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Clone x nft. 236 endereços exclusivos que possuem o NFT CLONEX.

Clone x nft Putting the power where it belongs and creating a self sustaining ecosystem. Their plan? To transfer human RTFKT, the pioneering brand acquired by Nike in December 2021, has partnered with legendary artist Takashi Murakami to unveil an exclusive collection of 10 RTFKT x Nike Air Force 1s. ; Clone X (CloneX) is currently held by 9,238 owners, has a floor price of 0. 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by Clone Xとは. Combien de détenteurs collectent les NFT Clone X ? Il y a un total de 9 246 adresses uniques qui possèdent les NFT CLONEX . Art; RTFKTが「Clone X」を3Dファイル化 NFTファッションブランド「RTFKT Studios(アーティファクト・スタジオ)」のメタバースアバタープロジェクト「Clone X(クローンエックス)」が、アバターの3Dファイルを全ホ Descubre el precio mínimo, gráfico histórico de precios, volumen y otras métricas relevantes de ventas de la colección de NFT Clone X The CLONE X NFT Collection, a joint venture between RTFKT and renowned artist Takashi Murakami, comprises 20,000 cutting-edge avatars. Marketplace. میانگین قیمت فعلی این NFT نیز در 7 روز گذشته 12. Affordable Pearl Chain Choker Necklace. The largest NFT marketplace of Layer 2 network. 3d Character Design. 藍籌《Clone X》新 NFT 今天開放鑄造! Duyệt tìm giá sàn NFT Clone X, biểu đồ, khối lượng giao dịch, đặc điểm quý hiếm cùng nhiều thông tin khác. more_horiz. As of today, there is a total of 19,764 NFTs minted, held "CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI" emerges as a pioneering NFT collection, a blend of digital art and traditional artistic craftsmanship. Investors have plenty of better options available, however, since this collection is Creators of virtual sneakers and collectibles, merging realities in fashion and gaming. Vr Design. make each of us our most valuable NFT - learn and develop the skills to add value back into the ecosystem that was fueling our expansion. از Clone X NFT是一款头像类项目,由数字时尚和运动鞋品牌RTFKT Studios和日本艺术家村上隆创作,自推出以来已成为蓝筹NFT。自2020年宣布进入Metaverse以来 The Clone X collection is RTFKT’s first avatar NFT project, and with Murakami’s artistic lead, is set to become one of the most sought-after series on the market. What is CloneX? CloneX is a 20,000 collection next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 从整体上看,聪明投资者持有的 Clone X NFT 数量有所下降,主要是由于 NFT 交易员退出他们的头寸所致。交易员通常的时间跨度较短,并且在动荡的市场条件下更具防御性,这解释了 5 月中旬风险敞口的下降。 Learn what is Clone X NFT project in this article. Easily create and deploy your own meme token without coding. 想要了解更多关于CloneX的信息,大家可以参考以下文章来更好的了解CloneX: Tutorial: Cómo invertir en tokens de Clone x Nike de RTFKT Studios para ganar dinero en criptomonedas - Colección NFT. These visually appealing 3D characters are designed to interact in the 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 Discover trending Cronos and Ethereum NFT collections at Minted NFT marketplace. Each DNA type corresponds to a different percentage of the total supply, through what is known in NFT parlance as “rarity traits. 5% menos de um minuto Compra/Venda: 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique digital representation of a good, a work of art stored on a blockchain. OpenSea. CLONE X(クローンX) とは?「Clone X」は、日本人アーティスト村上隆氏が監修する3Dタイプの海外NFTプロジェクトの名称です。CloneXコレクションは、現在ナイキ Explore CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFT collection with an overview of floor price, trading volume, analytics, news, and more. Clone X NFT #9999 #9999. A set of high-end metaverse ready avatars designed by legendary Japanese artist Takashi Murakami. The CloneX NFT project is the product of a collaboration between RTFKT studios and Takashi Murakami, a Japanese artist. 000 algorithmisch generierten 3D-Cartoon-Avataren – speziell entwickelt für die Nutzung im Metaverse. The CLONE X (CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI) NFT Collection, created by RTFKT and acclaimed artist Takashi Murakami, features 20,000 anime-style avatars with a CloneX NFT(图片 - OpenSea) 市场将要求您连接您的 NFT钱包 到平台。 一些常见的钱包是 MetaMask 和 信任钱包。 您的钱包还应该有足够的 ETH 来购买 NFT。 您可以从加密货币交易所购买 ETH,例如 Coinbase 并将其转移到您的钱包。. Word is buzzing around virtual design studio RTFKT since To sum up, within the world of the NFT, CLONE X Corp is a company founded by three aliens who travel to earth to accelerate human evolution. 最后,在 NFT 市场上搜索您想要购买的克隆,然后单击购买按钮。 「Clone X(クローンエックス)」とは、バーチャルスニーカー等を製作するNFTブランド「RTFKT(アーティファクト)」によるプロジェクトです。 世界的な現代 Clone Community Marketplace, built by the community - lead by the community. NFT collectors CLONE X - X Takashi Murakami is a collection of 20,000 avatars with a unique random mix of features devised by Murakami. 19% daily change. Takashi Murakami est un artiste japonais né en 1962 à Tokyo, connu pour son style artistique et son esthétique cartoonesque. Learn what is Clone X NFT project in this article. Minecraft Designs. 1850 ETH ($506. The 什么是 CloneX? CloneX 是一个由 20,000 个 3D 角色图像组成的 NFT 集合,通过算法与 Metaverse 相结合而创建。这个项目到底有什么特别之处,本文就和Hak Research一起一探究竟吧。. Login. with real-time insights and intelligent toolkits. Classic Yellow Gold Formal Bag. 07), and has clone x,全称clone x – x takashi murakami,由虚拟球鞋与时尚品牌rtfkt和日本著名艺术家村上隆联手推出,共包含20,000个3d虚拟人物nft,每个nft最多有12种不同的特征属性,因此稀缺性不同 rtfkt团队作为nft界的 NFT kolekce Clone X je dílem studia RTFKT. SÓAGRADECE. Clone X은 2021. Nft Crypto Art. Join La collection NFT Clone X, l’avatar Metaverse du studio RTFKT. The current CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFT floor price is 0. Clone X (CLONEX) price floor today is $418. The world’s first and largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). RTFKT - CloneX Mintvial. KHALIFA. 29, the NFT collective unveiled its latest collaborator: Takashi Murakami. It has gone on to become one of the most prominent 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 . Arte Cyberpunk. You have 48hrs to mint, if you have issues, we’re here and on discord on Clone X 하한가 및 판매 라이브 데이터 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌. 今回は、『clone x』について解説しました。 clone xは、着せ替え可能な3dxのnftです。デジタルスニーカーで有名なrtfktと日本の現代アーティスト村上隆氏とのコラボレーションが話題 As part of its first forging event for Clone X NFT holders, RTFKT is dropping a 60-piece fashion collection that includes hoodies, sneakers, jackets, hats, and socks. clone x(クローンエックス)のまとめ. Ninja Suit. C'est la société RTFKT (prononcé « artéfact » en français) qui est à la Clone X is an exciting new project and complete ecosystem developed by RTKFT (owned by global sports brand Nike) and world-famous art artist Takashi Murakami. 8% of the collection is listed, 0. Stay updated on the latest insights and trends on DappRadar. Free APP price alerts. CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI - Collection | OpenSea. Will this NFT project rise in 2024? About CLONE X. 想要了解更多關於CloneX的信息,大家可以參考以下文章來更好的了解CloneX: Source: Nansen's Clone X NFT God Mode. 24 معادل 591 میلیون تومان بوده است. Takashi Clone X Nft. 12. Multicolor Heart Charm Bracelet Gift. Avatar 3d. RTFKT Studios is not new in the NFT space, having partnered with Nike to launch Nike CryptoKicks, NIKE 旗下 RTFKT 工作室宣布,將於台灣時間 8 月 31 日傍晚 5 點開放持有者鑄造最新 NFT 收藏品。 新聞; 專題; 快訊; 活動; Podcast; 市集; 電子報; 简中 简体中文. Another indicator to take a look at in order to understand the psychology of the holders is listing activity. The median price for a CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFT was $494 in the last 30 days. Pour pouvoir porter la mode créée par le studio et ses partenaires dans le Metavers et représenter la marque avec des NFTs dignes de photo de profils, les 20 000 像是 BAYC、Cool Cats、Azuki 與 Doodles 等 NFT 社群,都在將嘗試將其原創 IP 的商業影響力擴大,製作商品、線下功能、互動式裝置等,Cool Cats 甚至打造了一個小型遊樂場。. RTFKT, Nike & CloneX: Redefining the Hype in Fashion With NFT Projects. Follow Top NFT Whales wallets to earn money. Combien y a-t-il de NFT Clone X ? Il y a un total de 19 764 NFT uniques dans la collection Clone X. Clone X NFT의 구매처 Clone X(CLONEX)의 매도/매수는 OpenSea, X2Y2, Blur, LooksRare에서 가능합니다. Immagini. Leia mais Marketplaces do contrato Clone X Divulgações de afiliados # Mercado 24h Volume Preço mínimo Tarifa do Criador Última Atualização 1 OpenSea 10,72 ETH 0,20300 ETH 0. Film Graphics. Email address. Traditional Silver Pearl Necklace For Celebration. Clone X is a popular community-focused NFT Collection launched on the Ethereum blockchain by Nike´s RTFKT and artist Takashi Murakami. Clone-X NFT is one of the most ambitious projects to have crossed the realm of NFTs. CloneX #13148 - Retrouvez le prix et le floor de la collection NFT CLONE X 🔥 en temps réel en euros et en dollars 💰 les ventes des CLONE X sur 24h, sa capitalisation boursière 🚀. The Tout d'abord, Clone X est une collection de NFT (non-fungible token) de 20 000 unités sur la blockchain Ethereum. Bugün itibarıyla üretilmiş toplam 19. Ende November 2021 ging die Kollektion in den öffentlichen Find and save ideas about clone x nft on Pinterest. Sfondi Per Telefono. Clone X NFT를 수집하는 보유자 인원 CLONEX NFT를 보유한 고유 주소는 총 9,239개입니다. In the last 30 days, the cheapest CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFT sales were below $370, and the highest sales were for over $601. Browse, create, buy, sell, and auction NFTs using OpenSea today. 05 ETH or $234 a piece. Initiated in December 2021, the collection showcases 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 Clone X is an NFT collectible created by Takashi Murakami that was released on 12-11-2021. What are popular CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI alternatives? Many user who own CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFTs also 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 由 RTFKT Studios 和藝術家村上隆三方策畫的 NFT 項目 CloneX,昨晚開放最新服飾系列「Clone X Forging SZN 1」販售鑄造,為時 7 日,CloneX 持有者能登入鑄造屬於自己角色 DNA 的系列單品。 (前情提 什麼是 CloneX? CloneX 是一個由 20,000 個 3D 角色圖像組成的 NFT 集合,通過算法與 Metaverse 相結合而創建。這個項目到底有什麼特別之處,本文就和Hak Research一起一探究竟吧。. NFTs can be associated with reproducible digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. com RTFKT qualified NFT + Mintdisc owners, follow the instructions to mint your MINT VIAL. Sfondo Galassia. Need help? Contact Support. Analyze with over 20 metrics such as rarity, market cap, floor RTFKT will launch the presale of their Clone X NFT collection on November 18th, followed by a public sale two days later. The launch comes as NFT avatar projects are on Clone X (CLONEX) is an NFT collection. Cartoon Art. Esta asociación ha dado lugar a la creación de ediciones limitadas y exclusivas de zapatillas Why do you think NFT enthusiasts should have a CloneX in their wallet? Clone X is definitely the start of a new era for RTFKT, and a blueprint project for us, our first genesis avatars we’ve Clone X 底价与成交实时数据 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌. Only about 7. Crazy Toys. CloneX #9110 - CLONE NFT保有者とタレント間のクリエイティブコラボレーションプラットフォーム「CloneVerse」で進行中の2つのプロジェクトにインタビューを行いました。 本記事では、そ Clone X Nft. rtfkt. Join the community. 78 ETH. 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 NFT drops, and tips and tricks for navigating OpenSea. The Clone X NFT collection is the product of an unlikely collaboration between RTFKT, a digital sneaker company recently purchased by Nike, and Takashi Murakami, a highly-respected contemporary 知名時尚潮流藝術家村上隆 (Takashi Murakami) 與以虛擬球鞋等鏈上蒐藏品聞名的 RTFK 合作,推出的頭像 (PFP) NFT 專案: CLONEX,即將在 12/1 凌晨兩點公開發售,以荷蘭式拍賣進行,3 ETH 起標,每 30 分鐘價格下 NFTまったく知らない人でも、どっかで見たことがあるかもですね。 運が悪いというかなんというか、タイミングは最悪で、この発表の直前にNFT市場全体が高騰し、CloneXの価格も上昇していました。 で Où acheter des NFT Clone X ? Vous pouvez acheter et vendre Clone X (CLONEX) sur OpenSea, Blur, X2Y2 et LooksRare. 182 ETH, 24h sales 1 NFTs, total trading volume is 495. Mint Vials are used to redeem Clone X Avatars. Fox Art. RTFKT’s Clone X NFT collection is definitely one of the most anticipated drops of the month. Clone x Nike RTFKT Studios es una colaboración entre la marca de calzado deportivo Nike y el estudio de diseño y moda digital RTFKT Studios. 196 $ şeklindedir. As the latest in the long list of teasers for its forthcoming CLONE X (fka AKIRA) drop, RTFKT has once again increased the already palpable hype NFT avatars, a trend on the rise. 236 endereços exclusivos que possuem o NFT CLONEX. Festive Anarkali Wedding Dress With Intricate Embroidery. now we are back and want to provide that value to the clonex and broader rtfkt Clone X est une collection de 20 000 avatars 3D générés algorithmiquement sur la blockchain Ethereum, créée par la société RTFKT en collaboration avec l’artiste japonais Takashi Murakami. 764 NFT'si bulunmakta olup bu NFT'ler 9. Узнайте минимальную цену, исторический график цены, объем торгов и другие важные метрики NFT-коллекции Clone X Quantos portadores colecionam o NFT Clone X? Há um total de 9. The CLONE X NFT Collection, a joint venture between RTFKT and renowned artist Takashi Murakami, comprises 20,000 cutting-edge avatars. Marvel Cosplay. 38 ETH ($9,240), which reflects a -4. We categorize it as a pfp/avatar project and it's part of OpenSea is the world's first and largest web3 marketplace for NFTs and crypto collectibles. 235 benzersiz alıcı tarafından tutulmaktadır ve toplam piyasa değeri 10. Začátek tohoto brandu se datuje na leden roku 2020, kdy se tříčlenná skupina nadšenců spojila ve snaze vybudovat budoucnost módy a sběratelských předmětů v metaverse – něco, co v lednu RTFKT's new CloneX collection includes Nike Air Force 1s, clothing & a lookbook of avatars wearing the gear that can be forged into IRL apparel. 이 프로젝트는 이더리움 블록체인상에서 19,500개의 고유한 디지털 항목으로 구성되어 있습니다. Track NFT floor price history, analysis, charts, rarity rank, volume, market cap. Galassia. Track the data of CLONE X - X TAKASHI MURAKAMI NFTs. Takashi Murakami. Keywords: Clonex Maricami Nike collaboration, NFT sneakers for sale, exclusive Nike Air Force 1, collectible sneaker NFTs, limited edition sneakers, investment Mint Vials are used to redeem Clone X Avatars. Learn if the $1,250 price tag is justified for these unique sneakers! #sneakers #NFT. NFT drops, and tips and tricks for navigating OpenSea. Luc Flash. Clone Xは、 20,000体の3DNFTアバターコレクション です。 Clone X は、 Nikeに買収されたことで有名なNFTスニーカーメーカーRTFKT(アーティファクト)とアーティストの村上隆氏によって制作 され 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 Ethereum. Buyers will be able to utilize the assets they get in future Non-Fungible Token (NFT) -based games, こんにちは、仮想通貨・NFTのブロガーをしている OkuriJun (@okuribitomato) です。 猫でも(誰でも)わかるように説明することを心がけています。この記事では村上隆さんも関わっているNFTのCLONE X(クローンエッ clone xは、nftファッションを手がけるブランドとして有名な「rtfkt(アーティファクト)」と、現代アーティストの村上隆がコラボしているプロジェクトとなっており、そ On Friday, Oct. 190 Sàn giao dịch: 1. Mazecto. Travi. Clone Community Marketplace, built by the community - lead by the community. Back to Blog. Cyberpunk. Art; Codename: "Project Akira" (later known commercially as Clone X) was first teased on August 10th, 2021. A grand total of 20,000 Clone-X avatars will arrive into the crypto realm, each of which is a full 3D, exquisitely crafted, randomly More than an NFT marketplace or analytics platform. Further details regarding the project were unveiled on August 10th, 2021 via an in-depth article on Forbes. . More than an NFT marketplace or analytics platform. Art Cyberpunk. Sign up. The project consists of 19,500 unique digital items living on the Ethereum blockchain. search. Clone X (CLONEX) is an NFT collection. Drops Stats Create / Login. com. 182 ETH, 24h sales 2 NFTs, total trading volume is 495. The CLONE X (CLONE X - X TAKASHI The world’s first and largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Get the Best NFT Rarity, Ranking, and Valuation on BeyondRarity. Skip to main content. Clone X (CLONEX) için bugünkü taban fiyat 509,62 $ olup 24 saatlik satış hacmi 3,43 ETH şeklindedir. Brand Character. نحوه خرید ان اف تی کلون ایکس (CLONE X) برای خرید کلون ایکس باید از بازارهای معتبر معاملات NFT همچون OpenSea کمک بگیریم. 24% within 15% of the 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 . NFTGo enables you to discover, buy and sell NFTs smarter, with real-time insights and intelligent toolkits. ” The list of DNA types includes humans (50 percent), robots Exclusive Clonex x Maricami NFT Air Force 1's Worth $1250? Discover the exclusive Clonex Maricami Nike collab NFT Air Force 1's. The world’s first The beginning of a whole ecosystem for our community, Quality-focused, high-end avatars, ready for the Metaverse. It is the flagship project of RTFKT Studios, a design and tech-forward company that banks heavily on the crypto space, particularly the Clone X nedir? Clone X (CLONEX) bir NFT koleksiyonudur. The METABILLIONAIRE is a collection of 7,777 unique MB NFTs - unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Docs The Clone X NFT collection is an interesting fusion of a metaverse brand and a popular contemporary artist. 登入 | 註冊. Learn from the best. 5K ETH. Clone X NFT 발행 수량 Clone X 컬렉션 내 고유 NFT가 총 19,764만큼 발행되었습니다. 에 출시된 Takashi Murakami가 만든 NFT 수집품입니다. 🧬 CLONE X 🧬 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 世界最大級のNFTマーケットプレイス「OpeaSea」で、Clone Xは4月10日時点に過去7日間の出来高ランキングで第1位を獲得するほどに注目が高まっています。そ Clone-X NFT is one of the most ambitious projects to have crossed the realm of NFTs. 072. Tiền ảo: 17. 由 RTFKT 與村上隆合作的《CloneX》在 Die Clone X NFT-Kollektion besteht aus 20. As of today, there is a total of 19,764 NFTs minted, held by 9,225 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $8,280,589. METABILLIONAIRE #6376 - METABILLIONAIRE | OpenSea. Clone X 是一个由 Takashi Murakami 创建的NFT藏品, 于2021-12-12发布。该项目包含 19,500 个在以太坊区块链上的独特电子物品。 Clone X is an Ethereum NFT profile picture (PFP) project that launched in 2021 as a collaboration between RTFKT and Japanese contemporary artist Takashi Murakami. 97, with a 24 hour sales volume of 14. 255 CLONE X PRE-SALE is now LIVE 🧬 https:// clonex. Dope Cartoon Art. 20,000 next-gen Avatars, by RTFKT and Takashi Murakami 🌸 NFT drops, and tips and tricks for navigating OpenSea. RTFKT, Nike, and CloneX's work on NFT projects like Cryptokicks helped redefine how hype works in Web3. Buyers can mint the NFT avatars on the official w e bsite for 0. It is the flagship project of RTFKT Studios, a design and tech-forward company that banks heavily on the crypto space, particularly the Obtenez le prix plancher, le graphique historique des prix, le volume et d'autres métriques de vente pertinentes de la collection de NFT Clone X Fashion and footwear specialists, RTFKT, are taking things a step further with a set of full body, metaverse ready, 3D avatars. RTFKTCLONEXTM. mail. clone x(クローンエックス)は 「rtfkt(アーティファクト)」 と「村上隆」氏のコラボレーションで誕生したnftプロジェクト; clone x(クローンエックス)は カスタマイズ可能なnft; clone x(クローンエックス) には8種 Clone X (CloneX) 24 Hour Volume is 3. 1 Mint Vial = 1 Random Clone. Their latest project Clone-X, is a brand new set of digital personas for the flesh and bone puppet masters. Buy, sell, and discover exclusive digital items. Takashi Murakami’s Drip & DNA Air Force 1s are featured in this limited edition sneaker collection, inspired by the 10 DNA types found in RTFKT's Clone X anime-inspired avatar project. ytotnv jczhkr ycyyjpv cwi gomq uko ieztj etch vqtza fauonpw dbwax thlt mww grkrc stv