in the forums and videos, but nothing works yet. It also teleports everyone when a different object that has a humanoid in it touches the portal. Parent local TeleportService = game:GetService('TeleportService') local placeID = (13050238945) local canTeleport = true local function otherGame(otherPart) local player = I am trying to get all the players from one server to go to a second part of the game in a different experience kind of like a story game to a game like the mimic. localValue. localValue and playerValue are player objects. So first make your proximity prompt under a part and add a Normal Script Under the Proximity Prompt It should look like this: Now lets get scripting! First we make the variables local proximity = script. Click to rate this script! [Total: 0 Average: 0] 4 Script Index is a revolutionary way of seamlessly adding a template / pre-made script into your Roblox Games! Ever gotten tired of re-typing the same functions or scripts over and over again? on touched, on key down, on So basically, I’m trying to make an admin command which teleports the admin to a server depending on if a specific player is in the server For example: Admin is in server 1 and Player is in a different server, the admin can use a command to teleport to Player’s server using Player’s name or Player’s userid whichever one works. Players. local list = { {0,workspace. OK, I Understand A simple teleportation script for Roblox Studio that teleports players to a designated destination when they touch a pad. So I used ROBLOX’s official tutorial (it did not help very much) CFrames | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub and I would like to know how the button can know who clicked it, and how to teleport them. This makes it so when you teleport them there they will be teleported slightly above the point and fall naturally down to the ground. Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#players do if players[i]. This separation creates the best player experience as you’ll soon learn. You can create a massive world by separating them into separate places. random(1,#workspace. I know how to teleport parts, but not players. Because if I were to make specific positions on the map and assign each player to one of those spots using a for i, v in pairs loop. - Minarpr0/Roblox-teleport-GUI I am making a game and when they touch part i want a gui to pop up on all screens for 5 sec and then tp all players to another place. tpcreatorname. How would I get all the players in a server and teleport them to a different game but have the same exact players in (game1’s) server in this game they are teleporting to (game2). CFrame = Part. I want to teleport all players to the part if they are outside of the zone like in the Normal Elevator, when you are outside of the elevator you get teleported to the elevator, but when you are inside of the elevator you don’t get teleported, I even tried with A. lua Pastebin. Character:Wait() local Part = (where it is located) Character. Whether you're looking to fly, teleport, increase walkspeed, change jump power, or use Dex Explorer, this script provides it all. Hey, how do I teleport player to random positions? The positions are a vector3 value and is child of a button, there are 10 buttons and each one has the vector3 value (with diff value of course) and I wanna teleport 10 players for examples to 10 different buttons, meaning that each button will have a player standing on the position. Players:GetChildren() BadgeId = ROBLOX scripts to make scripting easier! -- List of functions function teleport ( Player ) function fade_screen () script playerHeight program closeRoblox 📔 Table of Contents So my goal is to make a main menu gui where players can click different “Rooms” and then be put in that room to be eventually teleported into the main game after 45 seconds, but I have no idea how to do this, I want all players that was in that room to be in the same game and I’m sure teleporting them all to a private server is how I should do this, but I don’t know how. Lightyear2. Add function teleportAllPlayers(part) -- part being the part you want to TP them to. CharacterAdded:Wait() local ReplicatedStorage = We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. i believe it has something to do with for in pairs loops but i haven’t learned how to Where is this Script Located? and how exactly are you firing this script when it comes to usage? Here is a couple of other things: When wanting to teleport players, its recommended you use :PivotTo() depending if you want to set both Position, and Orientation using CFrame, otherwise you can use :MoveTo() for just Position, which uses Vector3, Setting Hey developers, I’m currently working on revamping my “The Hunt Hub” that I made last year and am trying to come up with new ideas on how to improve it with the second edition coming around! I had the idea of possibly changing my portals, that would before just teleport the player into a random server within a game, to now, having a group of players have Hello everyone! So on my game I need it so that when a part is touched you get telported to somewere else in the game. I am not really looking for a command just a bit of code used to teleport all the players in the server. My solution to this is to send a table from the server containing all the player’s names but you cannot do that (As So for context, each place has a portal, that when stepped on teleports the player into a new lobby, the issue is the player being teleported is always alone How would I go about making a portal that instead of creating many servers tries to teleport players into 1 common server? Here’s the current script: local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") Learning how to teleport in Roblox scripting is great for those with large game worlds. <details><summary>Teleport part</summary>create a part in In a local script do: local Player = game. Also MoveTo will not work in this case since its a method of Humanoid, and you call it on the character model. But idk why it teleports all players. maybe creating a loop? Please, fix the code, I really don’t know how to do this. Create a RemoteEvent that the client will fire when it is clicked on. Asked AI but everything fails. You can use TeleportService to teleport players to another game. Status local statusMatchMaking = script. Position) end Simply create a container inside workspace containing the parts you want to teleport players to. ESP features help locate important objects and players, while teleportation scripts allow for faster travel across the game world. I also want to send teleportdata and local Parts = workspace. I need all the players who touch the same part to be teleported to the same private server. Character or Player. Health == 0 then I am making a game that teleports players to a reserved server and I want the game to wait until all the players have loaded in how can I do this. (in the example it’s name Parts) Hey Guys, I want to teleport the players to a different coordinate in a place, not the teleportservice. I know it has to What solutions have you tried so far? I have looked for 5 hours on devforum and nothing helped. Workspace["Main Floor"] local rand = Random. random(1, #Parts)] for _, Player in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do Player. Advertisement. Character:MoveTo(SelectedPart. Please help. Parent local folder = part. LocalPlayer game. How can I do this? Someone could give me a hand. Try to I feel as if I am missing some stuff going on. wait(6) local players = game:GetService("Players") local SlapStage Hello developers! Today in this my second tutorial I will show you how to teleport the players! Methods: teleport part, level required teleport part, teleport button. LOCAL SCRIPT IN STARTERGUI WITH A BUTTON AS ITS PARENT --// SERVICES local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Players = Loot Esp this script will show where the loot is located all the things that are in the game, Auto Farm a program that can provide you with all the necessary game resources such as money, experience, and other items automatically, Teleport this function is a powerful tool in Roblox that allows players to transport themselves to different locations within a game. I would appreciate it very much. new() local debounce = false local Hello. So I’m trying to teleport all the players in a server to another game. Hiya Developers! I have a script here, which is meant to check what map is selected, and teleport the players to the location accordingly to the map. local TP1 = game. inoobe_xi (inoobe_xi) May 27, 2019, 2:16am #1. All of the scripts are local scripts in starterGui, and the portals are in a model inside of the workspace. Teleport local function shopOpen(otherPart) local player = game. I am making a game where the players start in a lobby then when the game starts they all spawn to the map. Hello devs! I wanna to understand how script can get moment when i published new version of game or shutdown all servers for maybe move all players in all servers to some waiting place and understand when game finally updated or shutdown ended for teleport them back. I tried :TeleportPartyAsync and reserve server also I did TeleportToPrivateServer hi i was making a minigame but i cant teleport all player but only 1 player that gets teleported here is the script local players = game. . Character ~= nil then local spawnLocation = math. So I made portals that teleport you to a specific location on the map, and for some reason it teleports all of the players in the server. I know how to make a teleporter that teleports just the one player who touched it to another location but I don’t know So basically I will have a Game script that after the intermission it will teleport all of the players to the map but I do not know how to select the players or how to actually teleport them to it, if you could help me understand how I could make this happen that would be great. Help and Feedback. Tele2 {2,workspace. Hello! I am making a story game and I want all of the players to be teleported to another area simultaneously, however I am not sure how to do it. Like not location to location inside the same game, I mean getting that group of players, and teleporting them to another game if a player touches a telePart. I hope I explained it right, I’ve tried Error: attempt to index nil with ‘Character’ Script: local plr = game. My script works fine other then the fact that it teleports each person to the game but in different servers. Local script: (startercharacterscripts) wait(2) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players. NPC. I can’t find that anywhere on the forums only ones that can teleport you to another game/place. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. Teleporters. But, i have an issues. Splandex (Splandex) November 6, 2018, Hello! Basically, I made a game and moved it to another, a group game. Welcome to the official Brookhaven Script repository! This project provides powerful scripts to enhance your experience in Roblox Brookhaven RP. LocalPlayer --declaration for the player, only works in local Hello I want to make a command like :bring all but IDK how to get all players. Player local teleport = game:GetService("TeleportService If I understood you correctly, you want to teleport the character To do that you directly type in Character. CFrame * CFrame(0,3,0) -- You don't want the player to spawn in the part!! hi im ctg im making a matchmaking system but when i test it not teleport to same server, it only teleport to single server matchmaking system local player = {} local prox = script. players. - AgungHari/Universal-Teleport-for-Roblox So I’m trying to teleport all the players in a server to another game. You need to teleport all 15 of them to a second place within the game, but only those 15. The intended function is that, the script TP’s all players in one group? Any ideas? local players Developer Forum | Roblox Scripting Support. Pretty much when you teleport the play, you want to add 5(ish) to their Y axis as their HumanoidRootPart while standing on a platform is 3 studs higher. It is a Local Script. so is this the right way for me to do this or if I am wrong, help me correct it Take a look at this script ( you can modify it to correct it ): local debouncetwo = false local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService") local p = game. however, with my current scripting skill set, this is hard for me to accomplish without help. ReplicatedStorage do you understand what ownership of a part means TLDR- – the code below makes the teleportation happen but only if there is one player on the server local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local TransporterDisk = script. Scripting Support. I hope someone gets what I’m trying to say. new(x, y, z) instead of using MoveTo. Parent local You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? After that, you should include more details if you have any. I just want to I dont know why but it wont teleport all players just one (when one player touches the part I want all to be transported) local telePart = script. And you can use CFrames to teleport players to a certain part using HumanoidRootPart when a part is touched. for _,v in pairs (Players:GetChildren()) do -- Go through all the players in-game. local character = This script is optimized and built for mobile devices. Position = Vector. Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit. very op script made by akahaptic. This separation creates the best player experience as you’ll Hello! And welcome to my tutorial! Today I will be showing you how to make a proximity prompt teleport a player to a new location. So what is the best way I can do this. I dont found any info about this Sorry for my English Hi! I’m trying to script a door so the player appears to open it, I’ve been able to make the door open and play an animation on the player however I cant seem to figure out how to teleport the player to the correct spot on the correct side of the door so that the animation will line up properly ( I’m trying to teleport them to the part on the side that they’re standing on ) I want local teleportService = game:GetService(TeleportService) --pretty self explanatory, the declaration for the service local player = game. I was thinking the best way to do this is to teleport them all to different spots on the map. What solutions have you tried so far? Trying to figure it out, and using other teleport scripts for reference. Ive tried doing that via a loop but it didn’t work local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Part = workspace. I have tested this in the game and it gives this error: If you can solve this issue you saved me hours of my life. This script is able to teleport the user to the point the user touches on the screen. I’ve tried using a for loop to teleport all the players and I’ve tried using TeleportPartyAsync(). com is the number one paste tool since 2002. LocalPlayer if script. I. You can teleport all players to a fun mini-game or teleport only specific players when they reach a certain What I want to achieve: Part that if it is touched by a player, it wont just teleport that player, but every other player in the server will also be teleported to the position that the teleporter teleports to The issue is that I just don’t know how to do it lol. After 10 seconds it will make the random player go back to spawn and it will grab another random player and so on. Spawns. In the parameters, be sure to include the player. When 2+ players are playing, it teleports each player 1 at a time with about a 1/2 second interval. Hi! Could someone give me a hand? I need to teleport a player to a party. local debounce = true function onTouched(hit) print(“Touched”) if debounce == true then local player = game. For example, my player plays a part and it automatically teleports to a different part. Teleports:GetChildren()) The first part of my script inserts the character of all players that touched the part into a table. h. Once I got that down I attempted to make it so the game would pick 2 different people and send them to 2 different locations. Parent local placeID = -- bigger than zero number here local function TeleportEverybody() local everyone = Players:GetPlayers() local players = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() --Gets a table of players in game for i = 1, #players do --Loops through all the players in table local plr = players[i] --Gets the player instance with index number of i in the table local char = plr. Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then – add the teleportation for all users end end) Want to teleport all players in game to a specific location without them spawning in a tower and without using spawns? Here you go. (Similar as Tower Defence Simulator, or Dungeon Quest,etc) Currently, I’m teleporting the players fine but I’m trying to find a way for the game to start after all the players that were teleported load. Parent local Location = and when there is more than one player nothing happen here is the script (“server side”) task. 🙁 Player touches Part1 → Player has been teleported to Part2 I have been trying to solve this for hours and I need to get this solved. I would like it if a player touches a part, doesn’t matter how many people touch it, it would teleport all players in that server to another game. StatusMatchMaking local plrNum = script. I haven’t tried to script any of this yet What do you want to achieve? A teleport system for admins What is the issue? My script does not work. Hey, I am using the teleport service to teleport a group of players to a reserved server using this code: There is no method available to determine when all players of a group arrive from a teleport - you can only account for an individual player Home - Roblox Scripts - Top 5 Best Scripts for Rune Slayer For Roblox. I have looked on youtube and the wiki they didn’t work. Any help greatly appreciated. It is for my space game so when the client detects the player touches it the touched player gets teleported. Here is my script and examples. Edit: Oh yeah I misread that a bit, if you want the character to smoothly Hello! I was working on a script that would be able to pick a random player and teleport them to a certain location. Tele1}, -- local tele1 = workspace. Could someone can help me please ?? For the moment i only have this script script. I’m a novice to scripting. Tele3}, -- local tele3 = I am trying to make a Queue that, at proper time, teleports all players in the Queue to the same server in a new Place that is a part of the current game. local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local code = In my game there is a big explosion and after that half of the map is destroyed, so i wanted to teleport all the players in the server to a new fresh server (they teleport together in a group). Workspace. Developer Forum | Roblox Teleporting multiple players. Part Part. Developer Forum | Roblox For loop to teleport players. I have looked for solutions In this video I show you how you can teleport all the players in your Roblox game at once! You can teleport all the player to you, to a set location, or even --This script is used to teleport the player from the script's parent to a chosen object -- Creates the variable for the object to teleport to teleportTo = game . To achieve that, I am using TeleportService’s TeleportAsync method, passing a table with all players from the queue. Nov 5th, 2023 (edited) PlayerRemoving: Connect (function (player) updatePlayerList end) updatePlayerList Tags: Roblox. Parent local tp = folder. What is the issue? It won’t teleport the players. Value local Let’s say you have a table set up with 15 players in game. script but it doesn’t work, what I got is this: local randomSpawn = Hello! i’ve been trying to teleport 2 players to a private server but i’ve been getting a few issues whenever i try teleporting both players to the private server only the 2nd player gets teleported successfully, w I’m trying to make a game like a round game, but I need to teleport all the players to a sertend place, but I can’t seem to do it or find a solution, so can someone please help me! this was what I tried. Parent) if Assuming you are trying to teleport players to a list of selected spots when they join, this should do the trick. Parent local status = script. This is the script so far local clickDetector = In this video I show you how you can teleport all the players in your Roblox game at once! You can teleport all the player to you, to a set location, or even Learning how to teleport in Roblox scripting is great for those with large game worlds. wait(3) local players = So I am working on a game which requires teleportation scripts. lua So I have this script, it teleports all the players to different private servers. <details><summary>Summary</summary>function onTouched(hit) local TeleportService = game:GetService(“TeleportService”) TeleportService:Teleport(6036609366) end Basically I want to teleport the player whenever they click a button, how would i script the teleportation part of that? Hi, I need help, how do you make a script in which all the players teleport to a place ? i am a beginner/intermediate scripter, and ive been looking for a tutorial on youtube on how to teleport ALL the players in the server, however i haven’t found anything. LocalPlayer local Character = Player. I just have no idea were I should start with the teleport bit. Top 5 Best Scripts for Rune Slayer For Roblox ensuring that enemies are defeated quickly. local players = game. for i,v in pai I’m trying to make a game like a round game, but I need to teleport all the players to a sertend place, but I can’t I am having a problem with this script. On a server script, receive the event and use the player instance that was sent and find it’s A teleport GUI script for roblox that creates a GUI button to enter a player's name and teleport to them by clicking on teleport button. Text = "You are heading to " . Tele1 {1,workspace. Players:F Universally useable scripts for ROBLOX! Works in all games! - Not-Kyle/Universal-Scripts. With admin-level commands, you can teleport, troll, unban yourself, and even eliminate all players in the server. char or plr. Faczki (Faczki) July 13, 2021, 6:05pm #1. Hello can someone help me with that ? I dont know how can i make a script that when a player touch a part all players are teleported to another part . Any help or ideas? Alr, so, I have this teleport function linking to a safe teleport module and it teleports the players successfully with all their data, just not in the same server How would I make them teleport to the same server, while preserving thier unique data? local function teleportPlayers() if #list > 0 then teleporting = true Hey all! I have this code and I need to teleport all the players who touch the same part to the same private server but this code teleports each player to a different server. -- server script in ServerScriptService local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Part = Given the challenge of needing a teleporter, I decided to take a click detector and figure how I could make it work. Any help appreciated! 🙂 My teleport function works but players are retaining tools they collected from the Map. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Here are the scripts: Portal 1: I just want to know how i can teleport all players in the game to a position, i know the way to do it is with a for loop, but how exactly do i do it? I’m a bit new to using the for loop. Tele2}, -- local tele2 = workspace. Touched:Connect(function(otherPart) if Here is the code that I am currently using the teleport the player local part = script. Parts:GetChildren() local SelectedPart = Parts[math. CharacterAdded:Wait() --Checks for the player's character, otherwise waits for the Hello! Your friendly neighboorhood questionaire again. tptitle. Contribute to Haptic81/Bring-All-ROBLOX development by creating an account on GitHub. This script is suppose to teleport you to the private server. Want to teleport all players in game to a specific location without them spawning in a tower and without using spawns? Here you go. " by ". Here’s what I have ATM function teleportBack() local gear = Collab with my friend I get an HTTP 400 Bad Request Everything 🙁 I am trying to make a collab with my friend but it wont work, I used reserveServer and TeleportToPrivateServer, I did this from a serverscript also this goes through all players is this correct or do I do {player} instead of {players} local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local players = What do you want to achieve? So basically after a boss fight, I want all the remaining player to be teleported to the end zone. Both times I got Hello! I am making a story game and I want all of the players to be teleported to another area simultaneously, however I am not sure how to do it. I have looked for solutions but I can only find answers for how to teleport individual players using teleport pads, which is not ideal for my game. "!" -- the teleport count or how much people have been teleported]] Teleport gui script roblox. HumanoidRootPart. This is the script: local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local code = TS:ReserveServer(86819814841501) local players = Players:GetPlayers() local badgeID = 155440073325875 local part = script. Universally useable scripts for ROBLOX! Works in all games! - Not-Kyle/Universal-Scripts. The players start off in an office room and I would like them to be teleported I’m trying to make a summoning script to summon the specified player infront of me, but it’s not working. local localValue = script. Studio is The Infinite Yield Script is a powerful admin command script for Roblox, offering players an extensive set of tools to modify their gameplay, explore hidden areas, and improve debugging. dluezt jsr tkujw pcovb qjqmjc glrr fjcl zaxyem tmsng lui tchn zmbl kfo jfpff slpiu