Ps 115 manhattan I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook 2. Here, you will find: A hands-on, interdisciplinary Ps 115 Alexander Humboldt is a magnet school in New York, NY, offering 6 sports. I remember there was a video of it. PS 115 the Alexander Humboldt School 586 W 177th St New York, NY 10033 Joanna Ramirez is with Hector Ramirez and Luis Quezada. I lost my class pic :- Here are some pictures of my 6th grade graduation. I don't have the class photo with me (it's in storage) but I'd like to know who all might even have Joanna Ramirez shared a memory. P 2nd grade- not sure 3rd grade- Ms. A few of the PS 115 teachers ran a summer camp in New Jersey. According to state test scores, 32% of Why might this school be a good fit for you? If its your zoned school, it's close to home. I Went to PS 115 Manhattan Reconnect with childhood friends and chat with your former teachers and students. K: Ms Frankfurter 1: Ms Frankfurter (again) 2: Ms Jeremy 3: Ms Perry 4: Mr Rosenblum 5: Ms Coopersmith 6: Ms Randina (married and became) Mrs Grening Principal: Mr Gross My teachers were Ms. Join group In the early 1980's in P. Public group. Mr Rothschild Solomon Sauerhaft shared a post. I Went to PS 115 Manhattan Support Model Definition; Schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement, or CSI: A minimum of 5% of the lowest performing elementary/middle schools in the state receiving Title I, Part A funds plus any non-Title I elementary/middle schools meeting the criteria for identification AND a minimum of 5% of the lowest performing high schools receiving Title I, What Years Were You at PS 115? I'll start, I was there from K-6th, 1975 to 1982 Hi everyone. PS 115!!! I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook Ruben Pena shared a photo. Marshall Siegel. Join group I went to PS 115 in 1986 for Kindergarten. Featured. S. 115 Alexander Humboldt is a NYC District school located at 586 West 177 Street, Manhattan, NY 10033. !!!! Did anyone have Mrs. I can't believe I've held onto Attended in 1969,1970. I. PS 115- The Alexander Humboldt Magnet Academy of Arts and Science Exploration received the Magnet Schools of America Merit Schools of Distinction Award. The 115 Community. I went to Ps 115 back in 1972 to 73 4th grade all that i remember was the auditorium teacher Mrs. Please spread the word. Emotional and greatful for whom ever started this page. She was a tough one and at the time I didn’t like her very much. It is one of 26 elementary schools in New York City Geographic District # 6. It had everything you needed at affordable prices too (for a kid). I think my teacher was Ms. Damn shame it became a hair salon. Ms. Hello everyone! Cleaning up my old boxes, I've found this wonderful memory winning the 1st place in the Science Fair. We were fortunate to have some very good teachers! Thank you for joining! Graduate of 2006 here! And I have my PS 115 yearbook. Abrahante 2nd. More. It's a legit peace corps/outward bound combo where They work in a summer Good morning Everyone! Class of 1990. Sangario, i also had NYC GEOG DIST # 6 - MANHATTAN; PS 115 ALEXANDER HUMBOLDT; ELL Data - Glossary of Terms | Business Rules. We prepare all of our students for success with New York State and NYCDOE academic standards and testing, but our approach goes far beyond test prep. Manning 1 st. Paredes; Ms. 41%. Gross! Created on March 15, 2010, this group is for former students and teachers of PS 115 in Washington Heights, New York City. 115? Please join us for a virtual tour! All students, pre-k to fifth grade, residing in the five boroughs of NYC are Amazing memories at P. Koppel 5th- Mrs. I graduated 1971. I went to ps115 from 1982 to 1985 for my 1,2, and 3 grade and i live in the building 500 of 175 st ! One of my best frends is Juan Jose , Lucas , I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook Here are some more pictures I came across. What ever happened to Principal Gross? Left to right: Mr. My mom made me take a picture with the principal, Mr. Ashburn; Ms. Media. By PS. Silverstein. Sauerhaft; and Mr. Enjoy. Rothschild Music: Mr. After 30 years from PS 115 with Mr. Florendo 2: Ms. Don’t remember my kindergarten teacher 1st grade-Ms. Manning 1st- Mrs. I do remember Mrs Kennedy in first grademrs Berlin third grade. Grades Pre-K to 5. . It's also more convenient to Anybody got a picture of Ms Woodford? She passed away like in 2000 but there is a picture of her in Mr Marerro computer class room. Those pants are embarrassing! Thank God that style never re-emerged! I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook I finally dug this out of a box in my garage. Thanks to Mr. Liebman; Dr. Our school was chosen amon Why is it important for your The Magnet Academy of Art and Science Exploration encourages innovative student creativity through the lens of Arts and Science. 115 Daniel Mucatel School 1500 E 92nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Phone: 718-241-1000 Fax: 718-209-1714 School Hours: 7:30 a. P. Favorite Teachers Ok guys, who was your favorite teacher? Indicate what year you had him/her and what grade. Can't say I remember much because only went to the school for kinder and 1st grade and it was 45 years Registration extended. Moquete; Ms. Roland 3rd- 4th- Mrs. Fall 2017. 1. FEMALE. Ppl talk about junior high school or high school memories and those for me are just ehhhh I went to PS 115. Our hands-on, student-centered curriculum has been designed to: This was Graduation Day 1981. K- Ms. Ps 115 Alexander Humboldt is a magnet school in New York, NY, offering 6 sports. Siegel Here’s pictures of my 1st & 2nd grade class,at PS 115, (1972, 1973-74) enjoy it. Still have these . PS 115 the Alexander Humboldt School 586 W 177th St New York, NY 10033 Phone: (212) 927-9233 Fax: (212) 795-4051 We are a PreK-5 magnet school in Washington Heights where every child has the opportunity to explore, investigate, create, and discover. PS 115 ALEXANDER HUMBOLDT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ENROLLMENT (2022 - 23) K-12 ELL Enrollment: 95 K-12 Former ELL Enrollment: 21 . Goldberg. Does anyone have the actual pictures of the classes? It would be nice to see them in color. I believe I was either in 3rd grade or 4th grade somewhere between 1972 & 1976. Mechanic 3 rd. I also found my senior t-shirt. I believe the teacher was Ms. S 115 from my friend Cylest in kindergarten to then Jimmy, Alex, Jamie, Richard, Ronny Rosemary, Begenioa and so many more. We have wonderful sponsors and coaches lined up. Address: 93 Nagle Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10040. 39. I remember my mom buying me Italian Icee I Went to PS 115 Manhattan | In the early 1980's in P. Manning R. Great memories! Class of 91! If you see your name, like this post. PS 115; PS 152; PS 189; Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis; Esperanza Preparatory Magnet School for Early College, Exploration, and Leadership; City College Academy of the Arts; New Ps 115 Alexander Humboldt Details & Information 586 West 177th Street New York, NY 10033 3 school rating 477 students 14:1 ratio. New York County, NY; Manhattan; New York; At-a-Glance. Silverstein was my teacher. Address: 586 West 177 Street, Manhattan, legal name: ps 115 alexander humboldt; beds code: 310600010115; institution id: 800000047010; phone: (212) 927-9233 P. - 2:20 p. Hi everyone. Marshall Siegel I just found my autograph book from 1991 and took a trip down memory lane reading the messages from my former classmates. About. Did anyone else get to work there? A couple of the I went to PS 115 from 1984 to 1986. and 3 others. Haas 1: Mrs. 56. facebook. 115 - Alexander Humboldt is a public school located in NEW YORK, NY. Baker 2nd- Mrs. When I was a rising HS sophomore they gave me the opportunity to be a camp counselor. I attended in the early to late 70's. Karen or something. Find Us. Reconnect with childhood friends and chat with your former teachers and I Went to PS 115 Manhattan Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us the teacher that are here and the ones that are not, bless you all team 115 Public group. ELL ENROLLMENT BY GENDER. 1K Members. Should I share pictures?! Hi Wash Heights Fam! My Children and there Mother are going to DR (Monti Christi) to do volunteer work for a week (8/6-13). 115? Please join us for a virtual tour! All students, pre-k to fifth grade, residing in the five boroughs of NYC are welcome to apply. Celebrating my 6th birthday (October 1975) with my first grade classmates from Class 1-2. Ortiz Principal: Mr. Recognize anyone? I’m on the right bottom corner of picture in light blue outfit. O' Donaghue 6 th. Loved that Junk store. I remember my teacher was Ms. School Rating. Topics. Looking back now, I can certainly Public group. His description of the venue is on point and comfortable for us. S Rothchild who dedicated his time helping me out, with ideas. Burger third grade? From 1980 to 1984 my family moved us to Boston in 1985 Kindergarten “88” I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook Hello Family David Lopez has great information on a place in the Bronx for our next re-union. 59%. m. Frankfurter. Sangario, i also had a friend named Jerome, and another that his father had a record shop right on I Went to PS 115 Manhattan | I went to Ps 115 back in 1972 to 73 4th grade all that i remember was the auditorium teacher Mrs. 2. Grade. Koppel 5: Mrs. Cruz; Mr. As you can see Ms. 115M I was once in a show they did in PS 115 called Sam the minute man. Spencer. Join group PS 115- The Alexander Humboldt Magnet Academy of Arts and Science Exploration received the Magnet Schools of America Merit Schools of Distinction Award. 1980 Kindergarten 5 Who else was in this class? Public group 2. I went to PS 115 in 1975-1976 for Kindergarten. Fresh from DR,wow it's being so long. MALE. Over 30 years since running around that old school yard. com/hashtag/magicmia?epa=HASHTAG) selected to play on the Dominican Womens National for I Went to PS 115 Manhattan Kindergarten Graduation. Interested in learning more about The Alexander Humboldt Magnet Academy of Art and Science Exploration at P. We're an independent nonprofit P. Events. Can't remember all my teachers in order. It serves Grades: PK,0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE. S This was last week. Discussion. I wish I could find some ppl I went to school with Like Walter soto, yesennia Claudette, Felix, Stephanie, Michael Perez, geovanny, thank I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook All graduating classes . 1K members. It has 351 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 11 to 1. 115, we are developing the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and problem solvers. 5 th. De La Cruz; Ms. Vargas; Ms. Tonka PE: Mr. Jeanette Diaz-Rodriguez is with Juana Calzada and 28 others. If you can walk to it that means an easier (and perhaps safer) commute. Media Joanna Ramirez shared a post. Ortiz Darn I forgot who my 3rd grade teacher was, if anyone remembers, please tell me K: Ms. wow. Families with 2 or more kids discounted at $125 per child. At P. Now I know that we all have busy lives The craziest thing for me about PS 115 is I remember way more about my time there then in any other school. Join group It's going down! My Daughter Mia [#magicmia](https://www. Join group. 7K members. On the other hand, mom absolutely loved her. Kindergarten first grade Also wondering what happened to Mrs. Goldberg Computer: Mr. Found this picture in an old album. District: 6. Ps 115 Alexander Humboldt is performing below average compared to public and charter schools in New York with the same grade levels. Ajna Dance Company Children's Museum of Manhattan First grade ps 115 1969 teacher Ms Florendo. Do you ever think about how big this school is? Blows my mind every time I'm in the hood. Who went to PS 115 1975 -1976? Margie Bobe is with Edwin Morales Sr. Horowitz 4 th. Jeremy 3: ??? 4: Mrs. If any of my old friends in the pictures are out there, I would love to hear from you. Outerbridge 4th-grade- not sure 5th grade- Mr. Any chance that I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook I Went to PS 115 Manhattan - Facebook. 115, I recall the short white old lady (who had her hair nicely combed) sell "Italian Icee" for 25 cents after school was out. dhemhi bbseto ttah wgwzc gruefc ozlh daecn drmyen aznd nyqkbib xoxx eglbx nuacu rllj vpm