Makefile loop through directories. make TARGET in the directory project.

Makefile loop through directories How to run a shell command for each member of a list in Makefile? 0. 21. I'm trying to make this work both in Linux and Windows, but getting a CreateProcess(NULL, ifdef OS, ) failed message when trying to run it. 848 1 1 gold Iterating through a list of directories in a Makefile. I think my Makefile is good so far except for one problem: When I convert my CSOURCES to COBJECTS, I don't remove the directory that the source file is in, so I get these errors: clang: error: no such file or directory: 'lib/key_store. 0 - found The command "make clean" causes this simple Makefile to go into an infinite loop, spawning process after process, if the directory m1 does not exist: clean-1: cd m1; make clean clean: clean-1 I guess I'm doing something wrong with recursive make. I have a Makefile that loops through subdirectories and runs a command. cpp results in following object directory: objs/widget/apple. 0. Trying to implement a loop in Makefile target. Or shell in combination with notdir, if you need not absolute path: current_dir = $(notdir $(shell pwd)). So you have to setup another shell in your This simple example sets the variable ‘files’ to the list of all files in the directories in the list ‘dirs’: dirs := a b c d files := $(foreach dir,$(dirs),$(wildcard $(dir)/*)) Here text is ‘ $(wildcard $(dir)/*) ’. under project) and print the folder name, the tricky part here that the folders can be changed from projectX to projectN, is it possible? There are various problems with doing the sub-make inside a for loop in a single recipe. dot, c. After executing script in first folder it should come back and enter into next folder. Also, in each of these UT_xyz directories, there exist one directory and than the content. It is not that difficult to only run make on the directories that contain Makefile, nor is it difficult to restrict the number of levels to recurse. I am trying to loop through the . For example, Makefile loop through files in directory. txt file-2. c I am making use of a makefile to traverse a directory , store the file names in a variable , extract the file number using regex and print the file number . Commented May 7, 2021 at 6:15. 1. c -o file" I do not understand why basename and patsubst do not work. Now I need to define another before the action section, but how – Amir. I tried: @for f in $^; do \ echo "this find recursively searches /home/work for files (-type f) named Makefile (-name Makefile) and runs make install in the directory where the file was found (-execdir make install In short, if you need bash to recieve a dollar sign $, put a double dollar sign $$ in your makefile. I can look more into how to use "eval" to solve this problem. dot neato -Tpng -o c. o for each cpp file inside variable "CPPS" (in Ubuntu) CPPS := file1. 1 watching Forks. c -o main # Arbitrary max number of tests, can be overwritten by passing the variable in NUM_TESTS=100 # Find all the My Makefile is no longer creating an infinite loops of folders and I'm getting a lot further with the build now: # make ===> theZoo-0. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If you need help, ask a new question (but please search and/or read some documentation first). with Makefile create folders from specific filenames. I tried this: FOR /f %%p IN ("UT_*") DO make "%%p" /s /q But it doesn't work. /{*/some. It is preferable to put as much project-specific My intent with this code is to use the same makefile for different directories which have the same file name, but with a different prefix. Hot Network Questions What are some necessary and sufficient conditions for a true or false statement to This creates an object directory with name specified in $(OBJDIR_1) and subdirectories according to subdirectories in source. So when you then cd . 60 depends on package: py39-setuptools>=63. all: recursive cd componentX && $(MAKE) # stuff for current dir recursive: true It may be wise to put settings for each Makefile in a Makefile. Makefile process all files in Unfortunately, the MY_LIBS macro is defined across multiple Makefiles that are included in a root Makefile. For example: UT_abc\directoryabc\makefile UT_def\directorydef\makefile UT_ghi\directoryghi If you have a single simple command that you can write out in its entirety and doesn't need to be run routinely (based on other updated files, etc. To loop through the folder contains that special build folder, let's says you have the following rules: MYDIR = . Here, the problem is with the command that is run. c folder1/b. The recipe you've written is actually a bash script and won't work with a POSIX /bin/sh; it will only work on systems which use /bin/bash as /bin/sh. gz: <recipe> If, for some reason, make decides to rebuild images/1/file. txt should not. Stars. Recursive Make is bad in itself and should not be used unless you understand exactly its limitations. You should create files and if a file creation needs a new directory then quietly create the directory within the rule for the relevant file. The links (for all files in . Community Bot. Let's start with the simplest of Makefiles: hello: echo To create a Bash script that loops through files in a specified directory and prints their path, you can start by creating a new file using the touch command: $ touch Loop through files in a Makefile. Hot Network Questions Question about the "integer lattice reachability problem", and whether it can be solved with generating function Why QGIS shows different info on EPSG:6506 than Proj? Is there a word for a shift in a road where it remains parallel to its original direction? This is because make always invokes /bin/sh (POSIX shell) when it runs recipes unless you tell it differently. . A proper design would be to let make know what the dependencies are, and take it from there. Currently, I've tested . Copy list of files to specific paths with Makefile. Evgen Evgen. Directory project contains a real Makefile with some different targets. 0 I have a bash script install. /anotherdir/<file> to . c folder3/e. if the loop has values 1,2,3. GNU Make functionality depends on its environment. cpp \\ file2. For How to iterate over files in a directory with Bash? There are two mistakes. out but it does not exist, or is not an executable command. dot neato -Tpng -o b. Each subfolder contains a Dockerfile. 16. / . Set Makefile to build in another directory. cpp \\ folder2/fi I have a Makefile where I currently have two files that should be copied to different directories. The traditional way is to have a Makefile in each of the subdirectories (part1, part2, etc. e. cpp \\ file3. cpp) Just to note: you are causing your makefile to be extremely non-portable. Skip to content. Many (most, depending on how you count them) do not. project -Folder1 -Folder2 -app1 -service1 -Makefile Now I want inside the makefile loop on the folders (under the root. 0 stars Watchers. and conserve your clean target for local cleaning of a single directory. As discussed in the earlier question, I want to loop over the directory x86-headers, and collect into a bash array, a list of its top level subdirectories that contain the file C/populate. Just want to clarify can we run some commands of makefile in a for loop like shown above? – Astro. /topdir/) should go from . I know this is possible if I manually list the subdirs, but I would like to have it done automatically. Iterating over 8. png files with neato. That Makefile looks strange to begin with. @Danijel using the notdir function on all directories in a foreach loop: $(foreach dir,$(shell find -mindepth 1 Lets say I have the following variables: SOURCES = folder1/a. I would like to have a single Makefile in the main directory, that calls each subdirectory's Makefile. Here are a few makefile debugging hints: first, the -p option will print the entire make database out, including all the values of all the variables. Inside the target I have a loop. Eventually you'll I'm trying to make this release rule for my makefile It's job is to copy the directories in the folder, except for a few (like the destination etc) Loop through files which do not contain certain texts in makefile. (Note that the use of {} or () is equivalent in makefiles or bash. The syntax you're using is specific to the /bin/bash shell and not available in /bin/sh. Update. file}; do cd $${name} && echo $${name}; done I'm completely stumped on how to do this in a Makefile Let's say I have a target. and removing the space doesn't help – With Subversion I was able to run svn update * in the parent directory and it would loop through each directory and update each repository as expected. This works except for the last step. MINION="foo fou bar" will assign the string "foo fou bar" to the MINION Makefile variable, which will then be substituted into the shell command line In a makefile, I am trying to iterate through c files and use the path as well as the filename. dot) and I want to compile them to . 6 The foreach Function. How to Loop Through a Text File in a Makefile (GNU)? Hot Network Questions Is Milchick's story about the "Gråkappan" in "Severance" based on any real historical or literary tradition? How to control expansion in \str_if_eq:nnTF Is the US debt "crisis" fake? bin (binary goes here!) src some directories are here I don't know if I need a directory for object files, I put them in . /subdir/ What am I doing wrong? Note that if I change the code to: echo $(dir . for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a:d /b /s') do echo %%a Where /s will give all results throughout the directory tree in unlimited depth. Further, have a Makefile in the root directory of the project which builds everything. Now that you know how to loop through the files in a What I have. the files that need to be renamed are: E9-GOWN33_multiplemap. file-1. listdir(path) for file in dirs: if file == '*. For example, if you have a layout like this. all. txt to grab just the text files. make TARGET and the Makefile there just cds one directory up and calls. 5). Makefile: loop over folder and merge files into a new file. txt file-3. h) it works in this case. The best way to do multiple subdirectories is like this: The src/ and docs/ common to this Makefile directory, all have a corresponding Makefile. I want to write a Makefile command to batch build all images named after the subfolder and tag them accordingly. fa E9-GOWN33_multiplemap. In a toplevel (unix, GNU) Makefile I want to iterate over a list of subdirs and execute tasks in there but exclude some of them. Follow asked Jun 10, 2009 at 20:21. The foreach function is similar to the let function, but very different from other functions. txt file-5. I need to rename some files using a loop but I can't get it to work as I am still very new at Linux. I tried using 'find' - cd /filepath/orig/v1 Hello, I would like to create a makefile for this project, which does these commands: Step 1 in SHARED FOLDER: gcc -c -o gestioneFile gestioneFile. I've projects which include makefile under the root project. I have tried $(filter-out folder2%,$(SOURCES)) and that does remove the unwatned folder2 items. I have tried this but it's skipping one after another. c gcc -c -o funzioni funzioni. To iterate through all folders only not with files, then you can use. @JonathanKomar It is not misleading as none of the precautions are taken in this answer. Related. ) You need to realize that the I am trying to loop through the folders to get the files and do something on them, with output redirected to a text file with the same name as the file. Follow edited May 23, 2017 at 12:08. /topdir/<file>. cpp in current directory in . i. Make recursive all C files. sh in my current directory and I have a directory apps which contains multiple directories. That tells the for loop to grab every single file in the directory. Improve this answer. If you want to run your recipes using /bin/bash you have to specifically tell make to do that by adding this to your makefile:. echo ${dirs} | xargs -n 1 cp ${sources} So I understand that this will not work since it will try to copy both source files to one of the directory every time. We will loop through every item in a folder and print its name to the screen: for item That depends entirely how your makefile is written. txt file-4. cpio. A summary of what I'm trying to do follows. Improve this question. And we can use $(wildcard ) to find the *_test. In this case exclude all subdirs starting with an underscore (_) gnu makefile filter a list of source files through a list of folders to ignore. Hot Network Questions What is the highest temperature the butter can be used for baking at? How to properly protect . txt ├── d2 │ ├── d4 │ │ └── foo. o' clang: error: no such file or directory: 'lib You should not need multiple Makefiles and recursive call to Make here. The reason is that Makefile has only static info to do the make, and you have to get some external help to know what subdirectories you have in Is there a good way to iterate n-tuple lists in Makefiles? Thanks! linux; makefile; Share. What you might want to do (by the look of it) is have your makefile do various things for you: # Target to build "main" its the first target and therefore the default # call "make" to run main: @gcc main. cpp \\ folder1/file4. How to delete all except a directory in Makefile? 0. Hot Network Questions Seabird cryptic crossword Can prime numbers be So if you cd into a directory that has no subdirectories, you'll end up trying to cd into literally '*/' (literally a directory whose name is an asterisk), and that will fail, so you'll stay one directory higher than you thought you'd be at this point in the loop. bin. /bin, I think that's good enough, isn't it? Maybe I just need someone who can explain it with easy words! Loop through files in a Makefile. dot files (for example, a. Simple Non-recursive Makefile with object files in separate directory. / I expect to see:. That is file1. bash_history against truncation? Now, when building my project, I use the Makefile in my root directory to recursively include each Makefile in the individual subdirectories and append it to the list of the obj-y variable. Share. pm ( perl files ) I want to add makefile at this directory level which does perl file syntax checking. txt You probably noticed we’re using the wild card character, *, in there. cpp) $(wildcard include/*. You could change the wild card could to file-* to target all of the files that started with file-, or to *. Loops and working with Files and Folders. 16. Viewed 237 times 3 . cpp) $(wildcard src/*/*. , you'll be one directory higher again. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. png b. c folder3/d. I wrote in a Shell style like this, for file in `find $(DEPLOY_PATH)/ -type l`; \ do \ echo $(file); \ done There are 9 link Loop through files in a Makefile. I want to create *. /dir/" directory without ". Here i get my sourcefiles from all folders: sources := $(wildcard src/*. To get make to interpolate the variable, simply reference it like any variable: $(makefile_variable). is the current directory, which after the cd is /tmp (IMHO this is more flexible than having /tmp directly in the find command. $ tree . First things firstdoes this do what you think and want? find -iname '/abc/*. Loop through list of files in Makefile. – Makefile loop through files in directory. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I'm trying to loop through only the csv files in a folder that contains many kinds of files and many folders, I just want it to list all of the . txt │ └── foo. so file into ". old. gz say, at this point it will expand the recipe, and pass each line of that expansion to a separate shell. fa I have Makefile under a directory and directory has many . You have only one place, the cd, to change, if you want more actions to take place in this folder)-maxdepth 1 and -mindepth 1 10. 17, the foreach() loop supports a ZIP_LISTS option to iterate through two (or more) lists simultaneously: set(a_values a0 a1 a2) set(b_values b0 b1 b2) foreach(a b IN ZIP_LISTS a_values b_values) message("${a} ${b}") endforeach() Evaluate function with two arguments in foreach loop in Makefile. when the user provide a version I would like to go into each of these directories and execute a command (a makefile). The following Makefile demonstrates how to rename all directories within a specific path that start with "old" to "new": Another simpler way of finding files recursively might be to just use find. inc in the root source directory Today I tried to write Makefile to traverse all files in a directory. You can skip /s if you want to iterate through the Easy way to iterate through files in directory. read -d is bash-specific (xargs -0 would be a better fit as it isn't dependent on the shell, even though it's still not standard). How to Loop Through a The output I get from the for loop above is:. Therefore, one should always (in a serious system, not a toy) control the environment and wrap Make in a wrapper shell script that sets I have a "lib" directory in my applications main directory, which contains an arbitrary number of subdirectories, each having its own Makefile. How do I loop through a string in makefile? Hot Network Questions Am I better off concocting my own chain wax? cd /tmp find . For small projects, it is often easier to specify each of them by hand, since you then have full control i need to write a Makefile that compiles each . txt but not . Make file targetting all C files in a directory. c source files and determine the appropriate targets using $(patsubst ) like this:. Here's what I mean: import os, sys path = "path/to/dir" dirs = os. Well, the question is still valid. That or just loop in clean over $(SUBDIRS) and run rm in each one manually. Using for loop variable in Makefile shell. Here is an example of the docs setup: Help to avoid brute force through all combinations Review request To get a list of all directories in the same folder as my Makefile I use: DIRECTORIES = $(wildcard */) all: echo $(DIRECTORIES) The directory-part of the file name is everything up through (and including) the last slash in it. cpp) $(wildcard include/*/*. images: for f in $(find $(image_folder) -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -exec basename {} \;); do echo $${f}; done Using ls to drive the loop in Make is an antipattern even in shell script (you want for f in cmd/* if I'm guessing correctly) but doubly so in a Makefile. so" extension. dot How I can make to makefile create the directory? makefile; Share. cpp tests/blend. sh (but may The shell function. sometimes, a directory might contain multiple versions of the file with a different prefix and i want to define a hierarchy of those prefixes (defined by LIST in my example). Directory project/resources contains the wrapper Makefile which should call Makefile in project. I've already read multiple solutions where the poster iterates over the number of the files, but what I'm looking for is a simple way to iterate through the files in a directory. I'd advise you get rid of $(OBJDIR) and $(BINDIR) so Make can just compile to the current directory, and we can use its built-in rules to save us having to write our own. How to select *. (the last character is equal to the loop number). Given solution only works when you are running make Common practice is to put a Makefile in each subdir with sources, then. -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' A short explanation: find finds files (quite obviously). CC := gcc CFLAGS := -Wall -g Makefile loop through files in directory. so file (with flags -shared -fPIC) and copyies . I think maybe it has something to do with the for loop but I'm not sure. GNU make: how to add all files from a directory to a variable? 0. csv files in this folder. c I want to execute "cc /dir/dir2/file. gz images/2/file. Dylan Dylan. c FILTERS = folder2 folder3 Now I want to set a variable that contains only folder1/a. c files with Makefile? 1. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . So right after the "delete file" command i would want to increment because if the file is not there, these two commands would be skipped How to count If you really don't want to do that and you want to put all the object files into the same directory (a bad idea because if you have two source files with the same name in different source directories, your build will fail) you can use VPATH: As already explained, a double dollar sign gets passed through to the shell, whereas a single dollar sign gets evaluated by make itself. Modify the makefile to include subdirectories. txt ├── d3 │ └── foo. txt should be listed, but file4. SHELL := /bin/bash See For loop in makefile Makefile variables do not use the same assignment syntax as shell variables. Iterating through a list of directories in a Makefile. Try to replace a. ls: $(MYDIR)/* @echo $^ The result will be: I need to create links for multiple directories in a Makefile. /subdir/ . cpp endif . The bash shell does not do that. /subdir/myheader1. something: for fn in . The foreach function resembles the for command in the shell sh and the foreach command in the C-shell csh. ) allowing you to build them independently. Using a Makefile for Automated Renaming. How to filter list of filenames in Makefile? 2. My point is that if you can do it right, in a way Iterate through the project directory to generate the makefile - daichenghe/easyMakefile. makefile: compile files with the output in other directory. 1. 3. I tried using 'find' - cd $dir. First, ** is non-POSIX, but make uses /bin/sh by default. So maybe I can somehow loop through the FILTERS in Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. txt └── Makefile Makefile loop through files in directory. I use diff (or a graphical diff program such as meld) to easily see which parts of a project Makefile are specific to that project. We add to the MY_LIBS macro with "+=" in the included Makefiles. For example (assume objs as toplevel object directory), in Makefile: widget/apple. Sign in Product Iterate through the project directory to generate the makefile Resources. o' clang: error: no such file or directory: 'lib/logger. makefile cd into dir and execute command. Loops allow us to perform a set of operations over multiple items, such as a set of files or folders or the results of a command. 5. txt. My current approach is to define a recursive function which handles including the Makefiles and iterate through each subdirectory automatically: I built this guide because I could never quite wrap my head around Makefiles. 2. dot, b. csv': print file Now updated to answer the question properly. You are trying to run (through make) the command a. o As of CMake 3. Commented Sep 24, 2014 at 1:24. For example for /dir/dir2/file. I am trying to loop through the folders to get the files and do something on them, with output redirected to a text file with the same name as the file. Makefile foreach. In my sample code, I restrict the search for makefiles to the subdirectories immediately below the parent directory. Toggle navigation. /. png c. Modified 6 days ago. Ask Question Asked 1 year ago. Makefiles are commonly used for building and automating tasks. – Etan Reisner. Currently, the make command I have to do that looks something like this: neato -Tpng -o a. If your recipe creates some other filename that is not exactly $@, then that's not correct and make won't work: the next time you run make, it will look for the file $@ and see it's not there (because the last time you ran make it The above answers work well when all of the subdirectories have Makefiles. c. . I started with simple trial first: build. ├── d1 │ └── foo. I want to loop through these sub directories in app folder and execute some script. 7. How to create a folder via mkdir from a file path? 2. c files in a specific directory through the makefile. make TARGET in the directory project. c folder2/c. The target loops through each file and if it's there, it deletes it. the folder names are as follows: ss1 ss2 and ss3. If you're targeting a usual or "patterned" file, just use make's internal variable $(@D), that means "the directory the current target @choroba am trying to get values from different files which are stored in different folders, the folder names are defined by the loop number i. cpp else SOURCES += foo_posix. out in your makefile by the actual executable command you want to run. They can also be used to automate directory renaming operations, especially when combined with other commands. txt' It doesn't find files in a subdirectory for me (on Mac OS X 10. i used the following code, but it seems not working: DIR= Sources \\ Sources_2 @for entry in ${DIR} ; I have a folder containing unknown number of subfolders. The syntax of the foreach function is: Makefile loop through files in directory. how to define certain loops in makefiles. like . I just I am currently trying to setup my first Makefile in Windows for simple c++ projects to be able to use it for every single project i create with only a few changes needing to be done. Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 16:03. You can use conditionals to avoid adding files given certain conditions hold: ifeq ($(OS),win32) SOURCES += foo_win32. Makefile loop through files in directory. 1 1 1 Create object files in specific directory through Makefile. The "root" Makefile would look something like the following: all: +$(MAKE) -C part1 +$(MAKE) -C part2 +$(MAKE) -C part3 Makefile loop through files in directory. Follow answered Jul 12, 2012 at 4:51. How to Loop Through a Text File in a Makefile (GNU)? Hot Network Questions How to make the weather matter? Game crossing out numbers with their respective divisors from a list of numbers. Changing IFS to contain a nul character implies a shell that can store these in variables. o objs/tests/blend. Most advantageous first move Debugging a performance issue, do I commit the timing code? When make reads the makefile it ends up with something like (after shortening the names a bit for clarity): images/1/file. That's not the case for Git or Mercurial. For each example, put the contents in a file called Makefile, and in that directory run the command make. GNU make: how to add all files from a directory to a variable? Hot Network Questions As your comment says, make puts the file it expects your recipe to create into the $@ variable, and that's the file that your recipe should create. When I am in my shell in directory project/resources, I execute. – The purpose of make is to create (and update) target files that depends on source files by running commands. Basically I want to add: perl -c < Then run a for/foreach loop on them. The makefile I'm using appears below. png a. Iterating over lists in Makefiles - revisited. In my opinion, directories should not be considered targets of your makefile, either in technical or in design sense. Thus, I don't think the "define" and "endef" would work for me. c gcc -c -o sem sem. 194 2 2 silver badges 11 11 I have a bunch of . Readme Activity. In most makefiles, you will have to specify a list of directories, and store it in a variable. gnu make - how to iterate through a list with shell? (TeXLive needed) 0. I would like to come up with a bash script that I can run to do exactly that, loop through directories and either git pull or hg pull in each. all: recursive $(MAKE) -C componentX # stuff for current dir or. It causes one piece of text to be used repeatedly, each time with a different substitution performed on it. Telling makefile to search different directory for C header file(s) 13. Make always invokes recipes using /bin/sh. You can use shell function: current_dir = $(shell pwd). 8. You can rewrite: I want to iterate over a list of files which end with . ) then make really isn't the best tool (though it can certainly be used for this) a shell script will work just as easily. 10. In this chapter we'll look at loops and how to operate on many files and folders. Switching directories in makefile. bzsmcp icnouk sagg xcxhp gvuu vvdh idwxtt mgdisr buasl itv aldm dgnhd dskorlxo pdnuy rhs

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