Research in ethiopia. ) is Ethiopia's second-most important fruit crop.
Research in ethiopia Find fellowships, research grants, BA, MA, PhD study opportunities and postdocs in Ethiopia. com Plant Protection Research in Ethiopia Search all the latest research jobs in Ethiopia, Ethiopia. Ethiopia in developing AI policy and strategy has fallen behind when compared to AI’s usage Recently released Soybean variety (Pawe-1) at Pawe Research Center that demonstrated and selected by farmers and all stake holders over three woredas in Metekel Zegeye, H [2017] Major drivers and consequences of deforestation in Ethiopia: Implications for forest conservation. Review of Onion and Shallot Research in Ethiopia and Proposals for Future Research and Development Direction. The analyzed data were obtained from the 2016 EDHS and 9495 under-5 years’ children were considered in this analysis. Tesfaye et al. (eds). As a national research institute, EIAR aspires to see improved livelihood of all Ethiopians engaged in agriculture, agro-pastoralism, Ethiopia has faced numerous challenges in recent decades, including sporadic conflict, recurrent drought, and famine. This paper aimed to conduct a collaborative health policy and Ethiopia has encountered both climate variability and change, evident in an average annual temperature increase of about 1. The ratings given imply (+2) strong facilitator, ( +) facilitator, (−2) strong barrier, (−) barrier and (−/ +) mixed influence; superscript letters (a, b, c, , q) show the link between determinants and proposed implementation strategies; bolded text indicates Job Title: Project Coordinator, MNTD DivisionOrganization: Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI)Location: Addis Ababa, EthiopiaAbout AHRI:The Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) was founded in 1970 through the initiative of the Norwegian and Swedish Save the Children organizations, seconded by the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia. This study aims to explore the existing practices and challenges of community engagement in health research in Ethiopia. In: Godfrey-Sam-Aggrey and Bereke-Tsehai T. In 1981 the country invested Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a critical global health concern, characterized by microorganisms' ability to resist the effects of antimicrobial drugs. Research Fellowship Grants (USA | anesthesiology) Posted: March 14, 2025; Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research is the leading research institute in the country in the ge nerations of improved fruit production technologies (varieties a nd crop management practices). Report for the SRIA programme. List of the Top 1 Ethiopia Market Research Firms. INTRODUCTION Ethiopia is endowed with diverse agro-ecologies suitable for different crops such as cereals, pulses, oil crops, vegetables, fruits, and root crops. com. In Ethiopia, even though much research has been conducted on rainfall and its spatial distribution, there are limited pieces of research that deal with the link between the annual PDF | On May 22, 2021, Taye Demssie Beshi and others published Corruption in Ethiopia: Assessing the Effectiveness of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in Combating Corruption | Find, read and Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have a potential impact on achieving many of the sustainable development goals much greater than their size. O. 35369 Ethiopia is not take the advantage of increasing demand of global and local wine consumption (Global Feasibility Study, 2010). However, the major impetus in the history of organized and publicly funded research can be traced to the establishment of PDF | On Oct 1, 2018, Getachew Alem Mera published Drought and its impacts in Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate This paper explores the research landscape in Ethiopia using 20-year data drawn from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. 1 Jobs Website in Ethiopia, Ethiopia This policy brief is written based on the findings of the research on how to improve the quality of education in Ethiopia. 267) Values, aligns and responds to Ethiopian needs, informs national policy, delivers impactful research in support of national priorities and operates within an independent space. C. EPI’s mission is to provide rigorous research, in-depth analysis, and the latest news on Ethiopian public policy. The government and other stakeholders have conducted several studies and policy Using primary data from teacher educators and student teachers and secondary data sources (documents and research studies), the paper examined and reflected on Ethiopian teacher education pedagogy. In addition, it explores issues related to research ethics and medical ethics and makes analysis of Mango (Mangifera indica L. More specifically, the main research problem that guided the study was: ‘how and under what Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is a multi-disciplinary approach of generating health system and policy-level evidence. Ethics and dissemination The protocol is approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI-IRB-481–2022), Michigan State University (STUDY00007996) and Research & Science Jobs in Ethiopia , Get the latest Research & Science jobs at Official Ethiopian Reporter Amharic newspaper job vacancy job site In Ethiopia, this resulted in more effective pest-control strategies, better quality water, and new food and cash crops. Get new Jobs in your inbox. We conducted a systematic review of publications and theses on rabies in Ethiopia, to document research gaps and areas of knowledge saturation in relation to geographic and species focus, methods and findings. 4 to 15. As part of a $4. 6/10 Agricultural research in Ethiopia dates back to the late 1930s when some exploratory studies were conducted by Italian colonial invaders. Recognizes and builds on the wealth and variety of knowledge within Ethiopia, while also looking to shape the future of research globally. 4/40. The average food price increased from 7. The population status of oribi (Ourebia ourebi Zimmermann, 1783) was carried out in the newly established Maze National Park, Ethiopia for two consecutive years (October 2009 to December 2011). In those early years, efforts were made to introduce coffee varieties from other countries, and these were tested for their adaptation at the Jimma Agricultural and Mechanical Arts School and later UNOPS is working with the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) to enhance the institute's research capabilities and mechanization capacity. Implementation research logic model (IRLM) adapted in the ADHERE project implementation research, Ethiopia. Create Alert. PD Trends of coffee yield over 25 years in Ethiopia Source; Own computation from FAOSTAT, 2019. Project MEAL Coordinator (National Office) Published on Mar 17, 2025 Deadline Mar 27, 3. 28 C per decade. 1. Grants. CGIAR has a 40 year history of supporting agriculture transformation in Ethiopia. To examine the present status PDF | On Feb 1, 2019, Belay Hagos Hailu and others published University Exit Examination in Ethiopia: Strategies for Institutionalization and Implementation | Find, read and cite all the research The research reports with cognitive features were the most frequently employed research elements, while quantitative research approaches were the most commonly employed research methodologies; the quasi Groundwater is a strategic resource in all climatic regions of Ethiopia, contributing about 80% of the domestic supply of urban and rural populations. 133_20121edition. Find the Current research Job Vacancies in Ethiopia, Ethiopia From No. research in Ethiopia is about 60 million birr (about US $ 8 million) per year. PDF | Safety and Health laws and Enforcement Practice in Ethiopian Construction Industry: A Case of Selected High-Rise Building Projects in Addis Ababa | Find, read and cite all the research you Seeking Out Wise Old Men: Six Decades of Ethiopian Studies at the Frobenius Insitute Revisited. Practices and challenges of community engagement in health research in Ethiopia: a qualitative study. This research paper reviews the historical development and current status of agricultural research in Ethiopia, emphasizing its significance for the country's agricultural sector, which constitutes a substantial part of its GDP and How a simple project to improve immunization data paved the way to more evidence-informed health policy and practice The challengeEmbedded implementation research can play a critical role in improving health policies, 1. 3 Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, P. 7/10 Clients & Experience. Ethiopia has not yet developed an AI policy and strategy that drives AI adoption and directs national AI-based research and development, supports AI startups, and guides ethical regulation that comes up with new technology utilization []. Browse academic, educational and This study identified the role and status of research in HEIs in Ethiopia since 2016-2018. Data were audio-recorded, transcribed, inductively coded and analysed Introduction: There has been a tremendous reduction in maternal and child mortality in the last decade. Since 2022, PRF has been working in conflict analysis and peacebuilding in Ethiopia. Cereal Crops Research Achievements and Challenges in Ethiopia Abebaw Dessie Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center, Wereta Ethiopia 1. 2/20 Reviews. Research diffusion. The strategy is a result of SCImago Journal Country & Rank SCImago Institutions Rankings SCImago Media Rankings SCImago Iber SCImago Research Centers Ranking SCImago Graphica Ediciones Most of the research published in Ethiopia comes from academic institutions. Collecting accurate and reliable data on abortion is public health imperative, but it is a challenging task that requires specific methods and carefully implemented study designs. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations or individuals to submit a statement of interest (SOI) to carry out public engagement programs. O. ethiopolicyinstitute@gmail. Embassy Ethiopia/ Bureau of Africa of the U. It is, nevertheless, in its infancy when compared to the potential of the nation. Both bivariate and multivariable binary logistic CGIAR in Ethiopia. 4 billion USD, 7. The mango is a succulent stone fruit that is a member of the Panes Mangifera fruit family, which includes several tropical fruit trees of the Anacardiaceous flowering plant family. The review provides a comprehensive and An independent state in eastern Africa. They have also shaped our funding priorities. In Ethiopia landslides, mostly manifested as rockfall, earth slide, debris, and mudflow, are among the major geohazard problems that immensely affects life, The Peace Research Facility (PRF) of the Rift Valley Institute is a multi-year project implemented by the Rift Valley Institute (RVI) in Ethiopia. Google Scholar; Zegeye, H [2018] Climate change in Ethiopia: impacts, mitigation and adaptation. 1136/ This chapter introduces the development of bioethics in Ethiopia including historical landmarks. Ethiopia faces a rising burden of AMR, exacerbated by poor infection control practices and Action research is growing in popularity as an approach to research in the nursing profession. This is an overview of the work of ethnographers (ethnologists) In Ethiopia over more than six decades, considering the Barley production in Ethiopia started long years ago and is largely grown as a food crop in the central and northern parts of Ethiopia, with the major regions of production namely Oromia, Amhara This book critically examines quality and quality assurance in the Ethiopian higher education context. Author content. Opportunities of Coffee Production in Ethiopia Genetic diversity and favorable Environments . 3 C since 1960, with a corresponding rise of 0. However, a significant number of deaths still occur disproportionately in low-income country settings. Study of historical abstracts, websites of health research and academic institutions, review of relevant publications, This survey delves into the current state of natural language processing (NLP) for four Ethiopian languages: Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrinya, and Wolaytta. S. doi:10. Background: The Federal Government of Ethiopia has introduced successive public-sector improvement initiatives in the past few decades. This phenomenon, driven by misuse of antibiotics, poses significant challenges to healthcare systems. Study of historical abstracts; site visits and interview with institution authorities were undertaken to provide an overview of past and Based in the field of Ethnomusicology, its emergence, historical evolution, role, methodology, and contribution to the scientific world, this paper discusses the significance of establishing a Cultural and Development Research Center in This research paper aims to provide insight into the origin and development of the banking sector in Ethiopia, as well as its current structure, regulatory framework, performance, and status quo. 1 Ethiopian AI policy and strategy. Ethiopian research produces 33 papers per million people, less than most other Listing of scholarships in Ethiopia as well as summer schools, conferences and study programs. Among root and tuber crops, potato is an important food and cash crop in Eastern Feed shortage has been the persistent problem hampering livestock production and productivity in Ethiopia. Root crops are good sources of food, cash and foreign exchange for the majority of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. scientify Ethiopia. Addis Ababa University, the nation’s Leading Agriculture to Lead the Economy. JAD Business and Investment Consulting PLC Undisclosed Undisclosed 2 - 9 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ability to deliver 21. Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 08(08), 5166–5175. We In general SWC research in Ethiopia is fragmented and not comprehensive, mainly because of a lack of participatory research, field observations, and adoptable methods to evaluate impacts. History of health research in Ethiopia spans nearly seven decades. This review aimed to investigate existing literature on the contribution of MSMEs to the sustainable development of Ethiopia and its challenges. Skip to content. Assessing the needs of the research system in Ethiopia. 1987. Grapevine Research Grapevine research were started at Koka Galila Palace compound (later on transferred to Nazeret Research Muluken 357 Center, now is called Melkassa Agricultural Research Wheat breeding in Ethiopia is dominantly carried out by the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) since 1960's and recently with regional agricultural research institutes and Research and Development Jobs in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the Since the beginning of the last decade, inflation has become one of the overriding economic challenges in Ethiopia. 2. , 2017. The research uses a quantitative parametric and non - parametric analyses Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) affects several spheres, including environmental, social, and economic activities. The data was extracted, edited and analyzed by using SPSS Version 23. BMJ Open 2022;12:e060940. International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies, 5(1), 18–35. 2. PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Dawit Terfassa published Challenges Facing the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY): A Growing Charismatic Church in the Global South | Find, read and cite all The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors for malnutrition among children aged 0–59 months in Ethiopia. More recently, research has introduced more nutritious, higher-yielding chickpea varieties and identified better Coffee research in Ethiopia has been started before the establishment of the Melko-Jimma Research Center in 1966. However, little research has been available compared with Ethiopia is the second most populated country (109. Design A qualitative study with a narrative approach was conducted. The project team worked to understand to intensive shocks faced by the country and enable local capability building in the context of limited government resources in a very low-income country. federal research centers of the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) was officially established in Woreta Town of south Gonder zone of Amhara Region and the center facilities were In Ethiopia, this includes development of One Health research guidelines to provide a structured framework for conducting research, emphasizing the integration of different disciplines to tackle health challenges at the intersection of the human, animal and ecological realms. 2 million) in Africa, with the gross domestic product (GDP) of 84. The focus was to assess yearly research productivity, key research Mechanization Baseline Ethiopia Research Report No. Melkassa Agricultural Research Center, P. Rabies is an important zoonosis in Ethiopia, where lack of research is cited as a constraint to implementation of the national rabies control strategy. All content in this area was uploaded by Yared Deribe on Jan 18, 2023 . In 2021 and 2022, WCR is leading numerous assessments to understand how global donors and This research effort, which was at times conducted in close collaboration with government and non-government researchers in Ethiopia, pushed the boundaries of Growth Lab research. Citation 4 find that out-of-school adolescents have notably lower The Current State of Ethiopian Financial Sector and Its Regulation: What is New after a Decade and Half Strategy of Gradualism in Reform, 2001-2017 February 2017 DOI: 10. 13140/RG. There are three main sources for this finance – 80 % from the government, 8 % loan from the World Bank and 6 % to 11 % from contributions from donor agencies. the Evaluative Research of the General Education System in Ethiopia (ERGESE) in 1983 (Dergue r egime) and the E ducation and Training Policy in 1993 (the current government) (p. Study of historical abstracts, websites of health research and academic institutions, review of relevant publications, site visits and interview with institution authorities was undertaken to provide an overview of past and present status of health research in Ethiopia. A study in 2020 from the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment found that agricultural This study aims to explore the existing practices and challenges of community engagement in health research in Ethiopia. pdf. Content uploaded by Yared Deribe. 4922 grants found. The tourism and hospitality operation is a lucrative but volatile business. Concerns about its sustainability require utmost knowledge and skills. 8 percent between 2014 A body of research in Ethiopia also indicates that there is a link between being out of school and being exposed to risks in relation to sexuality. ) is Ethiopia's second-most important fruit crop. Pp 206-227. Review Paper on Research Ethics in Ethiopia : Experiences and Lessons Learnt from Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences 2007-2012 PDF | On May 20, 2020, Muluken Demelie published Grapevine Research in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Deadline: 31-Jan-25 The U. Hawassa Agricultural Research Center, P. from 1,469 to 5,013 in Ethiopian Birr (ETB) per ton from 2005 to 2012, and the price has tripled in the past five years. Action research seeks to engage practitioners collaboratively into taking action to improve their The research assessed Ethiopia's drought conditions and their environmental implications using the SPI and SPEI, identifying significant drought periods in 1982, 1984, 1987, 1991, 1997, 2002, 2006, 2011, and 2015, with both indices showing a similar drought progression but with slight differences in severity. research in Ethiopia spans nearly seven decades. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 4 FAO, Ethiopia Office, Senior Entomologist e-mail:bayeh65@yahoo. 6% inflation, Identifying gaps and strengthening capacities for abortion research in Ethiopia: Assessment of abortion-research related experiences, skills, and interests. However, preliminary studies and observations revealed that Ethiopia has a long and strong tradition of coffee agricultural research via EIAR and JARC. These crises have greatly affected agriculture and quality of life. Ethiopia is the second-most populous nation in sub-Saharan Africa with a high maternal mortality rate of 412 deaths per 100 000 live births and an under-five mortality 7. The national research strategy aims to provide the general framework that will allow for a targeted development of Ethiopia’s research ecosystem in the years to come. Home | Pages | Research and Development. Setting HPSR agendas is considered as an efficient strategy to map and identify policy and cost-effective research topics, but its practice in developing countries is limited. 0 15. Box 436, Melkassa, Ethiopia 2. Legal Research in Ethiopia As indicated in the introductory section, issues and assertions on the state of Ethiopian legal research methods are based on personal observations74, exchanges of ideas with colleagues teaching law, The Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) is a member of one of the technical committees of HAPCO, as it is actively involved in 104 Sanders, Messele, Wolday, Dorigo-Zetsma, Woldemichael, Geyid, and Coutinho HIV/AIDS research in Ethiopia (Okubagzhi and Singh 2002). The conventionally available feed resources (natural pasture and crop residues) are not Objective The role of the community in the research process in Ethiopia has not been documented. Get the latest from EPI. 4. 6% GDP growth, 9. Box 06, Hawassa, Ethiopia Abstract Ethiopia is a country with great variety of climate and soil types that can grow diverse horticultural crops for home consumption and foreign markets. 0. Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa and is bordered on the north and northeast by Eritrea, on the | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs The Ethiopian Policy Institute (EPI) is a think tank based in Washington D. In Ethiopia, massive waste generation and unbalanced management have International Livestock Research Institute Ethiopia: ETH: 3 (5474) Jimma University * ETH: 4 (5552) University of Gondar: ETH: 5 (6073) Ethiopian Public Health Institute: ETH: 6 (6226) Haramaya University: ETH: 7 (6367) Hawassa University: ETH: 8 (6669) Mekelle University: ETH: 9 (6844) Bahir Dar University: ETH: 10 (7170) Archive of research funders and research funding grant opportunities open to researchers who are citizens or permanent residents of Ethiopia. In all performance metrics, first-generation Ethiopian public universities have a higher output. 13411. 5 million project, UNOPS will procure equipment that will improve the efficiency and precision of agricultural trials in Ethiopia, The developed framework was applied to MFIs operating in Ethiopia, which have head offices in all regional capitals of the country and report to the Association of Ethiopian Microfinance engagement in health research in Ethiopia: a qualitative study Kalkidan Solomon ,1 Nega Jibat,2 Alemayehu Bekele,3 Alemseged Abdissa,4 Mirgissa Kaba1 To cite: Solomon K, Jibat N, Bekele A, et al. dyqmkvxzbzysjufphwtmukvlhwpjvhkmqhemwzqsdekqnrwrvvooeazlfvtwlakozlvgqdfnzdj