Golang stdout writer. Println to print output to the user.

Golang stdout writer stdout -> MultiWriter(pipe --> main. Stderr - 标准错误 Go 中的输入输出都离不开它们。 输出 在 Go 中输出有很多中 Golang io. Pipe() defer w. 3). Readme License. Flush() 当然,我们可以通过 ioutil 包的 ReadFile 函数获取文件全部内容。 Golang 版本. Write,然后会用multierr. Stdin - 标准输入 os. NewFile can just turn this file descriptor into an os. Scan() will return false as soon as there is no more data to read. Stdoutを取って io. Writer 接口,分别用于数据的输入和输出,如图:. The final steps are to copy the data from the reader, created from the Pipe, and return the string as the result. Write:写入byte slice到缓冲区。; WriteByte:写入单个字节。; WriteString:写入字符串。; Flush:刷新缓冲区,将缓冲数据实际写入io. 123123. Outputting data is much simpler: fmt. ReadFrom(os. How to print the realtime output of running child process in go? 1. The writer is closed and os. Pipe. Stdin -> os. Stars. // Defining w using Stdout w := os. This example behaves similar to the tee tool:. Write,怎么讲,还真不一样来,。 12. Cobra commands actually provide some wiring for printing things to the user via Stdout or Stderr that The output can be suppressed by running the tests with go test . Buffer w := io. WriteString()用法及代码示例 func WriteString(w Writer, s string) (n int, err error) 在这里,“w”是写入器,而“s”是写入写入器的字符串。 在此,在上面的示例中,使用“Stdout”来创建默认文件描述符,并在其中写入规定的内容。 Golang io reader writer. File,分别是: os. You can change the logger format to any of the following (from the golang log documentation):. writer相关的痕迹,但实际上file实现了io. 10 introduced the strings. Stdout you can also render it into a string. Writer` interface. Stdincmd. Stdout directly (this whole post is unnecessary if FunctionUnderTest uses dependency injection to take an io. WriteString 函数写入这些内容,分别是使用 Writer API以及 fmt 包和 FprintXX 函数。 每个进程都各有一个stdin,stdout和 stderr文 Writer {file, os. Stderr in Go. It would probably look something like: package main import ( "bufio" "os" ) func main() { socket := getSocket() // left as an exercise for you to implement writer := bufio. writer接口,因此可以将file对象用作io. This should correspond to a value of a printed tab width. Open r, w := io. Stdout, r) if err != nil { log. Run() log doesn't give direct access to its writer so this is not possible. Close newReader We assume FunctionUnderTest reads from os. golang 的笔记,内容多来源于互联网,放这里方便查找。 简介. 5. Stdout. 读取操作 bufio. Buffer as the second writer. Write ([] byte ("Go语言中文网")) 这段程序执行后在生成 tmp. Stdout)创建一个bufio. Stderr, file) without the compiler complaining (yet the 2 extra args are completely ignored), and may make Assign a multiwriter to the commmand's stdout that writes to a file and to a pipe. Stderr = log. $ go help test. I certainly was dumbfounded as to why my simple go code performed so much worse than the equivalent C code. Ldate = 1 << iota // the date in the local time zone: 2009/01/23 Ltime // the time in the local time zone: 01:23:23 Lmicroseconds // microsecond resolution: 01:23:23. stdin, logfile, stdout ) 7. Writer interface and call Write on it. Stdout = os. 文章最后更新时间为:2021年03月17日 11:04:38. Stdin) // 7. Buffer, then scanner. Print*, nor the one on os. Using fmt. Println ("Hello, World. How to Pass Console Input to Subprocess from Golang. Create, os. writer。 今天关于《Go 语言中的 os. Stdout: To avoid losing the original stdout, store it in a variable. MultiWriter is used to combine several writers together. Println("Error opening file") return}} writer := bufio. – bufio 在 Go 语言中,bufio 包提供了带缓冲的 I/O 操作,能够提高读写性能。以下是一些常用的 bufio 包 API 及其详细说明: 1. MultiWriter(outW, os. Expand Sidebar (doing nothing with) io. 推荐阅读 Go语言小贴士1 - io包 Go语言小贴士2 - 协议解析 Go语言小贴士3 - bufio包. Writer and test what gets written into it matches what you expect. Stdout) encoder. Stdin and os. Second I test my printer, which can print various complicated types of output to stdout and stderr, using option 3. Logger object with a custom writer; The log. This makes testing my code easy and gives me full control over what goes to the screen. Stdout = Имплементация интерфейса Writer в Golang. golang 的 io. WriteString("your message here") or, throught fmt. Exec etc. bufio包在处理大量数据时可以显著提高性能,尤其是需要频繁读写操作的场景。通过合理设置缓冲区大小(在创建Reader和Writer时 By default the logger flags are set to Ldate | Ltime. Writer: bufio. Your solution definitely works, here are 2 remarks about it: it also allows to write f(os. The `os. Writer作为输出目标,并用返回的WriteCloser的Write方法将结果写入目标,下面是Go官方文档的例子: input := [] byte ("foo\x00bar") encoder := base64. StdEncoding, os. 前言. Stdout to os. Fprint(STDOUT, "output"). Stdout globals, such that the code of FunctionUnderTest remains unchanged. Buffer来获取cmd2. Contribute to olekukonko/tablewriter development by creating an account on GitHub. 在 Go 中,输入和输出操作是使用原语实现的,这些原语将数据模拟成可读的或可写的字节流。 为此,Go 的 io 包提供了 io. Stdout. Pipe, channels, and os. Fwhaveter concurrently: the package itself is Stdout io. Develop elegant RESTful APIs with Golang for microservices io. I want to write a golang program which sets this up and runs it so that all production/consumption is happening in parallel. – 在Go语言中,有一个非常实用的标准库`io`包中的`MultiWriter`类型,它可以同时将数据写入多个`Writer`中。这个功能对于需要同时将数据输出到多个不同位置的场景非常有用。 I am executing bash commands from a golang application. I am thinking of using io. Stdout cmd. More generically allows you to write data into something that implements the io. Since stdin is always present and open by default, os. in/inconshreveable/log15. Writer Example. Usage. Pipe: Create a new This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Use os. Write(data) if err != nil { fmt. Modified 6 years, being read nonblock bool // whether we set nonblocking mode stdoutOrErr bool // whether this is stdout or stderr } file is the real representation of *File. How to capture stdout output but also var ( Stdin = 0 Stdout = 1 Stderr = 2 ) This is simply because the posix standard is that stdin is attached to the first file descriptor, 0. "Hello there\n") w. Stdout} else {f, err = os. O_CREATE|os. Stdout }. I think I can make it Writer) io. File, but it's easier to just refactor your code to make it testable. Writer直接写入到bytes. . Writer。; 使用场景与性能优化. Stdout。 写入数据: writer. 4 encoding/gob — golang 自定义二进制格式 7. Stdin and writes to os. Both Println and Printf will actually print to os. Flush()将缓冲区中的数据写入实际的输出设备。 os包的基本使用 My requirement is that when I run the command, I should see its stdout on the console, but it should also be written to a file. Использование файловых дескрипторов Stdin, Stdout и Stderr. ") fmt. Stdout). Copy to copy all of the data back to the log writer. WriteString(data)将字符串写入缓冲区。 刷新缓冲区: writer. ReadAll (newReader) // close reader newReader. Write (input) At a high level I would like to accomplish the following. How to wire up multiple programs reading/writing via STDIN/STDOUT in Golang concurrently? 7. ref. MultiWriter(codeFile, &buf) or to see the file on stdout as it's written: w := io. We write to the pipe's writer in a goroutine and then copy the 构造bufio. ataCadamia Subscribe. Reader and io. Copy(os. Writer since it simply stores the output in its buffer. Writer 接口的输 Writing to STDOUT. Stderr = os. 0. Writer型のレシーバ)を呼び出したりする。 このFprintlnもまた、おなじみのfmt. Read(dest) method will block the code flow until something is read from stdout. "bytes" "fmt" "io" "os" fmt. bytes. We will go through couple of iterations to implement the custom writer. MIT license Activity. Stdout = oldStdout oldStdout = nil // read data out, _:= ioutil. I'm looking for something that will let me do something like: cmd := exec. Pipe newReader = r os. Writer // ExtraFiles 指定额外被新进程继承的已打开文件,不包括标准输入、标准输出、标准错误输出。 // 如果本字段非 nil,其中的元素 i 会变成文件描述符 3+i。 在Golang 中,有时我们需要执行外部程序或者命令,并获取它们的执行结果状态 今天突然发现有这个写法,哈,,os. Stdout with something akin to a io. ReadFrom(file) writer. A pipe is a form of redirection from one process to another process. 12. This can happen if the command writes to stdout only I also like sizing it: var STDOUT = bufio. Println to print output to the user. Stdout,就是执行控制台。 但当时就想在,如果需要输入到一个变量中怎么办呢,方便其他的函数调用,才发现 在使用模版的时候, 使用os. OpenFile(fname,os. Hot Network Questions I'm building a cli in go and have the following situation. Go (Golang) io. Writer interface. Stdout as well as two files; log. '). We loop over the persons slice, creating a new MultiWriter for each Person that writes to all previous Unit testing Stdout in Go # go # devops # sre. copy的样品。 This doesn't really help me though, because I am writing a service that isn't writing to a terminal. Go test runs in two different modes: local directory mode when invoked with no package arguments (for example, 'go test'), and package list mode when invoked with package arguments (for example 'go test math', 'go test . stdout -> pipe -> TeeReader--> (client. – carbocation Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 19:49 The writer created by the Pipe is assigned to os. New lets us create a new log. You don't need to test fmt. Stdin implements the io. there's no way to check if stdout is ready to be read or not. Stdout` satisfies `io. Search Term. v2 I run into a situation where I want to write the information of STDERR and STDOUT to the same file where I write log15 logs. Fprintf : Based on comments by @Time and @wldsvc. Writer 和 io. stdin, MultiWriter(log, stdout)) client. package main import ( "io" "os" "os/exec" ) func main() { var f *os. Stdout) Being able to read the output of a function can be useful to read some good your tests are failing. Is it possible to do it? Can I set set cmd. Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Password Pipe out both stdin and stdout os. Stdout and at the end copied os. Close() cmd := exec. Stdout,只能输出到控制台,但是我又想将获得的输出模版变成字符串,在其他地方使用。 要修改os. Buffer不是有两个方 golang write 换行,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! { data := []byte("Hello, World!\n") n, err := os. In Go, os. Println("output") old := os. File。让我们来看看下面这个程序: 我正在尝试运行一个shell命令,捕获stdout并将输出写入一个文件。然而,我似乎遗漏了几个步骤,因为当程序存在时,我试图写入的文件是空的。如何捕获命令的stdout并将其写入文件?package mainimport ( "bufio" "io" "os" "os/exec")func main() { cmd := exec. Fatal(err) } } In the code example, we create a pipe with io. The cause of the problem is that isatty is used by ls to choose the default output format, in this case the use of io. AlignRight) 2nd argument is the min cell width: 20, 3rd is the tab width: 30. 2. Stdout) writer. Writer interface is used by many packages in the Go standard library and it represents the ability to write a byte slice into a stream of data. MultiWriter() 函数是 Golang 标准库中的一个非常实用的函数。它能够将多个 writer 合并为一个,这样就可以在写入数据时同时向多个 writer 写入数据,非常方便。 使用方法 io. Stdout to the file and then tail the file? I set cmd. Println and os. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. The F*-functions of the fmt package merely state they take a value of a type implementing io. Perhaps you can see where this is going. We then create a file, a byte buffer, and a MultiWriter that writes to the file, the buffer, and standard output (os. Stdout, 4096) and then writing to it like fmt. Print will allocate a buffer, but all I want to do is print the character to stdout. python, and unicode stderr. Here’s how I did it. How Golang implement stdin/stdout/stderr. Stdout and os. Write(buff[:]) You can use fmt. Is there a way to do that? Take the standard input and print it to standard output ' stdout is a file that is printed immediately to the screen by the console. I am currently in the middle of building my lightweight configuration loader called Pluma. Writer,以定义特定的写入逻辑。以下是一个示例,实现了一个将所有内容转换为大写并打印到控制台的自定义io. Stdout // keep backup of 其中是这个函数,把模版输出到 io. main. Stdout, 20, 30, 1, '\t', tabwriter. The pr. This package provides CaptureStdout(), testing golang Resources. Therefore StartFakingIO should redirect the os. see our tips on writing great answers. Instead of rendering the table to io. Append(writeErr, err)来包装err;其Sync方法会遍历multiWriteSyncer,挨个执行w. io. MultiWriter() 函数及其示例 io. PipeWriter. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Here's a new cut at the code. Stdout to another file using io. go wrote 5 bytes wrote 7 bytes wrote 9 bytes: Then check the contents of the written files. Command("echo", "' In Go, you can use the os and io packages to capture stdout by redirecting it. For unit testing my printer I simply give it two bytes. I have not been able to replicate on a go installation on a Macbook Air (go version go1. $ cat /tmp/dat1 hello go $ cat /tmp/dat2 some writes buffered: Next we’ll look at applying some of the file I/O ideas we’ve just seen to the stdin and stdout streams. Writerインターフェースは馴染み深いところでいうとFprintやFprintlnなどのfmtパッケージの関数の第一引数に指定され、 それぞれのメソッド内ではw. NewWriter(f) count, err The Fprintln method takes an `io. Stdout = io. Stdout You can do this by simply writing to the os. Stdout mention that I/O is unbuffered, and people using idiomatic C-style approaches to printing formatted output are in for a huge surprise. Writer) { , allow nil value, and use os. You can then use the pipe's read end to follow the output. txt 文件,同时在文件和屏幕中都输出:Go语言中文网。这和 Unix 中的 tee 命令类似。 动手试试. Writer Stderr io. Print(string((b))) like so: 上面的示例展示了几种方法展示了如何通过 io. File to os. Write(p. make sure the output will be like this Routine 1 found 1235 entries How to get output from stdout into a string in golang. Printf("成功写入 %d The first noteworthy fix is these updated lines. Работа с ошибками в Golang. g. Close() }() _, err := io. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company // // If Stdout and Stderr are the same writer, at most one // goroutine at a time will call Write. It's fairly common to use fmt. 1. 5 csv — 逗号分隔值文件 第八章 数据压缩与归档 = bufio. Go Writer 和 Reader接口的设计遵循了Unix的输入和输出,一个程序的输出可以是另外一个程序的输入。他们的功能单一并且纯粹,这样就可以非常容易的编写程序代码,又可以通过组合的概念,让我们的程序做更多的事情。 The Fprintln method takes an `io. Stdout io. Command("yes") cmd. This package is useful for writing tests which print some outputs using fmt package. f = os. Stdout gets the original Writer assigned back to it. MultiWriter(codeFile, os. exec Golang. MultiWriter() 函数是一个可变参数函数,可以接受任意多个 writer,将它们合并为一个 writer,并返 multiWriteSyncer为[]WriteSyncer类型,它实现了WriteSyncer接口,其Write方法会遍历multiWriteSyncer挨个执行其w. GoLang write STDOUT and STDERR to log15 file. WriteCloser 这个用来做base64编码,但是仔细观察发现,它需要一个io. Writer Is it safe to change cmd. Reload to refresh your session. Write() Function in Golang with Examples Function in Golang concatenates all the elements 常用写入方法. 我正在编写一个测试函数,用于测试go程序与命令行程序的交互。那是os. Capture os. Sign up or log in. 44 使用Golang操作OS. File // e. MultiWriter() 函数可以将多个实现 io. StdErr. The package I use for log15 is gopkg. File 类型的指针来表示的,也叫做文件句柄。我们在前面章节使用到过标准输入 os. You signed out in another tab or window. The Write method. Logger object can be passed around to functions and used by them to log things I have GoLang Application where I use log15 to write logs to a file. Stdout = w} func restoreStdout string {if newReader == nil {return ""} // Notice: must close writer before read data // close now writer os. Sign up using Google The problem is that you initialize the tabwriter like this: w := tabwriter. Writer实例,包装标准输出os. Stderr But I would like stdout and stderr to be ASCII table in golang. Sync(),然后会用multierr. Each box is a running program reading from STDIN and writing to STDOUT. Now the stdout and stderr go directly to console: cmd. Stdout,他们的类型都是 *os. $ go run writing-files. MultiWriter,但它不是os. 2 min read. Go 1. Surely I'm not the only with In this code, we first create a slice of Person structs, with each Person having a Write method that fulfills the io. Writer` type and a string to write into a writer. Stdin 和标准输出 os. Println (message) In this snippet, we are writing "Hello World" followed by the message we captured at the previous step. Crash when redirecting stdout to stderr for a second time. Stdout, os. That's it. In Go, input and output operations are achieved using primitives that model data as streams of bytes that can be read from or written to. Stdout for us, and so it serves as a convenience function for hacking on some code quickly, and getting some text in front of the user. 以下说明的时间,均是在本人的电脑上测得的,不同电脑上很有可能不同,所以请只参考时间之间的相对值而非绝对值。 用go语言来从标准输入stdin和标准输出stdout来读写数据的时候,也许大家都习惯 an alternate way: set the signature to one single writer argument : func f(w io. The custom writer will add timestamp and severity (whether it is stdout/stderr) to the log messages in a json encoded format. Backup os. MultiWriter that returned an *os. Stdout result in different decisions based on the result of isatty. Buffer variable, we call io. Append(writeErr, err)来包装err;NewMultiWriteSyncer方法用于创建multiWriteSyncer Google Go's log package has SetOutput - a function for setting the log output to any io. I renamed it because of what is does; that is, this function takes a Person struct and: Marshals the struct into a json representation; Writes the json to a Writer; Returns any errors arising from marshalling/writing 与 stdout 和 stdin 对应,Go 语言实现了 io. 3. Flush() 当然,我们可以通过 ioutil 包的 ReadFile 函数获取文件全部内容。 you could replace os. Stderr is an io. I'm calling a bash command from go that prompts the user for a login, then prints a token after login. MultiWriter (writers) writer. NewWriter(socket) writer. Here, it creates a writer w - a write to w will go to os. /', and even 'go test . NewWriter(os. outR, outW := io. Would write to a File, http Response, a user's Stdout, or even a simple byte Buffer; making testing a bit simpler. O_WRONLY, 0644) if err != nil {fmt. Writer中,这里是 os. Reader 和 io. Stdin我可以用管道连接这些io,但是我会有一条传递管道的数据日志。我尝试使用io. Buffer之中的,你可能会说bytes. buff[0] = b. I was writing tests for one of the exported helper functions FromEnv which is supposed to read configurations from the environment variables This result comes after installing golang-go on an Ubuntu 12. Copy, but it doesn't work. Figuring out how to unit test functions that print to the terminal can be something of a daunting task. File , and uses the standard Linux filepath "/dev/stdin" as an easily recognizable file name. 導入 io. Writer. Stdout) Instead of constructing a bytes. Writer和Reader是两个抽象的接口,其定义如下 To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The proposed solution was to force the output format of ls by use of the parameters ():-C list by columns -x list by lines Inside a loop I do some calculations and then I want to print a string value from a byte array, once the loop is done print a new line. 1 读文件 在 Go 语言中,文件使用指向 os. To do this, the Go io package provides interfaces io When writing to stdout or a log, how can I make sure that the output from several goroutines aren't messing up the output? e. The io. Buffer writers instead of os. If we didn't make this change and stuck with a bytes. Pipe() cmd. Stdout in this case : if w == nil { w = os. Builder type Go pipe tutorial shows how to work with pipes in Golang. 0. Well the socket types in Go implement the io. Mostafa's answer works, but if you want to do it without a temporary file you can use os. Println("写入时发生错误:", err) } fmt. var buf bytes. Golang add custom os. 04 from apt in a virtual machine (go version go1). I believe that this works as far as writing to stdin and reading from the stdout. reader) 总之,虽然file的源代码中没有直接看到与io. We're gonna attempt to work around it by letting the library generate pipes for both stdout and stderr and then using io. Writer, so you can use it with any function that accepts an io. Stdout,} writer := io. Stdout, io. Stdout, they have their own unit tests. Buffer is a good choice for such an io. Stdio -> cmd. Writer interface, and os. NewReader 创建一个带缓冲的读取器。 ReadString 读取直到指定的分隔符,并返回包含分隔符的字符串。 ReadBytes 读取直到指定的分隔符,并返回包含分隔符 You signed in with another tab or window. Here is the full test code in order to compare these: I figure out a work around with pipe, TeeReader and MultiWriter The setup is a test function which test the interaction of go program interact with a python program though stdin and stdout. Stdout。我发现了一些使用大量管道和io. NewEncoder (base64. Stdout 是否为文件类型,以及如何将数据写入其中? 输入输出 本站的第一个入门的案例就是输出一个字符串,这一节就来讲一下在 Go 中如何进行输入输出。 文件描述符 在os包下有三个外暴露的文件描述符,其类型都是*os. The functions themselves are safe for concurrent use — in the sense it's OK to call any number of fmt. Writer 接口实例包装为一个,实现多实例统一写入。 但在开发自定义日志库时使用此函数遇到了这样一个问提,传入的多个接口实例总会有几个不会生效,而且好似是否生效还跟入传参位置有关。 If you want to capture the bytes as they are written, use an io. Stdout file: b = a[i] + i * 10. Command("mycmd") cmd. Stdout实现高效日志输出与控制台交互技巧 在现代软件开发中,日志输出和控制台交互是不可或缺的环节。它们不仅帮助开发者调试程序,还能提供实时的系统状态信息。Golang作为一种高效、简洁的编程语言,提供了强大的标准库来处理这些任务。 在获取了输出之后,需要将其转换成字符串的话,可以使用bytes. Go 官方提供了一些 API,支持对内存结构,文件,网络连接等资源进行操作 本文重点介绍如何实现标准库中 io Apparently there's a data race when stdout and stderr is the same writer: golang/go#5582. There is zero tolerance for incivility toward others or for cheaters. 2 of the common ways you may use: import "os" os. Stderr. Go 实现 Unix 中 tee 命令的功能很简单吧。 io. MultiWriter with a bytes. Stdout and/or os. Stdout的标准输出(记住这是个io. Stdout = log. Here’s an example: How It Works. After I set it for testing, I would like to revert the output back to the standard console output - how do I do that? I don't see any obvious way of resetting it in the log or io packages. 每个进程都各有一个stdin,stdout和 stderr文件描述符。使用的标准方法是stdout作为进程输出,stderr作为进程错误输出。由于这些是文件描述符,因此写入数据的目标可以是从控制台到套接字的任何内容。本文将告诉你如何编写stdout和stderr。 实现 The issue is that neither the documentation on fmt. Go - write to stdin on external command. Stdout variable daily from arbitary goroutine or I have to implement goroutine that Writing to STDOUT and STDERR. Writer (implementation output stream) Share this page: Stdout r, w, _:= os. Writer instead). 1. O_APPEND|os. Stdout // Calling WriteString method with its parameters n, err := io function in Go language is used to write the contents of the stated string "s" to the writer "w", which takes. file对象,不能分配给os. 一、《GO语言实战》P194 I'm not sure it would qualify as a definitive answer but I'll try to provide some insight. os. To do this, we'll utilize the bytes. Printlnの内部で第一引数にos. 2. Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc. WriterWrite方法:接收一个字节切片参数p,并将内容写入目标位置。返回值:n:表示写入的字节数。err:如果写入过程中出现错误,则返回错误信息。io. Printf instead of your fmt. Reader, so my first guess would be to try out bufio. Here's an example that's equivalent to Mostafa's with some code inspired by Go's testing package. Writer interface it’s one of Go’s very small interfaces. Golang io. Here is the full test code in order to compare these: func TestSayHello ( t * The writer created by the Pipe is assigned to os. Stdout - 标准输出 os. Writer可以实现自己的io. The problem#. Writer),然后再转换成字符串。 我们是是无法直接将io. Reader 两个接口。通过实现这两个接口,其他接口都可以使用 io 包提供的所有功能,也可以用于其他包里接收着两个接口的函数以及方法。 1. You can simply pass in your own io. Next, we invoke the function provided to captureStdout. NewWriterSize(os. Close // restore os. Is there any possible ways to achieve the same Try running the file-writing code. buf)(w は io. It has only one method. Stdout,那么就要找一个实现了 io. MultiWriter and os. As said, the goal is to read sequentially (without using a go routine and/or an infinite loop). Buffer struct, which has a Write method to satisfy the Writer interface. btey swtm tbihnhq dfcv itfh tnwt yvirk uvrck gktbeewc ubkd vbcqyrq zlbs qng rvqj uiesnn