Python x y coordinates array. Follow edited Feb 16, 2022 at 1:04.

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Python x y coordinates array. argwhere: If you want your specified result.

Python x y coordinates array 01),2) y = np. Obviously each of these pairs need to consider the other values. as far as I can see, I can store it in three ways: class MyObject: def __init__(self, x, y): self. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 8 months ago. array([& You have moved down the array two times and two times to the right. You need to write: for x in range(0, rows): for y in range(0, cols): print a[x,y] Note how rows and cols have been swapped in the range() function. uint8) r = np. But I am getting this: [array([637, 257]), array([[114, 233], [114, 163]])] Instead of: [[637, 257 x = numpy. meshgrid. Python 2d grid : Assigning values to coordinates in the grid. Given this string: Array of strings coordinates into array of integers in python. I've seen the use of two lists zipped together, which side steps the I have a three vectors of x,y,z coordinates, something like x = [1,2,3,4,5] y = [6,7,8,9,10] z = [11,12,13,14,15] I want to zip them to have an 5x3 array of coordinates. Matplotlib is a powerful library that allows you to create a wide variety I'm trying to plot an array of coordinates using matplotlib. argwhere(arr[y:, x:] != 0) X = (newarr[0:, 0] + x). One way of doing this is to use spherical coordinates as e. For example, let's say I have the following unsorted list of (name, X, Y) coordinates, with the names just in there for convenience: I am new to python so I really need help with this one. z) if the keys are strings. Hot Network Questions Python Numpy generate coordinates for X and Y values in a certain range. I just need an array with the (x,y) coordinates of the contour. Follow Merge two multidimensional lists into one list in Python. Find the closest and the farthest points (2D) between a given point and a list of points in python. This is what the output should look like but "flipped" over the x over axis. How to extract lat Sure, please look at the original array definition: arr = np. The array is a mess which is what makes it so hard, but unfortunately it is what the opencv I have a list of tuples containing x,y coordinate pairs. y = y, which makes x and y belong to a Point, not the Point class. arrow in a matplotlib polar plot by defining length and angle. rows != cols). Mapping every element of a 2D array to its corresponding (x,y) coordinate in python. How to find the closests points of two numpy arrays in python. Anirudh Ramesh. NB, missing spots will be stored as 0s if you convert to an array. How to get x,y position of contours in Python OpenCV. 0] poly = Polygon(zip(x,y)) # Extract the point values that define the perimeter of the polygon xx, yy = poly. python; arrays; numpy; Share. Use all coordinates in grid [python] 0. 74952 , - 53. 0, 0. append([48*(m)+5 , 48*(n)+5]) for x in range(405): print(arr[x]) Converting a string of coordinates to an X,Y np array. 4607162475586, 665. Convert string array into 2D numpy array. A==0 will return a boolean array, which may be exactly what you want, if you need to check specific indexes to see if the check is true or not. arr = [] for n in range(27): for m in range(27): arr. It applied the condition on all the elements, and I just want it to apply To be clear, a sorted list [X, Y, Z] has the property that the distance between X and Z cannot be less than that between Y and Z and that between Y and X, otherwise the list wouldn't qualify as sorted. X_new and Y_new are an irregular grid. exterior. I have an xarray dataset df Lat and Lon are a function of coordinates x (shape=(349,)) and y (shape = (277,)). If you have a list, say li = [(a, b), (c, d), , (t, u)] , you may encounter the issue of drawing two The arrays x, y, z need to be parametrized in two dimensions. 99378204345703, 424. intersection (i. 5 and y >= 0. Is there an easy way to get now the minimum x and y coordinates of all points of the data? I played around with amin and different axis values, but nothing worked. Remove duplicate coordinates stored in arrays in python. I'll then use those (x,y) points to compare The trick is to use a combination of the Polygon class methods:. 32,0. I wish to transform the list to a matrix, with xy coordinates representing indices of the matrix using numpy and without using a loop. Finding indices of values in 2D numpy array. """Use numpy to build a rotation matrix and take the dot product. Parameters ----- x, y : ndarray Two 1-D arrays representing the x and y coordinates of a grid. Converting huge txt-file with x,y,z coordinates to np. How to Plot List of X Y Coordinates in Matplotlib. 222k You can use X and Y to create the X-Y coordinates on a 0. Viewed 9k times 0 . If you know the size of the data in advance, use a numpy array. g. 56289 ), ( 6. x & y are two arrays with x and y coordinates. 56598 ), ( 6. indices((2,3))). I want the 0,0 point to be the lower left hand corner like cartesian coordinates, and each x,y have a corresponding z which is calculated from that given x,y. I have two arrays: python find the intersection point of two numpy array. Minimum x and y coordinate of 2d array. 00000000e+00, -3. concatenate((X, Y), axis=1)) Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array. Extract from numpy array with coordinates of points. In particular, the approach is to compute the . array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) - the first row in that array is [1,2,3] and the corresponding coordinate x,y pairs are then x0,y0 = 1, x0,y1 = 2, and x0,y2 = 3. Viewed 26k times On a smaller scale this is an example of what the x and y arrays are: Xpts = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35] Ypts = [5, 10, 15] In this scenario, meshgrid() considers an additional z-axis and produces three matrices X, Y, and Z, each corresponding to coordinates along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. one (X,Y) list? 0. There could be any number of polygons in the json file but they will each, always, have 10 coordinates. Modified 11 years, Yes x,y coordinates are exactly what I need – lzc. How to apply a function with different arguments on a NumPy 1d-array to make a 2d-array. Hot Network Questions On/off motor controller. 65 width/height Remove coordinates from lists on Python. But the result is not quite what you specified. How to create an array for storing x and y coordinates in Python. Next, set each coordinate defined by x, y and z to True:. 0, 1. list() acts on the mapped generator to get you the final list X_Y. y = y class Coordinate values can be accessed with dict-like syntax (coord ['x'], coord. 00000000e+00, 0. 74756 , - 53. flip function:. np. So I am attempting to sort a multidimensional array of elements in python. How would one "extract" a set of coordinates e. xy # Note above return values are of [X,Y] = [48(n)+5 , 48(m)+5] for n = 0. Add a List all x,y of coordinates having specific value in 2D array numpy. Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 22:39. How to get column and row index(y and x) of a given item in a numpy array. If you don't want the In this article, we will see how we can add gridlines to a matplotlib graph and various configurable parameters that can be used in Python. Community Bot. Calculate a function when 2D array as variables. I want to create an array of latitude values for each grid point (i. In the end I want to assign each coordinate a string name. Indeed it does, but this is based on 2 lists, in my case I have 4 lists: 1st -> x coordinates, 2st -> y coordinates, 3rd -> v1 and 4th -> v2 – Ahmed Ali. Andrew Schwartz. arange(-4. I'm not sure how to go about writing an algorithm that will give me a list of coordinates (x,y) on the image array that correspond to the white pixels only. I have four x,y coordinates, which represent estimated corner points, but they are not necessarily present in the points array due to resolution. 6], [0,0]]), given the condition for the extracted points [x,y] must satisfy x>=0. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 9 months ago. The data at the coordinates (x, y) are stored at grid[x][y]. Here you create a lambda function which takes two arguments: x and y and performs operation (x, y) element wise on the actual lists X and Y. asked which can be thought of as a 2 by 3 matrix of y coordinates and a 2 by 3 matrix of x coordinates (y,x = np. Finding value at indexes present in a 2D array in Python. what I want is their coordinates. Suppose I have a Numpy array of a bunch of coordinates [x, y]. append([x,y]) where data is just an image array (129,129). l. 32,3. python: create numpy array from dictionary, where key is You can get the edge coordinates by using numpy library: xAxis, yAxis = np. You can also simply calculate the average of these coordinates which mean the center of detected edge coordinates: Map or Fit (x, y) Coordinates to 2D Python List As Best As Possible. 67,-1. Now I want to reconstruct the matrix in order to plot the values with matplotlib. You can set the delimiter to be a comma with the delimiter argument. Shorting the SCR doesn't turn it off import numpy as np def to_raster(X, y): """ :param X: 2D image coordinates for values y :param y: vector of scalar or vector values :return: A, extent """ def deduce_raster_params(): """ Computes raster dimensions based on min/max I need to sort a list of [x,y] coordinates that looks like this: list = [[1,2],[0,2],[2,1],[1,1],[2,2],[2,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,0]] The pattern I'm looking for after coordinates = [(x,y) for x in range(11) for y in range(11)] Share. After the transformation you imposed, those mappings actually change to x0,y0 = 1, x0,y1 = 4, and x0,y2 = 7, thus loosing If you are interested in getting the x,y coordinates as well as checking to be inside or outside of the area, you can change your function to return a tuple that contains 3 values: x,y, boolean. 73462 , - I'm new to python programming, and I was just wondering if you can access a 2D array in python using Points/Coordinate? Example you have a point: point = (1,2) and you Multiple ways to rotate a 2D point around the origin / a point. new_mask = np. arrays. """ return float (m. Share. False). get ('y', 2)) or, for convenience, attribute-like (coord. Sorting arrays in NumPy by column. 26353377782163534 Avoiding for loop makes this function ~50X faster than PolygonArea: %timeit PolyArea(x,y) # 10000 loops, best of 3: 42 µs per loop %timeit PolygonArea(zip(x,y)) # 100 loops, best of 3: I currently have 2 arrays corresponding to coordinates (X,Y) and a third array corresponding to the value at this point in 2d space. Cartesian coordinates array to polar coordinates in python. Viewed 697 times 1 . Returns ----- X, Y : ndarray For vectors `x`, `y` with lengths ``Nx=len(x)`` and ``Ny=len(y)``, return `X`, `Y` where `X` and `Y` are ``(Ny, Nx)`` shaped arrays with the elements of `x` and y repeated to fill the matrix along the first dimension for When it comes to visualizing data in Python, developers often find themselves needing to plot a list of pairs representing x and y coordinates. How to define a 2D array of (x,y) coordinates. Hot Network Questions Are p-values in summary(lm()) in R corrected for multiple comparisons in dummy coding? First of all, x and y are static properties of Point. Modified 8 years, 3 months ago. The overall goal here is the following: I have x,y coordinates and would like to arrange them in a 2D space so that I can use the np. Modified 8 years, 10 months ago. I have an image greyscaled and thresholded so that the only colors present are black and white. g (x1,y1) so that i could actually do something with it? How to convert two lists into array coordinates in Python? 0. Creating a 2D array using values of coordinate points on a grid. X_Y = list(map(lambda x, y: (x, y), X, Y)) Here, I defined a function that will take in the lengths of the polygon, starting at the line at the vertical line of length 17. T [1]) """Only rotate In Python terms it means a list or a tuple of points. Sample Data: x = [489. 2. 43 4 4 bronze Try x,y= point. But this result cannot be used for indexing another array. I have tried. First, use a new array with the same shape as your mask. Xarray latitude Per @tcaswell's suggestion, shapely makes this fairly easy. Additionally the axes show node numbers and not the X,Y values. What you want is to define a __init__(self, x, y) function in Point and do self. To make a board game using a 2D numpy array, user to input a number and I need X & Y value of that number being returned in separate variables. It is coded as such instead of being a matrix, since it is a pretty sparse matrix (not every point possesses a value). Viewed 2k times 0 . 5 I've tried to use numpy extract, with the condition arr[0]>=0. This three-dimensional grid is essential in applications that involve volume scanning or 3D visualizations. You cannot use these points to define a surface in an easy way, because your points only depend on one variable i and so only describes a shape with one degree of freedom. (if you think of a Cartesian coordinate system using X, Y and Z). flatten on the tuples. 74219 , - 53. 75652 , - 53. Given three 1D arrays of X, Y and Z coordinates, how to convert into a 3D mesh path using numpy? Showing pure python solution (ie without numpy): import numpy def path_3d(x, y, z): nb_points =len(x)*len(y)*len(z) What does matter is that you always loop over the array in a contiguous way. 7; numpy; Share. How to Plot List of X Y Coordinates in Matplotlib is an essential skill for data visualization in Python. Divakar. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. shape[1] is the size of the second dimension. 5, and progressing clockwise: The arrays are X_new, Y_new and ZED_H, that is x and y coordinates and the data ZED_H. 26, m = 0. I have a 2D array of Coordinates in Numpy. Python's builtin min and max will certainly work, but Numpy has its own versions which run much more efficiently. How to find the x and y coordinates of Well with b(x,y), x would be the first axis, i. python; arrays; python-2. Creating a list of coordinates. So the : Top left: smallest x, highest y Top right: largest x, largest y bottom left: smallest x, smallest y bottom right: largest x, smallest y. in Plot surfaces on a cube. diagonal function to return the (x,y) coordinates along a line. This is how I'd set up the array board = np. A "2D list", where the data is stored in a Python list of lists. Merge two lists to create a list which contains items of the two lists as lists. I pre-filled everything with zeros (i. Can grid arrays be translate to (x,y) coordinates in Pygame? Ask Question Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. apply a function on multiple dimension in numpy array. . However I am not able to do same with values. Python3: Remove array elements with same coordinate (x,y) 6. x = x; self. I want to get 3D array of computed coordinates. 6,0. I want to filter this array. First, a much simpler way to read your data file is with numpy. – a. Any tips would be appreciated. round(np. I know NumPy arrays are used often for things like this, but I suppose you could do it also with NumPy matrices. You can insert a tuple (X,Y) containing the x,y coordinates into a list. Modified 8 years, 8 months ago. 171 1 1 silver badge 10 10 bronze badges. Edit: It has to be that way because an array can be rectangular (i. 1. Follow asked Oct 13, 2021 at 20:42. 57835 ), ( 6. 8k 16 I have a python list of points (x/y coordinates): [(200, 245), (344, 248), (125, 34), ] It represents a contour on a 2d plane. python; arrays; coordinates; Share. 13. 23 4 4 bronze badges. coords. Each point is given by (x,y,z) coordinate. 4625,201. OK, there's a few steps to this. g: this is a 4x4 matrix. pts will be an array of keypoints. I have a list of objects that I have mapped on an xy-plane based on similarity. For example : I must find the closest number of 5 in the first array and 87 in the second but x and y must have the same values. e. Note that the first pair of x/y coordinates should be keeped in the output array as reference to rebuild the coordinates later. python; arrays; numpy; vectorization; Share. The Overflow Blog Developers want more, more, more: the 2024 results from Stack Overflow I'm currently writing a code, and I have to extract from a numpy array. for element in M # using vcat as Julia is column major vcat! (X, element[1]) vcat! (Y, element[2]} plot(X, Y) I'm typing this from my phone right now instead of going to bed, so I can't test it right now. array([[ 0. zeros((128, 128), dtype=np. Follow edited Aug 4, 2015 at 7:05. Python - Convert list of 2D co-ordinate pairs to 2 lists of X and Y components. Next, we want to make a 2D mesh of x and y, so we need to just store the unique values from those to arrays to feed to numpy. I can do it by running through the rows and columns manually with a for statement, but this seems rather slow how to get x,y(coordinate) array of pixels in image. allclose(mask, new_mask) # True Say you have two numpy arrays one, call it A = [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5] which has all the x coordinates, then I have another array, call it B = [y1,y2,y3,y4,y5]. flip(m, axis=None) Reverse the order of elements in an array along the given axis. I need to find a way of using those coordinates to 'draw'/'recreate' these polygons in a 128x128 array. T [0]), float (m. reshape(4,1) Y = (newarr[0:, 1] + y). I say that bacause I assume x[i], y[i] and z[i] are the coordinates of a point. A java two dimensional array is essentially a one dimensional array storing the second array (eg. I would like to use some numpy/scipy algorithms for smoothing, interpolation etc. The x coordinate is the horizontal address and the y coordinate is the vertical You have a list of X/Y coordinates, for example: coords = [( 6. arange(-3. However, shapely only works in 2D meaning the Z What i wish to code is remove points that have identical x and y coordinates. I am trying to get the x and y coordinates of a given value in a numpy image array. I have two arrays of x and y coordinates: x = np. 3. Modified 9 years, 2 months ago. meshgrid() function is a powerful tool in Python X_Y = [(X[i], Y[i]) for i in range(len(X))] Another one liner using map and lambda function. plot(x,y,'g') Can this be done? python; Share. Viewed 2k times (0,2)) for (x,y), value in np. I am trying to generate x,y,z coordinates in order to create an idealised landscape for use in GIS software and modelling. 1 spaced grid extending from the min to max of X and min to max of Y and then inserting Z's into those specific positions. All the pixels that have a value larger than sigma3 are useful and Sorting a multidimensional dimensional array of x,y coordinates in python. input a list of 2D coordinates in python from user. 0. Follow asked Mar 21, 2021 at 15:14. 22. Get pixels location. Task definition: assign all found principally {0+} locations into a variable. A key thing to note here is that shapely polygons are filled objects, such that computing the overlap of these polygons with a line will return the I would do this by going through a sparse coordinate matrix, which is basically the format you have. I am trying to create an 2*2 array for the values with each element as (x,y) and not [x,y]. Pygame offset a grid made out of rectangles. 57241 ), ( 6. The remaining task is to distill the unique coordinates from the input data. 1 1 Get all the unique x and y coordinates; Construct a table/matrix of the appropriate size; Assign the x and y coordinates along the top and left edges; Iterate through the array, grab the z coordinate, and map it to the correct location in the matrix according to the its x and y coordinates; Output the resulting matrix as a csv file. Numpy: extract data and coordinates from 2-D arrays. where: Can be used if you want to index another array later with it. [x, y] and Python will automaticall interpret this as a tuple containing x and y. I know there must be an easier way to go about So you want to compare each (x, y) coordinates to the first value of your coordinate list: (580. xarray create Dataset from list of lat/lon points (not square!) 0. I am new to python and it will definitely show. zeros_like(mask) new_mask[x,y,z] = True # Check if mask and new_mask is the same np. It would return indices for all coordinates where the x-coordinate matched, not the x- and y-coordinates. Viewed 3k times Finding all the X and Y coordinates of an image in python opencv. imshow(). John B John B. 497. Python. reshape( ( 5 Don't use np. Viewed 2k times 1 . Improve this question. draw import polygon img = np. How to gather the first coordinates and merge all I have a dict containing cell names and their position(x, y coordinates) as values. You can use directly x, y and z to reconstruct your mask. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. X = [], Y= [] # iterate through each 2-vector in array and pick out the appropriate elements. nonzero(edges) In here xAxis and yAxis include all the x and y axis respectively belong to the edge which canny detected. ) There are a few advantages and disadvantages that I can see off the top of my head: The 1D list and 2d list must have a fixed width A numpy array with an extra dimension is tighter in memory use, and at least as fast!, as a numpy array of tuples; complex numbers are at least as good or even better, including for your third question. x_min, y_min = points. I am trying to append a coordinate to an array of coordinates. linspace(0,15,100) y = 1 plt. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. e. genfromtxt. Finally, we can use the length of those two arrays to # initialize empty arrays. Conclusion. Extract x,y coordinates of each pixel from an image in Use . Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. min(axis=0) x_max, y Is there a standard way to store (x,y), (x,y,z), or (x,y,z,t) data in Python?. Ask Question Asked 6 years ago. Modified 6 years ago. The numpy. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. from skimage. Imagine that my arrays are vertically stacked where the 0th is at the bottom up to the Nth at the top. Adding coordinates to an array in Python 3. Y-axis on cartesian coords and y would be X-axis on cartesian being the second axis of an array. arange( 25 ). Modified 7 years, 8 months ago. 4505157470703, 665. Follow edited Jun 20, 2020 at 9:12. array([#the x coordinates of d]) c = np python; arrays; numpy; matrix; coordinates; Share. Iterate over an array and apply it to a function. Tonechas. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. Related. I would like to use numpy to convert a 2D array of x,y coordinates into a flat array of distance of each coordinates between the previous. For all coordinates in the array with a same x-value, I want to keep only one coordinate: python; arrays; numpy; filter; coordinates; or ask your own question. If you need to append data on-the-fly, use a list of tuples. from shapely. Modified 7 years ago. BTW, you may have noticed that -- while questions asked later than yours were getting answers aplenty -- your was laying fallow: part of the reason is no doubt that As it shouldn´t generally start at coordinate 0,0,0, I insert also the coordinates of the first point as user input (x0,y0,z0). Let's create a trivial working data into a grid: >>> grid = np. 87183). in the case of [y][x] you have a long array of [y] in which each y It seems to me that you're describing a one-dimensional curve through the space rather than a surface. print PolyArea(x,y) # 0. Transforming an image coordinate to circle coordinates. I have edited your code and come up with the code below: Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array. Some example code: Firstly you should make your array nparray. Find coordinates of contours. So my task now is to read these coordinates in from this txt-file with a python script and store the data for each axis in a tuple (np-array) so I can use methods like np. keypoint" object? Ask Question Asked 9 years ago. X_new and Y_new coordinates are different for each ZED_H, but not massively different. shape[0] is the number of rows and the size of the first dimension, while a. ndenumerate(data_int): if value >= sigma3: pix_coor. where if you don't want the two arrays of indexes. argwhere: If you want your specified result. – Divakar Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 21:51 The pyproj documentation shows how to project single points and. It can be recast into the form proposed by Jaime by transposing the axes: I have to find 2 different values in 2 arrays in python. Ask Question Asked 7 years ago. 0] y = [0. Python Code # Importing the We can use a Cartesian coordinate system to create unique "addresses" for each item in the grid. reshape(4,1) print(np. Extracting the coordinates from a single contour detected by the findcontours in opencv using python. Viewed 2k times -1 . Example: Create a matplotlib plot using sample data. I would like to create a (for example) 100x100 array in which each index is a (x,y) coordinate. 5 & arr[1]>=0. I have a Numpy array of (x,y) coordinates similar to the one shown bellow: points=np. 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 and if m = 2, I want the list of [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1)] since those cells = 2. pt. How to convert two lists into array coordinates in Python? 3. Numpy: get the column and row index of the minimum value of a 2D array. 00000000e+00, -2. Follow edited Jun 26, 2014 at 20:42. mask = A==0 if mask[x,y]: # where x and y are set somewhere above # do stuff Of course, if the stuff you're doing is numpy related, checking one index at a time is If you have an array of (x,y) coordinates or (rho, phi) coordinates you can transform them all at once with numpy. Finding nearest points in numpy arrays of x and y coordinates. append((x,y)) You can use the tuple and list types: print(x**2 + y**2) Some # x is a list of x-coordinates, y is list of y-coordinates p1 = Polygon([[xv[0], yv[0]], [xv[1], yv[1]], [xv[2], yv[2]]]) But I would like to use both lists in the Polygon function, for I have a MyObject which has an x and y coordinate. I am able to create a 2*2 numpy array for keys. All that remains for you is to add the number of steps taken towards X and towards Y in the coordinates: y = 2 x = 2 newarr = np. 517. x = x self. geometry import Polygon # Create polygon from lists of points x = [0. Then you can use the NumPy. numpy. python: create numpy array from dictionary, where key is coordinates. For example: [[1,1] , [0. How to extract x,y coordinates from OpenCV "cv2. My goal is to attempt to find the corners (as if it were a square). x represents latitude, y, longitude and z, elevation. Any help is appreciated! 2D Array in Python. How to get coordinate of only one item in numpy array. 5 however that does not seem to work. python; arrays; numpy; Converting a string of coordinates to an X,Y np array. I want to find a "more numpy" than loop&if solution for the task of list all (x,y) of coordinates having value equal to given m in 2D array python. For your projection in WGS84, you can use the following function: def project_array(coordinates, srcp='latlong', dstp='wintri'): """ Project a numpy (n,2) array in projection srcp to projection dstp Returns a numpy (n,2) array. Let’s dive in 🤿. Modified 9 years, 11 months ago. The first point survives, all subsequent duplicates are removed. It don't gives me such problems but the 2 values have to being in the same x,y coordinates and I've no idea how to deal with that. Fast way to remove array of specific row Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array. overlap) between the boundary of your polygon, and a vertical line at your chosen x-location. 14 Update: So it looks like the 2D array is what I need to use. The array can be further split into separate x and y arrays like this: x_coords = new_array[:,0] y_coords = new_array[:,1] Share I have 2d array and dataframe df with x and y coordinates, I want to map values of 2D array to corresponding x and y coordinates in the dataframe in a new column Array data = array([[0, 0, 0, 0, Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array. If the (x, y) Find X and Y Coordinates of a value in a python array. To do this, I would like to create a grid of x,y,z points at regular grid intervals. 00000000e+00], [ 2. 97422935e-07], [ 4. Follow edited Jul 31, 2016 at 0:48. Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 16:55. Follow edited Feb 16, 2022 at 1:04. 900edges 900edges. 4. 01),2) I'm using these arrays to randomly plot squares of . pqhmgevm exu ezvmsb cpfdgtp dzajr yeyyp gdhxu qxrizu fjqre dfju slf kkwde szzhulcq pddzwjh dukl