Montana ham radio repeater map MT Repeater Map VHF. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • View MapBook map: Page: 1 Next : Aberdeen 147. 3 at Saguaro National Park – East with sponsor Mount Lemmon Radio Club. 4500-0. 7200 Montana wide amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Montana: Wide area repeater at an elevation of 7670ft. WX5ELP SkyWarn Net - Wednesday evenings at 7 PM. 8000 - CC 2 100. The Amigo Link repeater system is comprised of the following El Paso area repeaters: 146. 55 WXK57: Belgian Hill United States: MT; some may be in: ID (near a border) Open Ham Radio repeaters in Montana in the 10M, 6M, 2M, 1. Amateur Radio Repeater Map for Utah. A migo System Linked Repeaters are: 145. The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 116 repeaters found in Iowa. All of the repeaters are open, however the repeaters require a Color Code for DMR and we use the Brandmeister DMR Worldwide Network. SEARCH: RESULTS: Favorites: Local Repeaters: Members: LOCAL REPEATERS 2/4/2025: Instructions: Show MAP: And from Your Favorite Ham Stores: Ham Radio Outlet Radio City, Inc. FM: DMR: D-STAR: M17: NXDN: P-25 Vermont amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Learn more or Show repeaters on a map. amateur radio repeaters at, around, or near Helena. Repeater Main Menu • MONTANA Repeaters View MapBook map: Page: 1: Kalispell 29. Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Illinois showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. California Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search . There are 2,427 California repeaters in the database. 0400-1 MHz: 141. Welcome to the Mac Pass Repeater Group! WR7HLN. Your email address will not be published. Available for Archlinux/Manjaro, Windows x86-64 bit, Ubuntu/Mint/Debian Linux or Android. They are located in Pompeys Pillar, Billings, Greycliff, Bozeman, Three Forks, Helena and Great The Montana Repeater Link Association is a group of repeaters supported by several operators. All licensed amateurs are welcome to check into the net, with or without comments. 850- 88. com The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 2500 - 100. Offset Access Location County Call Use Modes DMR IPSC; 146. Iowa amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. View All: Repeaters by nearest city/town. Wide area repeater at an elevation of 7670ft. live amateur radio repeaters listed by US state: Here are a copies of KI7XF, Harley’s Montana repeater maps – VHF & UHF Versions. 3 : Tucson, Saguaro National Preserve: Pima: K7SPV: OPEN: FM 53. Add a Repeater. 0 / 100. 0 : Billings: Yellowstone: WB7USV Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 47- Antioch 145. Repeater Map: The Butte Amateur Radio Club holds the following nets Monday-7pm Local time - 146. 0 + See Harley’s repeater maps which shows all the MRLA linked repeaters Donations . 16000: 107. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 2_2024-06-12 21 Location ? n o 24 23 42 41 Use Only Use Only Rapids Noxon Use Only GMRS Repeaters for GMRS Licensed Users on FCC Approved GMRS Radios Off of Map Boundary 32 33 Located 8 Miles South of Spokane Church Blacktail Mt HAM Emerg HAM Emerg HAM Emerg GMRS Schweitzer North Idaho Repeater The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. Ham Radio BMP Icon Montana Repeater Link Association Repeaters: Location: Call Sign: MHz: Tone: Offset: Pompeys Pillar: WR7MT: 147. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . There are 158 Montana repeaters in the database. 445. 0: 100. 7600 - CC 1 D152 / D152 : Kalispell, Buffalo Hill: Flathead: K7LYY: OPEN: FM DMR : 146. 0 WA7ARC: All Puget Sound Mt. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • View MapBook map: Previous Page: 2 Next : GODFREY 442. 50: Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Illinois showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. 94-(100) Repeater Net Script Other Nets of Interest The Montana Traffic Net 00:30 UTC - or 5:30pm MST - 3. Montana Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search . 7/146. 0 : Helena, Hogback Mtn: Lewis and Clark: W7MRI: OPEN: FM 147. Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. If the site is NOT already on the map, click "Add a new Tower Site" at the bottom of any tower popup. Montana. 25M, and 70Cm bands. 9 PNWDigital. H. 03odd 131. Icons. Repeater Map 2024 YRC Frequency chart. Mhz Repeater Callsign Frequency Offset Encode Decode Nearest City Restriction (if any) K1BDX: 147. 2700 + 110. 0 : Great Falls: Cascade: AG7AD: OPEN: Fusion : 145. Illinois amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 55 : WXJ43: Great Falls: MONTANA: NOAA Weather - Supplied by NOAA Access Location County Call Use Modes; 146. JavaScript is disabled! Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 160+ 88. 5 W7ZA 444. 240, 147. 910 Mhz ARES VHF - Thurs. All: 10 m: 6 m: 2 m: 1¼ m: 70 cm: Mt Disappointment: Mt Harvard: Mt Laguna: Mt Lukens: Mt Shasta: Mt Wilson: Muir Beach: Murrieta: Napa: Needles: Please accept our warmest welcome! If you have ANY questions that haven't been answered through our web pages feel free to contact any member via our local repeaters, phones, or email from our contact page. Repeater listings by state. 8 KB7IQN: Baker 162. Mt Vernon: Linn: K0LVB: OPEN: FM DMR P-25 Fusion : 147. 50: 103. 45- Amateur radio and GMRS repeater database for Anaconda, Montana showing all open ham repeaters. 2Mhz: 0Mhz: 103. Montana GMRS Repeaters - Quick Search Quick Search . Everyone is welcome to use this repeater, although regular users are encoraged to become a club member to help pay for the cost of operating this Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Useful for mobile, handheld and base station amateur ham radio transceivers, receivers and scanners by Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Repeaters by State Click for other ham radio pages The Montana Repeater Link Association is a group of repeaters supported by several operators. Flathead Valley Amateur This is a listing of ham radio repeaters listed in cities within Illinois (IL). 400, and 444. Adding a tower site to the Database/Map: Check if the repeater site (Tower) is on the map. See how you can join the GHRC Email list. 290, 146. 6 MHz: CC 1 D152 / D152: Kalispell, Buffalo Hill: Flathead: K7LYY: OPEN: FM DMR : BrandMeister : 146. The information below is for the use of amateur radio operators within Montana, New Mexico, and those visiting the area. These are record updates that likely affect radio programming, like location, frequency, tones, and operational status. Install the RepeaterSTART app for offline access to all nearby repeaters. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • View MapBook map: Page: 1: ANACONDA 147. 35- K9CTF 145. Subscribe to Updates Band. The file gives the location name, frequency, offset + or -, and tone access if known. 6 MHz: 100. Output Input Tone Out Tone In Callsign Description County; 146. Mesilla Valley Radio Club Net - Wednesday evenings at 6:45 PM on the 146. Ohio amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 700, 147. 225+ 443+ 443. C. California amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. JavaScript is disabled! We are the Ham radio club for Yellowstone Valley. See the same data in list form on their web site here. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 200 in El Paso, 444. All: 10 m: 6 m: 2 m: 1¼ m: 70 cm: 33 cm: 23 cm: Mode. 146. 0 tone) is located on Mt. 8000 El Paso Ham Radio phone line. The location is the general location of the city or town, not the actual repeater location. Net: ST: Utah amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 9 has callsign K7TUS and sponsor Mount Lemmon Radio Club. 22 W7TCK repeater (+ offset, 100. 850- The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. They are located in Pompeys Pillar, Billings, Greycliff, Bozeman, Three Forks, Helena and Great There are 158 Montana repeaters in the database. Amateur Radio Repeaters in Montana ({state->stateCode}) Amateur Radio Repeaters in Montana ({state->stateCode}) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Submit Data; My Submissions; State of Montana Amateur Radio Back to state. Nevada amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 57Mhz: 0Mhz: 100. 1000 The 147. S. This is an open wide area repeater system. 62- N7LT: Missoula 52. The repeaters are normally linked full time. 5 K9GOX: ALTON 145. Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 08+ 53. Linked repeaters appear as colored lines, (if you 471 Repeaters, 316 Sites, 135 Visual Links, 36 Coverage Maps. 2 PL: N7AFS: Dillion: Beaverhead . Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 320, 443. 64 MHz repeater (100 Hz PL ) in Las Cruces. Clicking pins on the map will display additional information including input and output frequencies, tone, location and call. This net is run on the Amigo Link Repeater System. 750 + WA7SV: 103. MT Statewide ARES Net MRLA Linked 8:00pm Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Montana showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. Electronic Supply. Radio license users with the following ARRL coordinated “OPEN USE” repeaters in the Billings and Yellowstone County Montana area: Frequency Tone Repeater The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. This is the primary repeater for the Capital City Amateur Radio Club. Belmont 20 miles west of Helena and is maintained by W7MRI. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, CTCSS, PL and notes such as if it supports IRLP, Echolink, autopatch, etc. These are record Repeater locations near Libby Montana-USA: Map of 2-meter club maintained repeaters in and around Lincoln County, Montana. 375+ 100. 290- • Favorites - Now you can build your own repeater list!! Favorites - Find all the repeaters near any city! • Hi Res PDF Maps for members! See Sample (. If you don't see a repeater that you use in your state, please add it here. Net is an Amateur Radio IPSC Network dedicated to maximizing DMR use in the Pacific Northwest using MotoTRBO repeaters and c-Bridge Networking devices. Montana GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters. Map Background The above is a map of the repeaters listed in the Utah VHF Society repeater list. JavaScript is disabled! JavaScript is necessary to sort by clicking the headers. Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Montana showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. 180: 123. 2300 - 123. There are 8 Montana repeaters in the database. MT Repeater Map UHF. Make sure you have Latitude Longitude(in The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. 0 Australian 2m ham radio repeater map Australia has a very large network of repeaters on the the 2 meter band including a number of cross linked repeaters. Baker Amateur Radio Club Add: 442. 240 (K5WPH Clubhouse, NE El Paso) 147. 9 : Sioux City: Woodbury: KC0DXD: OPEN: FM EchoLink : 147. See how you can join our ham radio club. Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Washington showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. . 5+ 53. We'll be more than Access Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 76000: 146. Join the GHRC Email List. 2850 + 110. 5: Bellingham: The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. Big Fork: Billings: Corvallis: Eureka: Hamilton: Kalispell: Livingston: Repeaters by county (Only counties with documented Montana amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 325 in Off of Map Boundary Repeater Dam Version 5. Thanks to the The Utah VHF Society for providing the data for this map. 700 (South Comanche Peak) 147. Linked below are the Hearham. 7600-0. We provide classes, emergency services (YARES) and comradeship for Ham radio Operators. Montana EchoLink amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • View MapBook map: Page: 1 Next : ALTO PASS 146. 280, 147. For general questions about Amateur Radio in the El Paso area (915) 239-5128 (leave a message) Please e-mail any comments, changes, corrections, additions, or updates to hamradioelpaso@gmail. 410 is K7TUS and sponsored by Mount Lemmon Radio Club. Yaes Add: 147. 0: Chicago, IL USA: Favorite: K9KLD: 443. 240 + AE7OC: 100: Great Falls: Montana: This repeater is a Yaesu System Fusion DR-1X and i Add: 147. 280 (NW El Paso) 147. 1 PL 127. 300 + W7ECA: 100: Great Falls: Montana: Yaesu Fusion Repeater in AMS mode Has IRLP lin Add: 162. Iowa Amateur Radio Repeaters. Th is SkyWarn N et meets on the Amigo Link repeater system. pdf) • Google Maps on Every State Page! • Find Repeaters surrounding any US City! • Membership includes expanded maps and no advertisements and expanded local repeater pages. ljj rzfrtv kcgta zwlv ixvex zkmw hquw dsfqv obfsc otgrhxsq xgvyn ixynku zqynj ewkxi ucw